One more useless Holy Cross rexap | The Boneyard

One more useless Holy Cross rexap

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Feb 3, 2012
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Was at the stadium for the game and just watched the DVR replay this morning.

There isn’t much point to this belated assessment other than to organize some thoughts.

1) Despite how by the of the 3rd qtr of the game HC was dominating all phases, we still had a chance to win this damn thing. And I think we would have won had we played Steven Krajewski or just about anyone else. I realize this is hardly a revelation. Jack Zergiotis has too many shortcomings that we can all see so no reason to list.
2) Amazing and alarming how HC dominated the LOS on O and D. And it really showed in the middle of the second 1/2 when they took over. On D we are weakest up the middle if you can seal off Travis as he tires late in the game. On O we just couldn’t block anyone, even when HC sent three or four guys we had no ability to hold blocks. Atrocious. It’s suppose to work they other way, we as the FBS program wears them down.
3) Shocking how our WR unit really wore down as well. Not much separation in the second 1/2 making HC DBs look like P5 guys…everyone of them.
4) Our running game needs more quick to the hole stuff and less OL pulling stuff. Sometimes our RBs didn’t seem to run to the designed lane. None of this should matter however as we should have been able to just steam roll when playing FCS.
5) Desperately need to get more pass plays to the TEs which seemed to work well when we did.
6) As others have noted, our LBs are really safeties and our safeties are too small/light. They are better than the prior three seasons, but it’s still short of what is needed.
7) We need to get Bell some help at corner. Conversely Jack Zergiotis should learn from how HC QBs made deep sideline throws … put air under the ball!
8) I don’t understand our kick off game, HC kicked into the EZ for touchbacks, we were unable to do the same, not even close.
9) Overall, at every phase of the game we were out played in the 4th qtr. We were the team worn down. And yet, we still had a chance and could have made it happen with just about any QB in my opinion.

Lastly, I would put Guifre back to 100% on OL duty and take the OC job on his plate. This OL needs a ton of coaching. Hand the OC job to Aaron Smith.

On D, we need to add Corner blitzes to shake it up… HC was very successful doing it to us.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
Pretty accurate. One thing kicking short on kick offs actually kept HC from getting out to the 25. That is why they started fair catching the ball when it was short of the end on KOs.
Aug 26, 2011
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Pretty good summary. When I saw HC dominated us on both OL and DL, I knew we were coast for the game and probably rest of the season. I have no idea what Edsall and his staff been doing last couple of years, thats one area I expected Uconn to improve greatly. The fact we got dominated by FCS team late in the 3rd and 4th quarter is simply mind-boggling and unacceptable.

Just so happy there is an end date for Edsall 2.0 failed experiment.
Aug 28, 2017
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.
Aug 29, 2015
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Lastly, I would put Guifre back to 100% on OL duty and take the OC job on his plate. This OL needs a ton of coaching. Hand the OC job to Aaron Smith.
Someone said moyseenko is calling plays so he should have plenty of time to be working with the OL
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.
stop. We were beating FCS championship type teams when we had losing seasons. This is the worst we have ever been.
Aug 30, 2011
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Remember seeing Morrison playing against the slot. Playing 4-2 in the box? They were playing eight? on O.
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction Score
Was at the stadium for the game and just watched the DVR replay this morning.

There isn’t much point to this belated assessment other than to organize some thoughts.

