CL Eighty-TwoUConn Seton Hall,
Hard to get wins in Newark,
That changes today.
Kardary Richmond,
Isn't walking through that door,
Sorry Seton Hall.
We may be injured,
But we are still dangerous.
Let's make that statement.
We're hungry Huskies,
Devouring opponents,
On path to natty.
First line needs fixin’Seton Hall ship has sailed
UConn Huskies and pirates
In New Jersey win
Ugh! Fixed, that's what IFirst line needs fixin’
You have six instead of five
Aliens exist
Wow that was too close!CL Eighty-Two
Devouring is only three
There’s still time to fix
Rest was excellent
Appreciate your effort
Close to perfection
It's debatableCL Eighty-Two
Devouring is only three
There’s still time to fix
"Lovavable"? SeemsCorrecting errors
Like offensive rebounding
Is most lovavable
So I needn't have"Lovavable"? Seems
A typo, but it makes line
Three six syllables!