Official Media Thread: | The Boneyard

Official Media Thread:

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Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Started a similar thread on a Nebraska Basketball message board I post on, post any links/podcasts in here you may find of people discussing Uconn football and/or interviews with Diaco and the team. Its easier when organized into one thread and its fun to be able to go back and listen to old stuff that you may have missed. Maybe this could be pinned to the top of the board

I'll start us off with Desmond Conner interviewed on a BYU radio station this afternoon to discuss the UConn/BYU matchup:


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Some things that I took away from this interview: I don't really like how Des says "they" and "them" when referring to Uconn. He doesn't really seem that positive around the program, kinda frustrating.
Aug 26, 2011
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Good for you man. I was a Patriots fan before it was cool to be a Pats fan (loved the old foxboro) and I am still a Mets fan. Nothing worse than front running fans.
Aug 27, 2011
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Some things that I took away from this interview: I don't really like how Des says "they" and "them" when referring to Uconn. He doesn't really seem that positive around the program, kinda frustrating.

Why in the world would that bother you?


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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Why in the world would that bother you?

Did you listen to the interview? The way he says it just kinda ticks me off, I don't know why. I wish he'd use the term "we" since he's always around the program, a resident of the state of CT, and his employment revolves around the university. You'd think he would've become a fan after covering the team for some time
Aug 28, 2011
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Did you listen to the interview? The way he says it just kinda ticks me off, I don't know why. I wish he'd use the term "we" since he's always around the program, a resident of the state of CT, and his employment revolves around the university. You'd think he would've become a fan after covering the team for some time

He says we when he's talking about Syracuse.
Aug 27, 2011
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Did you listen to the interview? The way he says it just kinda ticks me off, I don't know why. I wish he'd use the term "we" since he's always around the program, a resident of the state of CT, and his employment revolves around the university. You'd think he would've become a fan after covering the team for some time

Yes I listened. I really have no issue with Dez saying "they" instead of "we" nor do I care that he's a Cuse fan. It's not his job to be a fan or a cheerleader for the program. FWIW......he roots for the UConn kids. He's developed personal relationships with them. He's just not a "fan" like us. So what?
Aug 29, 2011
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Yes I listened. I really have no issue with Dez saying "they" instead of "we" nor do I care that he's a Cuse fan. It's not his job to be a fan or a cheerleader for the program. FWIW.he roots for the UConn kids. He's developed personal relationships with them. He's just not a "fan" like us. So what?

In an ideal world, a "journalist" is impartial in reporting the news, as a certain beat writer tends to like to point out many times - that reporting certain things is not a "column" and not and "opinion" piece. Just the facts, ma'am. Right? Consistency is important, I think.

So, I do agree with the original thought, I have an issue with the use of "we" and "they" and contexts.

Put it this way - since it's not an ideal world, I'd rather have a 'journalist' that has the leaning of "we" for UCONN, rather than "they". Especially with regards to UCONN football, because like it or not, the media is an integral part of a football program.

Fostering mutually beneficial relationships with the PR relations on the football side as related to the media reps and writers covering the program, rather than adversarial relationship is a big part of moving forward for UCONN. The repeated ongoing adversarial stances for many years by the now aging writers and reporters (mostly developed by the basketball community) and carried over to football, needs to be slowly reversed.

New blood on the UCONN side I"m sure has worked to change that, and eventually there will be new blood on the media side too. Unfortunately, when some patterns are so deeply ingrained over years, it's only new people that can change things. Desmond Conner has covered UCONN sports, and football for over 20 years I believe.

IMNSHO, the news reporting out of New Haven and Fairfield county and NYC outlets, younger guys, newer guys, with regards to UCONN football, is approaching much more of an ideal "we" vs. "they" attitude, than the Hartford and New London counties.
Aug 29, 2011
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NBC has started a 3 part piece going with interviews with Coach Diaco. FIrst part is entirely his personal history as a recruit, then player, and then eventually hanging up the cleats. Diaco almost pulled a Ronnie Lott, and had his pinky amputated to continue playing, because it kept being broken and buddy taping became useless and it was problematic. Had some kind of new surgery to repair it instead though. 2nd and 3rd installations still to come.