1) Despite how by the of the 3rd qtr of the game HC was dominating all phases, we still had a chance to win this damn thing. And I think we would have won had we played Steven Krajewski or just about anyone else. I realize this is hardly a revelation. Jack Zergiotis has too many shortcomings that we can all see so no reason to list.
2) Amazing and alarming how HC dominated the LOS on O and D. And it really showed in the middle of the second 1/2 when they took over. On D we are weakest up the middle if you can seal off Travis as he tires late in the game. On O we just couldn’t block anyone, even when HC sent three or four guys we had no ability to hold blocks. Atrocious. It’s suppose to work they other way, we as the FBS program wears them down.
3) Shocking how our WR unit really wore down as well. Not much separation in the second 1/2 making HC DBs look like P5 guys…everyone of them.
4) Our running game needs more quick to the hole stuff and less OL pulling stuff. Sometimes our RBs didn’t seem to run to the designed lane. None of this should matter however as we should have been able to just steam roll when playing FCS.
5) Desperately need to get more pass plays to the TEs which seemed to work well when we did.
6) As others have noted, our LBs are really safeties and our safeties are too small/light. They are better than the prior three seasons, but it’s still short of what is needed.
7) We need to get Bell some help at corner. Conversely Jack Zergiotis should learn from how HC QBs made deep sideline throws … put air under the ball!
8) I don’t understand our kick off game, HC kicked into the EZ for touchbacks, we were unable to do the same, not even close.
9) Overall, at every phase of the game we were out played in the 4th qtr. We were the team worn down. And yet, we still had a chance and could have made it happen with just about any QB in my opinion.

Lastly, I would put Guifre back to 100% on OL duty and take the OC job on his plate. This OL needs a ton of coaching. Hand the OC job to Aaron Smith.

On D, we need to add Corner blitzes to shake it up… HC was very successful doing it to us.
Yes, but UConn players have big biceps
Sep 11, 2011
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When Edsall returned I was certain that at the very we would immediately be able to win comfortably against FCS squads. Instead we squeaked out 3 nail-biters his first 3 years versus FCS teams and finally, 5 years into RE2, lost to one.

Against HC it took us three attempts from the 2 yard line to get into the end zone. It should have taken 1, 2 at the most. We just haven't been getting better, despite the fact that the roster has improved. This year's team has regressed from where it was in 2019.
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction Score
stop. We were beating FCS championship type teams when we had losing seasons. This is the worst we have ever been.
Were you the guy that would fly in from Germany once in awhile to catch a game?


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.
UConn basically fired it's coach after losing to your team. The loss was more about UConn sucking than the greatness of HC.

Holy Cross is a fine FCS program and you have proven yourself to be Holy Cross Superfan #1. Now isn't it time for you to visit the message board of Holy Cross's next week opponent?


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Was at the stadium for the game and just watched the DVR replay this morning.

There isn’t much point to this belated assessment other than to organize some thoughts.

1) Despite how by the of the 3rd qtr of the game HC was dominating all phases, we still had a chance to win this damn thing. And I think we would have won had we played Steven Krajewski or just about anyone else. I realize this is hardly a revelation. Jack Zergiotis has too many shortcomings that we can all see so no reason to list.
2) Amazing and alarming how HC dominated the LOS on O and D. And it really showed in the middle of the second 1/2 when they took over. On D we are weakest up the middle if you can seal off Travis as he tires late in the game. On O we just couldn’t block anyone, even when HC sent three or four guys we had no ability to hold blocks. Atrocious. It’s suppose to work they other way, we as the FBS program wears them down.
3) Shocking how our WR unit really wore down as well. Not much separation in the second 1/2 making HC DBs look like P5 guys…everyone of them.
4) Our running game needs more quick to the hole stuff and less OL pulling stuff. Sometimes our RBs didn’t seem to run to the designed lane. None of this should matter however as we should have been able to just steam roll when playing FCS.
5) Desperately need to get more pass plays to the TEs which seemed to work well when we did.
6) As others have noted, our LBs are really safeties and our safeties are too small/light. They are better than the prior three seasons, but it’s still short of what is needed.
7) We need to get Bell some help at corner. Conversely Jack Zergiotis should learn from how HC QBs made deep sideline throws … put air under the ball!
8) I don’t understand our kick off game, HC kicked into the EZ for touchbacks, we were unable to do the same, not even close.
9) Overall, at every phase of the game we were out played in the 4th qtr. We were the team worn down. And yet, we still had a chance and could have made it happen with just about any QB in my opinion.

Lastly, I would put Guifre back to 100% on OL duty and take the OC job on his plate. This OL needs a ton of coaching. Hand the OC job to Aaron Smith.

