On the Foxx TD | The Boneyard

On the Foxx TD

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Aug 28, 2011
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Was that ice that was flying out of the ground

Check out at about 1:15 of the video that was the coolest TD ever
Aug 26, 2011
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I didn't see the ice but I'll tell you this. I watched the replay tonight on ESPN3 and it only confirmed something about Casey.

Watch the play in the video when Casey connects with Lamelle over the middle for 30 yds or so with about 38 seconds left in the first half. That pass was thrown like a thread on a needle. Tell me when you've ever seen a pass like that from a UConn QB. It's been so long since Dan O I don't remember his exact passes.

But I've never seen a pass like that. Casey, in high school had like what, damn near 70% pass completion percentage? He is as accurate as you can be.

I don't care if you play Alabama, if your WR's get open, an accurate QB will be successful.

Next year, if our WR's get open and Casey is the QB, we will have a monster year on offense. It's all about the WR's.
Sep 4, 2012
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At open practices and the "spring game" Casey looked horrible. But for some reason he plays lights out in the games (from what we've seen). I'm a little worried that the next coach won't start him. Makes me nervous. He should be the #1 QB going into next year regardless, but I'm pretty sure it'll be set to an even playing field and they'll have to win the position again. Hope im wrong.
Aug 26, 2011
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At open practices and the "spring game" Casey looked horrible. But for some reason he plays lights out in the games (from what we've seen). I'm a little worried that the next coach won't start him. Makes me nervous. He should be the #1 QB going into next year regardless, but I'm pretty sure it'll be set to an even playing field and they'll have to win the position again. Hope im wrong.

I don't see how any coach could come here and look at the production of our three QB's and think anybody but Cochran deserves the nod. Though as others have stated, Temple, Rutgers, and Memphis aren't exactly a Murders' Row.

(Though Edsall always had his hands full with Temple).
Aug 26, 2011
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sportsart said:
I watched the replay tonight on ESPN3 and it only confirmed something about Casey. Watch the play in the video when Casey connects with Lamelle over the middle for 30 yds or so with about 38 seconds left in the first half. That pass was thrown like a thread on a needle. Tell me when you've ever seen a pass like that from a UConn QB. I've never seen a pass like that.
Aug 26, 2011
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I habent watched the whole replay yet, but he did seem to get the ball to the wr in position where db could not make a play on it. Sometimes low, high to one side or the other. Luck? I dont know enough to be sure.
Aug 28, 2011
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The thing that stands out is how fast the ball is coming out. Step, step, step plant, throw. Very nice.

Either the primary was open or Casey made great pre-snaps reads. Hard to know which it was.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I habent watched the whole replay yet, but he did seem to get the ball to the wr in position where db could not make a play on it. Sometimes low, high to one side or the other. Luck? I dont know enough to be sure.

Definitely not luck. He is constantly putting his WR's in position to make the catch. Once, twice, maybe five times is luck. But when every ball is put out of harms way I have to believe the kid knows what he is doing out there.
Aug 29, 2011
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There is one play that shows clearly his skill with the ball. It was a short first down throw to the TE Norris. They ran a clear out pattern for the middle and Norris released and camped out about 6-7 yards deep directly down field vertically from the snap position. The OLB that had the read, reacted quickly and came in from the left (Cochran's left - Norris' Right). Cochran threw a bullet, put the ball low and down on Norris' left hip as he was facing the QB. Norris turned and caught the ball at his hip, shielding the LB with his back, and was able to turn and get positive yardage on the catch with the LB on his back, before the coverage shell closed down on him. First down. If that ball is thrown to his numbers on the chest, the defender has a chance to make the pass breakup, and if Norris does catch it, he's got a LB on top of him chest and wrap with great leverage to bring him down for no gain after catch.

It's a game of inches. So they say.

The play is at about the :55 mark in the clip above. If the strong side backer stays with Norris, Cochran most likely makes a different read and goes somewhere else with the ball, but the strong side backer releases Norris to the middle of the field (not sure if this is a defensive mistake or not - no way to know - but it sure looks like a zone D) so Norris ends up in soft spot in the zone (or open off a blown man assignment) but has a LB closing on him on the weakside - and Cochran threw the ball where the LB would have very little chance of getting to it, and the TE could make the catch and have space.

The kid (Cochran) was "in the zone" on Saturday, and now he's on top in his first category in the record books.
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Aug 26, 2011
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There is one play that shows clearly his skill with the ball. It was a short first down throw to the TE Norris. They ran a clear out pattern for the middle and Norris released and camped out about 6-7 yards deep directly down field vertically from the snap position. The OLB that had the read, reacted quickly and came in from the left (Cochran's left - Norris' Right). Cochran threw a bullet, put the ball low and down on Norris' left hip as he was facing the QB. Norris turned and caught the ball at his hip, shielding the LB with his back, and was able to turn and get positive yardage on the catch with the LB on his back, before the coverage shell closed down on him. First down. If that ball is thrown to his numbers on the chest, the defender has a chance to make the pass breakup, and if Norris does catch it, he's got a LB on top of him chest and wrap with great leverage to bring him down for no gain after catch.

It's a game of inches. So they say.

There were similar passes to this further down field. One to Bradley on his back shoulder, up high. DB was there but only Bradley had a play on the ball. If this kid can make accurate, smart throws like that as a freshman oh my. Time will tell. That strike to Lamelle down the seam, the first TD pass to Foxx, the TD pass to Davis. Those were all placement throws with touch. We may have something.
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