O'Brien blasts Penn State "Paterno people" | The Boneyard

O'Brien blasts Penn State "Paterno people"

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Aug 28, 2011
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“You can print this: You can print that I don’t really give a [expletive] what the ‘Paterno people’ think about what I do with this program. I’ve done everything I can to show respect to Coach Paterno. Everything in my power. So I could really care less about what the Paterno faction of people, or whatever you call them, think about what I do with the program. I’m tired of it.

“For any ‘Paterno person’ to have any objection to what I’m doing, it makes me wanna put my fist through this windshield right now.”

“I’m trying to field the most competitive football team I can with near-death penalty [expletive] sanctions. Every time I say something like that and somebody prints it, it’s skewed as an excuse. And I’m not an excuse-maker. I’m trying to do the best I can for the kids in that program. That’s all I care about is the kids in that program. As long as I’m the head football coach here.”

It was during this rant that O’Brien dropped the major bomb.

“That’s why, in probably about a month, they’re gonna be [expletive] looking for a new coach.”
Aug 26, 2011
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Good for Bill O'Brien. No wonder he wanted out. Penn State is still sick.
Feb 4, 2012
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Good for Bill O'Brien. No wonder he wanted out. Penn State is still sick.

I'm sure it's not universal, but there's a lot of apologist fans with that program, it's very sick.
Aug 26, 2011
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The last quote comes in response to his relationship with the administration and AD Joyner, the non-Paterno people. The Paterno people are more like mosquitoes and gnats to him, and he's referring here to some former players who wanted Bradley to get the job (this is reminiscent of Rich Rod in Michigan) but also holdover coaches. He fired Ron Vanderlinden. But the real conflict is between Joyner (the anti-Paterno AD) and O'Brien, for a huge number of reasons. In the same article O'Brien said that he had very close relations with the Paterno family (wife and sons) and that he had the utmost admiration for Paterno. Again, the last quote was about his relationship with the new administration. None of those guys (Joyner) was around 3 years ago. They are totally brand new.
Dec 28, 2011
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“You can print this: You can print that I don’t really give a [expletive] what the ‘Paterno people’ think about what I do with this program. I’ve done everything I can to show respect to Coach Paterno. Everything in my power. So I could really care less about what the Paterno faction of people, or whatever you call them, think about what I do with the program. I’m tired of it.

“For any ‘Paterno person’ to have any objection to what I’m doing, it makes me wanna put my fist through this windshield right now.”

“I’m trying to field the most competitive football team I can with near-death penalty [expletive] sanctions. Every time I say something like that and somebody prints it, it’s skewed as an excuse. And I’m not an excuse-maker. I’m trying to do the best I can for the kids in that program. That’s all I care about is the kids in that program. As long as I’m the head football coach here.”

It was during this rant that O’Brien dropped the major bomb.

“That’s why, in probably about a month, they’re gonna be [expletive] looking for a new coach.”
Where was this from?
Aug 26, 2011
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Where was this from?

An interview with Davey Jones (don't ask) from a small Pennsylvania newspaper. Jones has regularly covered the team for about a decade--though Paterno refused to ever answer any of his questions at press conferences. O'Brien similarly had a testy relationship with Jones. Jones is an Ohio State guy, who has seemingly succeeded in bringing out the part of O'Brien that managed to get into a hissy fit shouting match with Tom Brady on the sideline.

I was not a fan at all of O'Brien as the Patriots OC, and I blame him in large part for the last Super Bowl loss, but I was very impressed by what he did as a college coach and with Penn State. I think the college game suits his abilities a lot more than the pro game does. While I don't think leaving PSU is a mistake for him since Houston pays 2.5x what PSU paid and because Houston has a lot of talent on the team, I do think he's better suited for college ball.

It will be interesting to see who lands at PSU. I'm betting it's Golden because of the lies Miami's admin. peddled to him. I think they go inside the family with Golden before looking outside with Franklin. Franklin is probably the best candidate as a guy with Pennsylvania roots, a very good recruiter, good gameday coach.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Lmao, that's epic. "Paterno people" sicken me too. The denial/ blissful delusion in happy valley is unmatched.

Joe Fraud will rot in hell right next to Sandusky.
Aug 24, 2011
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I imagine O'Brien regrets losing his temper and having this come out. That said, there is a culture at that University that is still damn scarry. Evidently, some of these folks really don't understand the core issue of this scandal. Not good.
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