On D, we need to add Corner blitzes to shake it up… HC was very successful doing it to us.
You are correct in most parts here- in no particular order:

In defense of the kicking game - we were trying to bait them into returning the kick. They stopped after a while and fair caught the ball. The big exception was when we were sent back 15 yards.

Bell plays with no confidence or swagger - he can't be alone on an island out there. We weren't physically worn down - we are mentally worn down. Over the last 4 years, when we gave up a big play that didn't go for 6, we usually did on the next play. That hasn't been washed out of our defensive DNA. The play after the qb run, td. It has been a glaring pattern for years- that is mental and leadership from the players.

Carter appeared to be livelier and better at picking up the holes but we went back to Mensah for the 4th qtr. Finally, without Drayton or Ross, we start to get exposed at WR. Gill could be good in the open, but he is too little in tight spots and an inaccurate QB made it worse. It is incumbent on the OC to find mismatches and create them- even overloads or counter designs. This staff can't do that and that is a big reason why we will have a new coach and staff next year.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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Random comment on watching the game...the announcing crew on CBSSN was really good. The color guy had a good comment about our DBs...they were playing press corner but they weren't jamming well at the line. So... basically they didn't disrupt the route and they are playing with their back to the ball. He said they might as well just play off their man and have more of a chance.

My least favorite part of RE 2.0 was the corner play. They never made a play on the ball. If a QB had the ability to accurately throw deep, he could complete it every time because the db is basically an escort whose only role was to tackle the wr after the catch.
Sep 2, 2016
Reaction Score
Random comment on watching the game...the announcing crew on CBSSN was really good. The color guy had a good comment about our DBs...they were playing press corner but they weren't jamming well at the line. So... basically they didn't disrupt the route and they are playing with their back to the ball. He said they might as well just play off their man and have more of a chance.

My least favorite part of RE 2.0 was the corner play. They never made a play on the ball. If a QB had the ability to accurately throw deep, he could complete it every time because the db is basically an escort whose only role was to tackle the wr after the catch.
I'll just second the comment about the announcers, enjoyed the color commentary.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.

And just to show you I’m not trying to be a dick. I wouldn’t mind having Holy Cross as a more regular FCS opponent. College football shouldn’t be about getting on a plane every weekend.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Was at the stadium for the game and just watched the DVR replay this morning.

There isn’t much point to this belated assessment other than to organize some thoughts.

1) Despite how by the of the 3rd qtr of the game HC was dominating all phases, we still had a chance to win this damn thing. And I think we would have won had we played Steven Krajewski or just about anyone else. I realize this is hardly a revelation. Jack Zergiotis has too many shortcomings that we can all see so no reason to list.
2) Amazing and alarming how HC dominated the LOS on O and D. And it really showed in the middle of the second 1/2 when they took over. On D we are weakest up the middle if you can seal off Travis as he tires late in the game. On O we just couldn’t block anyone, even when HC sent three or four guys we had no ability to hold blocks. Atrocious. It’s suppose to work they other way, we as the FBS program wears them down.
3) Shocking how our WR unit really wore down as well. Not much separation in the second 1/2 making HC DBs look like P5 guys…everyone of them.
4) Our running game needs more quick to the hole stuff and less OL pulling stuff. Sometimes our RBs didn’t seem to run to the designed lane. None of this should matter however as we should have been able to just steam roll when playing FCS.
5) Desperately need to get more pass plays to the TEs which seemed to work well when we did.
6) As others have noted, our LBs are really safeties and our safeties are too small/light. They are better than the prior three seasons, but it’s still short of what is needed.
7) We need to get Bell some help at corner. Conversely Jack Zergiotis should learn from how HC QBs made deep sideline throws … put air under the ball!
8) I don’t understand our kick off game, HC kicked into the EZ for touchbacks, we were unable to do the same, not even close.
9) Overall, at every phase of the game we were out played in the 4th qtr. We were the team worn down. And yet, we still had a chance and could have made it happen with just about any QB in my opinion.

