Off-Season Rankings continue | The Boneyard

Off-Season Rankings continue

Aug 26, 2011
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Mov'n on up. Another successful year for HCRE2.0. When do contract extension negotiations begin?

Redding Husky

UConn & SMU alum
Mar 12, 2015
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The rankings say we have the least valued head coaching position in the AAC (?).

1) We're a state flagship school,
2) we are one of the top academic schools in the conference (with Tulane, SMU, and Navy), and
3) we have an historically successful athletic department.

But this is the worst place to coach in the AAC. That's so disappointing.
Aug 26, 2011
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The rankings say we have the least valued head coaching position in the AAC (?).

1) We're a state flagship school,
2) we are one of the top academic schools in the conference (with Tulane, SMU, and Navy), and
3) we have an historically successful athletic department.

But this is the worst place to coach in the AAC. That's so disappointing.

With all the wacko leaders at Universities it's hard to mismanage a football program 3 standard deviations (assuming normal distribution of ineptness amongst university presidents) worse than all the other lame university presidents. But Suzy did. She owns 2011 to the present, quite the legacy.
Why would any coach in his right mind want to follow HCRE2.0 when his "inability to execute" finally gets him canned?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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The rankings say we have the least valued head coaching position in the AAC (?).

1) We're a state flagship school,
2) we are one of the top academic schools in the conference (with Tulane, SMU, and Navy), and
3) we have an historically successful athletic department.

But this is the worst place to coach in the AAC. That's so disappointing.

we pay our head coach 1 million. it’s 12th in the conference and three laps behind 11th


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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we pay our head coach 1 million. it’s 12th in the conference and three laps behind 11th
Do u think he would be paid only $1mm if UConn didn't have to pay Diaco to go away, and RE wasn't here before? I honestly think RE gave UConn a discount. I would think RE would get $2mm somewhere else.

He still probably wasn't the right choice..and you get what you pay for...but UConn got him below market value because of the situation. And we probably would have had another year of Diaco (and his HORRENDOUS recruiting) that would have set UConn back even further.

What would you choose....another year of Diaco, or RE at a discount? It seems like Benedict felt those were the only choices. Option 3 may have been better...a cheap unknown coach. But UConn was gun shy after Diaco.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Do u think he would be paid only $1mm if UConn didn't have to pay Diaco to go away, and RE wasn't here before? I honestly think RE gave UConn a discount. I would think RE would get $2mm somewhere else.

He still probably wasn't the right choice..and you get what you pay for...but UConn got him below market value because of the situation. And we probably would have had another year of Diaco (and his HORRENDOUS recruiting) that would have set UConn back even further.

What would you choose....another year of Diaco, or RE at a discount? It seems like Benedict felt those were the only choices. Option 3 may have been better...a cheap unknown coach. But UConn was gun shy after Diaco.

I think the athletic department is broke and the only credible coach they could hire for that money is Randy Edsall.

He could work in college or the NFL but not at 7 figures.

It’s pretty clear that Corey’s career is part of his play. Which is fine if it works.

They are going to jam the ball into the line three times and punt this fall. They are 30 years in the past.

I have a ton of respect for Randy and what he did from 99-10 but round 2 is underwater.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I think the athletic department is broke and the only credible coach they could hire for that money is Randy Edsall.

He could work in college or the NFL but not at 7 figures.

It’s pretty clear that Corey’s career is part of his play. Which is fine if it works.

They are going to jam the ball into the line three times and punt this fall. They are 30 years in the past.

I have a ton of respect for Randy and what he did from 99-10 but round 2 is underwater.

In general, I agree. So what would you have done at that time?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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In general, I agree. So what would you have done at that time?

I would have gone completely off the board for a recruiter who nobody would give a top job. The MAC Les Miles...

Agreed not looking at Diaco’s stupid face is an upgrade.


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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I would have gone completely off the board for a recruiter who nobody would give a top job. The MAC Les Miles...

Agreed not looking at Diaco’s stupid face is an upgrade.

I guess $1mm would have been appealing for some MAC coordinators, I just think Benedict was petrified with getting another Diaco.

