Hockey is the one sport that just does not translate to TV well at all.
I disagree. Baseball and Golf are worse. Every sport is definitely better live, but there is more to baseball, than just the pitcher, catcher and batter on every pitch. How big is the runners leads at first? Where is the shortstop playing? how is the outfield positioned?
Likewise, you really can't appreciate how good these golfers are today unless you see the contours of the course for yourself. I used to hate watching golf on TV, until I was there live and walked a professional course.
Secondly, and sense of urgency in the voice of a hockey announcer as well as their knowledge of the game closes the gap in translation between live and TV. Doc Emerich's presentation (NBC's #1 hockey announcer) is second to none in this age. Jack Edwards (Bruins) is also very good, but no one will every beat Fred Cusack who used to do the Bruins games on TV38 in the 80's-early 90's (He was there in the 70's but that was before my time as a sports fan). Kenny Albert is terrible in my opinion.