Lastly, I would put Guifre back to 100% on OL duty and take the OC job on his plate. This OL needs a ton of coaching. Hand the OC job to Aaron Smith.

On D, we need to add Corner blitzes to shake it up… HC was very successful doing it to us.
To be fair, Travis always had at least 2 blockers on him. We were totally outcoached.
Aug 26, 2011
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When Edsall returned I was certain that at the very we would immediately be able to win comfortably against FCS squads. Instead we squeaked out 3 nail-biters his first 3 years versus FCS teams and finally, 5 years into RE2, lost to one.

Against HC it took us three attempts from the 2 yard line to get into the end zone. It should have taken 1, 2 at the most. We just haven't been getting better, despite the fact that the roster has improved. This year's team has regressed from where it was in 2019.
Bigger, faster, stronger.
Sep 17, 2011
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Our corners running along side the wideouts and never looking back for the ball has become a trademark of UConn football. So much for looking at the film. Travis is always doubled and that means others have to get into the backfield and they struggle to do so. On the long HC QB run in the 4th Q Pierce DeVaughn was at D tackle and he is not one. He is a DE type player. If we had the 2 HC linebackers or the HC QB we would have won. Their LB's were way better than ours.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.
Uconn should not be losing to any FCS teams period. HC got a nice team for FCS, but Uconn should not have lost this game.

This is why Edsall is fired today. This is simply not acceptable in any way shape or form.
Aug 27, 2011
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Giufre is involved in game planning but Mosyenko has been calling the plays. Same result.
We had multiple chances late in the game at 31-28 to move into field goal range to tie it up—but long passes on 1st down and weak outlets on 2nd doomed us. As he did all day, our punter was brilliant, pinning HC at the 2. On 3rd and three—if we stop them, we get the balll with a chance to tie or win. Then disaster.The QB 70 yard scamper was set in motion by their center who obliterated our D-Lineman—Devaughn? Their guard turned Uguak and the QB was off to the races. One of the worst defensive plays I can recall (that’s not related to defending a forward pass!) This freeze frame says it all.


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Aug 30, 2011
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Pretty accurate. One thing kicking short on kick offs actually kept HC from getting out to the 25. That is why they started fair catching the ball when it was short of the end on KOs.
Fair catching the ko iinside the 25 in college automatically puts the ball at the 25.
Jan 19, 2017
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Put this in another thread, but was doing some review of the box score over lunch. Reposting here for discussion's sake:

Jack Zergiotis's 4 TOs and inaccuracy throwing were all cumulative backbreakers for the D.

One TO resulted in an immediate TD, the others gave HC offense a short field. Put huge pressures on a young, learning defensive squad way too many times throughout the game.

Then, too many VERY short possessions by the offense, too. Too many incomplete passes stopping the clock. HC had an ~33>26 TOP advantage. Of all 7 drives that ended in punts, EVERY SINGLE ONE had a 2:00 or less TOP. Six of the 7 had a 1:23 TOP or less!!!!

Not making excuses, but these all likely had some contribution to the backbreaker QB run on 3rd & 2 late in the game. Defense was gassed & frustrated largely as a result of offense.

All Steven Krajewski needs to do this week is be a bit more accurate to move the chains just a little more and throw less INTs and there will be a net positive effect on the overall team play.
Mar 27, 2021
Reaction Score
Holy Cross has a fairly decent FCS team this FBS team should beat an FCS team nearly always (and they do) but HC has been recruiting very well (for our level), had the experience of playing games in the Spring and is clearly a program on the rise.

The result of this game really shouldn't shock too many given where the 2 programs are currently.

The FCS-level is pretty high-quality in some instances....Montana just beat #20 Washington and South Dakota St (who beat us in the FCS playoffs) blew out Colorado St 42-23 this past Saturday for examples.

Point being, you were beaten on Saturday by a pretty decent team at the FCS-level....not by a team at the D2, D3 level.

The difference between the teams at the low end of the FBS level and high end of the FCS level is pretty negilible.
However, my favorite example of a FCS school beating a FBS school is right here:

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