Off-balance DHam | The Boneyard

Off-balance DHam

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Jan 10, 2014
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DHam does just about everything for us so I'm not complaining too much. But...

Anyone else think he takes way too many off-balance shots? He's a good shooter, evidenced by his free-throw shooting being tops in the conference, but in game action he rarely seems set when he shoots. Would like to see him try to take more set shots versus the off-balance shots he usually throws up.

Huge win last night. I've seen lots of posts about how Jalen stepping it up, and he did big time in the second half. I just think if we can get Dham shooting better that's what really will carry this team in March.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Complain. It's costing us games and costing him a shot at the NBA.


Making the board a little less insufferable
Sep 1, 2011
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Hamilton has a special talent for hitting a lot of those off-balanced shots. He hit a key one last night to put us up 4 inside a minute.

But, you're right, it almost seems like he's become reliant on hanging in the air or shooting off-balanced. In the grand scheme of things, those are not high percentage shots compared to if he was balanced and set, with good form.

In my mind, the problem with D-Ham is simply has a hard time separating from his man when he penetrates (outside of his patented spin-move). So he has to resort to deception and off-balance shooting mechanics.

Hamilton has proved that he's an exceptional shooter when he gets his feet set with good form. I think the staff needs needs to work with him on changing speeds or adding a step-back to his repertoire so that he can get some separation from his man which will allow him to take a shot in-balance with normal mechanics.
Aug 26, 2011
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Seems like he NEVER takes it into the body of the defender and draws fouls. I'm sure the staff is working with him on that. Since he doesn't go into the body, he always seems to fade back.

He is coming along. Wish he could stay more positive, I think he really gets down on himself when things go bad. He is close to breaking out you can feel it. Go D-HAM!!!


Aug 26, 2011
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I really wish DHAM's first shot or couple of shots in a game weren't 3s or long jumpers. His first few shots need to be close range shots, and assuming he makes those, he can then start migrating outwards. He seems all to happy to shoot the 3 early on, rather than driving hard to the hoop and drawing contact or getting a layup.
Aug 28, 2011
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I agree he is exceptional at making tough shots but he does need to get to the line more often. Getting into the bodies of defenders would help but so would changes in pace. Kemba, Shabazz and Ryan at their best were always on the line because the were often changing speed, accelerating, hesitating and then accelerating again to the hoop which would cause defenders to reach. Jaylen already has the skill and that's what makes him dynamic. Sterling, DHam and Rodney mostly attack at one speed and it's hurting the team by not getting to the line early enough in games.
Aug 26, 2011
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I really wish DHAM's first shot or couple of shots in a game weren't 3s or long jumpers. His first few shots need to be close range shots, and assuming he makes those, he can then start migrating outwards. He seems all to happy to shoot the 3 early on, rather than driving hard to the hoop and drawing contact or getting a layup.

especially since his first shot of the game was an airball...and Its not the first time that he's shot an airball coming out of the gate
Sep 16, 2011
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I disagree with the posters who say he's really good at making off balance shots, he's actually pretty terrible at it. When he squares up and takes his time he's a good shooter but his off balance leaners usually end up short and are sometimes airballs. He's an 86% ft shooter who doesn't draw fouls, this needs to be corrected. He's very good all-around just needs to become a smarter offensive player.
Aug 26, 2011
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He takes a lot of off balanced shots because that's all he can get; he's no master at creating separation or blowing by people.
May 6, 2015
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. . . if we can get Dham shooting better that's what really will carry this team in March.
Said it repeatedly last year. Going to say it again this year. The problem with DHam's shooting is not DHam's shooting. The problem, up until recently, is that we didn't have a legitimate PG to break down and distribute. Last year, we had boat, but a pretty poor team otherwise. This year, we have had Gibbs, who is not a break-'em-down PG, and Purvis, who is two dimensional (bomb away or drive and pray), and JA wasn't getting much run.

I believe that JA being in the game cures many of our problems - stagnant offense, contested 3s, and s on. I believe among those problems is DHam's shooting. Dude can flat out SHOOT. You don't shoot almost 90 percent from the line if you can't shoot. You want to see a vision of the future (whether soon or next year), replay the 14 footer DHam hit to put the game in the "comfortable" range after a sweet, sweet dish from Jalen. THAT is the future, THAT is how DHam shoots, WHEN he isn't asked to play point-forward and WHEN he gets an open look.