I really hope you are wrong about the vanilla offense in the fall, bit I think you are right. RE is going to do everything thing he can to make 40 point losses 20 point losses. Slow the game down... probably hardly ever lead in a game, and hope you can pick off a better team by boring them to death. Then he can claim they are more competitive and he can buy himself 2 more years
Dec 1, 2011
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With all the wacko leaders at Universities it's hard to mismanage a football program 3 standard deviations (assuming normal distribution of ineptness amongst university presidents) worse than all the other lame university presidents. But Suzy did. She owns 2011 to the present, quite the legacy.
Why would any coach in his right mind want to follow HCRE2.0 when his "inability to execute" finally gets him canned?
RE is either the last head coach of UConn Football at this level or he rights the ship.
I could be wrong, but don't see much in between.

If RE leaves, who's coming? Some clown for $20 and free coffees at Dunkin.
Jan 17, 2017
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Do u think he would be paid only $1mm if UConn didn't have to pay Diaco to go away, and RE wasn't here before? I honestly think RE gave UConn a discount. I would think RE would get $2mm somewhere else.

If we didn't have to pay Diaco to leave, RE wouldn't be the head coach. More money would have been available to pay a HC which would have expanded the "candidate pool". Bring back RE under those circumstances would have been the lazy way out...
Mar 21, 2019
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C’mon now. The “people” that passed the hat for Diaco’s bus ticket ponied up only with the understanding that their boy RE would be the next HC. Without that cash, Coach Skinny Jeans would’ve been given another lap. RE was finished with the Maryland “Dream Job” payout and making LESS than 100G in Detroit as a quality control coach. He NEEDED a job. When ur making 85G, hell yes I’ll take a million plus incentives, plus I can enable “junior’s” coaching career!
NOBODY else interviewed for the job.When have you EVER heard of a reputable athletic department hiring a dude that ambushed them 6 years earlier?
All of this comes straight outta Gampel. RE2 isn’t going anywhere. The money guy(s) that pulled the strings are gonna let him drive this thing all the way to redemption or ruin.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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If we didn't have to pay Diaco to leave, RE wouldn't be the head coach. More money would have been available to pay a HC which would have expanded the "candidate pool". Bring back RE under those circumstances would have been the lazy way out...

I think you and @ShakyTheMohel are saying pretty much the same thing. Randy came in at a discount, which was the only way we were able to can Diaco. If there was no buyout, I think they go a different direction.

The logic was fairly sound. Randy is not a young man. He's not a long term solution. Bring in a guy who can get things back on track so you can hand the program to a younger coach in decent shape to allow them to succeed. Low risk, low cost, but let's not pretend that the expectations were high. It's a clean up job.

I think Randy miscalculated a little, and didn't do enough to bring in JUCOs or transfers who could help us progress more quickly. He seems to have embraced that now. He's probably got two seasons left before he retires. If he can get us to .500 with some young depth, we will be in good shape to hand it to somebody more exciting.
Aug 26, 2011
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He NEEDED a job.
LOL - He didn’t work for free @ Maryland when he was hired in 2011. He was averaging $2m a year till he got whacked in 2015. His bank account was fine.
Aug 26, 2011
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"The money guy(s) that pulled the strings are gonna let him drive this thing all the way to redemption or ruin."

Did I miss something. What guys are you talking about? The Westport clothes store guy or a car dealer? We have none of that - frankly. This is what it appears to be. You cannot hang this on SUZY. Before she arrived there was a AD (she fired him) named Hathaway who hired PP. He gave both JC and Geno the heeby jeebies. But, the construct that Edsall built through 2009 was one that PP rejected; and one that Diaco simply lacked the evaluative talent to process.

The second part of the phrase up top is true. We did give the bargain deal to Edsall in order to effectively push Diaco out the door (since we apparently had no "cause" components to put forward). We should be paying the HC the $1.6m Diaco averaged - Randy did come back for significantly less (while pocketing HIGH 7 figures from a Terp program). It is redemption or ruin. That black and white.

Did he F up on Crocker? Yup. Worst tackling and positioning we have seen or anyone in FBS in the last 20 years has seen.

But are we tracking Edsall 1.0 after 2 years? We probably are.

So back to the original question? Is it harder to build a FBS program in a good league (we could be Coastal Carolina or Buffalo) from trailers ... or harder to be Schiano and create something from the dregs of Terry Shea. Fanbase? Brand? This Northeast State U has significant challenges. But the evaluation confidence Edsall has ... gives him a OLine & loads of speed/talent at DB & good RB with depth & DL potential ... and hopefully LBs that can tackle & the most important new addition - Spanos. It is May still ... we can be optimistic about the 2019 Football season.

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