I have no idea how to link the video. I'm sure somebody else can do that technical work. Best I can do is link a facebook thing. THe interview is on there.

The interview is by Kevin Nathan, part 2 was yesterday, part 3 today.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2011
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In an ideal world, a "journalist" is impartial in reporting the news, as a certain beat writer tends to like to point out many times - that reporting certain things is not a "column" and not and "opinion" piece. Just the facts, ma'am. Right? Consistency is important, I think.

So, I do agree with the original thought, I have an issue with the use of "we" and "they" and contexts.

Put it this way - since it's not an ideal world, I'd rather have a 'journalist' that has the leaning of "we" for UCONN, rather than "they". Especially with regards to UCONN football, because like it or not, the media is an integral part of a football program.

Fostering mutually beneficial relationships with the PR relations on the football side as related to the media reps and writers covering the program, rather than adversarial relationship is a big part of moving forward for UCONN. The repeated ongoing adversarial stances for many years by the now aging writers and reporters (mostly developed by the basketball community) and carried over to football, needs to be slowly reversed.

New blood on the UCONN side I"m sure has worked to change that, and eventually there will be new blood on the media side too. Unfortunately, when some patterns are so deeply ingrained over years, it's only new people that can change things. Desmond Conner has covered UCONN sports, and football for over 20 years I believe.

IMNSHO, the news reporting out of New Haven and Fairfield county and NYC outlets, younger guys, newer guys, with regards to UCONN football, is approaching much more of an ideal "we" vs. "they" attitude, than the Hartford and New London counties.

I read this twice. And still have no idea what the heck you are trying to say.
Aug 29, 2011
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I read this twice. And still have no idea what the heck you are trying to say.

I hadn't had my coffee yet. Basically, it says I think that I'd rather read/listen/watch anything on UCONN football from sources other than coming out of Hartford or New London counties, and I'm agreeing with the opinion that "they" vs. "we" is annoying at the very least, and symptomatic of the larger picture, as to why I would rather get news from other outlets.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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The sooner Zac Boyer comes back home, the better...


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Some things that I took away from this interview: I don't really like how Des says "they" and "them" when referring to Uconn. He doesn't really seem that positive around the program, kinda frustrating.
I am an alum (Class of '99) who has spent over $100,000 on my education when all was said and done, and I'm as die hard as they come. I also think that if one is not (or no longer) associated with the school, team or athletic department, the proper pronouns are They and Them. Conner is only associated with the program as a reporter. He doesn't score points or make decisions having a direct effect on the Department. As a student, Drew, you are a part of the University and therefore have an argument. I just don't think my measly donation re-affords the opportunity to say "We" or "Us" when referring to UConn, unless the reference is to fans or alumni.

Just my $0.02.

Having said that, this thread should be pinned...
May 30, 2012
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and a bobcats NBA fan and a Rams NFL fan. Its a tough world out here.

At least you don't have Rutgirls in the mix. You've got that going for you.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The sooner Zac Boyer comes back home, the better...
I prefer him in Washington. It's nice to have a CT link to the Redskins.


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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NBC has started a 3 part piece going with interviews with Coach Diaco. FIrst part is entirely his personal history as a recruit, then player, and then eventually hanging up the cleats. Diaco almost pulled a Ronnie Lott, and had his pinky amputated to continue playing, because it kept being broken and buddy taping became useless and it was problematic. Had some kind of new surgery to repair it instead though. 2nd and 3rd installations still to come.

I have no idea how to link the video. I'm sure somebody else can do that technical work. Best I can do is link a facebook thing. THe interview is on there.

The interview is by Kevin Nathan, part 2 was yesterday, part 3 today.

part 1:
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