We may well look back at this stretch of 3 games or so (minus the JA in KO's doghouse stretch), as this years Jeremy Lamb moment.
Aug 27, 2011
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The word "exceptional" in relation to DHam's shooting has been used far too often in this thread. As of right now, DHam has shot exactly 38% from the floor in his FR and Soph years. His 3 point percentages are 34 and 32. By no means does that indicate a good shooter and certainly not "exceptional." Back to the OP, yes, he does take far too many off balance shots. And as indicated, a lot of this is due to his inability to create truly good looks for himself. We know that he can get into the lane (eventually) via his dribble drive/spin/behind the back move, but I really feel that more often than not he is looking to pass on those drives. Teams know this so they take it away and DHam's tendency to leave his feet or pick up his dribble in the lane force him to try and improvise; hence, the off-balanced shot. Secondly, we do not have a traditional point guard. So DHam has very few "open" jumpers in our sets. So while I think he's better than his percentages indicate, he is forced to play the way he does do to both our teams weaknesses in the half-court O and his own personal weaknesses with creating space/decision making. I'm not trying to knock him. He really is a wonderful all-around player. But he is not a scorer and often he tries to prove that he is.
Jan 10, 2014
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The word "exceptional" in relation to DHam's shooting has been used far too often in this thread. As of right now, DHam has shot exactly 38% from the floor in his FR and Soph years. His 3 point percentages are 34 and 32. By no means does that indicate a good shooter and certainly not "exceptional." Back to the OP, yes, he does take far too many off balance shots. And as indicated, a lot of this is due to his inability to create truly good looks for himself. We know that he can get into the lane (eventually) via his dribble drive/spin/behind the back move, but I really feel that more often than not he is looking to pass on those drives. Teams know this so they take it away and DHam's tendency to leave his feet or pick up his dribble in the lane force him to try and improvise; hence, the off-balanced shot. Secondly, we do not have a traditional point guard. So DHam has very few "open" jumpers in our sets. So while I think he's better than his percentages indicate, he is forced to play the way he does do to both our teams weaknesses in the half-court O and his own personal weaknesses with creating space/decision making. I'm not trying to knock him. He really is a wonderful all-around player. But he is not a scorer and often he tries to prove that he is.

I agree with most of this, but not all.

I don't think decision making is a weakness. I believe the announcers said he was top 5 in the conference in assist to turnover ratio. Generally I think he makes good decisions through the course of the game.

However I guess shot selection is a form of decision making. So in that regard he can / needs to improve. Dham should leave the off balance runners for Jalen to take and focus on more set shots. He also takes too many mid-range jumpers off the dribble, which once again, is hard to get set. If he gets those mid range shots off a pass versus off the dribble we'll see his shooting percentage rise. I don't want to take the ball out of his hands, as his playmaking is valuable. Just think he can choose better when to throw it up at the hoop versus when to kick it out. Sometime he would be better off looking to kick it out and reset versus forcing a shot.
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree with most of this, but not all.

I don't think decision making is a weakness. I believe the announcers said he was top 5 in the conference in assist to turnover ratio. Generally I think he makes good decisions through the course of the game.

However I guess shot selection is a form of decision making. So in that regard he can / needs to improve. Dham should leave the off balance runners for Jalen to take and focus on more set shots. He also takes too many mid-range jumpers off the dribble, which once again, is hard to get set. If he gets those mid range shots off a pass versus off the dribble we'll see his shooting percentage rise. I don't want to take the ball out of his hands, as his playmaking is valuable. Just think he can choose better when to throw it up at the hoop versus when to kick it out. Sometime he would be better off looking to kick it out and reset versus forcing a shot.

Just b/c he doesn't commit a turnover does not negate a poor decision. Last game alone, he took three contested three's with 10 or so on the shot clock. He does tend to take some very bad shots. Also, decision making includes him stopping the ball to do his pump fake/jab step circuit. Lastly, far too often he penetrates, leaves his feet and has to do a bailout pass to avoid a turnover. While he hasn't turned the ball over and won't be penalized via stats, he has done a poor job with the decision/clock and is forcing another player to do something.

Another way to look at it. Ricky Moore during his soph year had a great ast/to ratio. However, I remember him often dribbling the shot clock down (it was called the "Ricky Shuffle"; that was the year they did away w/ the closely guarded 5 second rule) and then with 2-3 seconds left he would give the ball to Rip, Rash, or someone else. Should they not get a shot off or in the rush to get the shot off lose the ball, the TO is on them. When really, Ricky in that instance was truly responsible for the TO.
Sep 16, 2011
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Said it repeatedly last year. Going to say it again this year. The problem with DHam's shooting is not DHam's shooting. The problem, up until recently, is that we didn't have a legitimate PG to break down and distribute. Last year, we had boat, but a pretty poor team otherwise. This year, we have had Gibbs, who is not a break-'em-down PG, and Purvis, who is two dimensional (bomb away or drive and pray), and JA wasn't getting much run.

I believe that JA being in the game cures many of our problems - stagnant offense, contested 3s, and s on. I believe among those problems is DHam's shooting. Dude can flat out SHOOT. You don't shoot almost 90 percent from the line if you can't shoot. You want to see a vision of the future (whether soon or next year), replay the 14 footer DHam hit to put the game in the "comfortable" range after a sweet, sweet dish from Jalen. THAT is the future, THAT is how DHam shoots, WHEN he isn't asked to play point-forward and WHEN he gets an open look.

We may well look back at this stretch of 3 games or so (minus the JA in KO's doghouse stretch), as this years Jeremy Lamb moment.
Agreed and hope the Ollie/Jalen dust up was a turning point. We get one step closer to finding out today.
Jan 10, 2014
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Just b/c he doesn't commit a turnover does not negate a poor decision. Last game alone, he took three contested three's with 10 or so on the shot clock. He does tend to take some very bad shots. Also, decision making includes him stopping the ball to do his pump fake/jab step circuit. Lastly, far too often he penetrates, leaves his feet and has to do a bailout pass to avoid a turnover. While he hasn't turned the ball over and won't be penalized via stats, he has done a poor job with the decision/clock and is forcing another player to do something.

Another way to look at it. Ricky Moore during his soph year had a great ast/to ratio. However, I remember him often dribbling the shot clock down (it was called the "Ricky Shuffle"; that was the year they did away w/ the closely guarded 5 second rule) and then with 2-3 seconds left he would give the ball to Rip, Rash, or someone else. Should they not get a shot off or in the rush to get the shot off lose the ball, the TO is on them. When really, Ricky in that instance was truly responsible for the TO.

Agree to disagree.

I do think he needs to improve shot selection, which was generally the purpose of the post.

However, overall I think he makes good basketball decisions. Regarding poor decisions with the clock I'd argue that is much more on Gibbs than DHam, but also something the team needs to improve.
Aug 26, 2011
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Complain. It's costing us games and costing him a shot at the NBA.

In quite a few games he takes the most shots and it's really hurting us. Last game he was 4-11. I'd like to see us get Miller more shots per game.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Just b/c he doesn't commit a turnover does not negate a poor decision. Last game alone, he took three contested three's with 10 or so on the shot clock. He does tend to take some very bad shots. Also, decision making includes him stopping the ball to do his pump fake/jab step circuit. Lastly, far too often he penetrates, leaves his feet and has to do a bailout pass to avoid a turnover. While he hasn't turned the ball over and won't be penalized via stats, he has done a poor job with the decision/clock and is forcing another player to do something.

A lot of those are more bad habits than bad 'decisions'. Also, Dham is a sophomore forward that is (has been) playing the point. I wouldn't expect his decision making to be on par as a PG. And the amount of time he has the ball, with the amount of options open to him, is going to affect his other, more 'normal' (vis a vis his role as SF) decisions. Kind of like processor overload.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Agreed and hope the Ollie/Jalen dust up was a turning point. We get one step closer to finding out today.

I personally don't mind a 'dust up'. JA is an unbroken stallion. KO's not doing right by him if he doesn't push him.
Aug 27, 2011
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A lot of those are more bad habits than bad 'decisions'. Also, Dham is a sophomore forward that is (has been) playing the point. I wouldn't expect his decision making to be on par as a PG. And the amount of time he has the ball, with the amount of options open to him, is going to affect his other, more 'normal' (vis a vis his role as SF) decisions. Kind of like processor overload.

They are bad habits that often result in bad decisions. He is asked/expected to carry a large playmaker role, but he's still the one making the same types of mistakes every game. You'd think at some point some one would tell him to stop doing said things.
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