Not sure if this was already posted... New theory on expansion... | The Boneyard

Not sure if this was already posted... New theory on expansion...

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Feb 10, 2012
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Calls the death of the BE and ACC a done deal... Basically has the ACC losing NC state and VT to SEC, and FSU, Miami, Clemson, and GT to Big12. Big10 grabs Rutgers, Maryland, and Virginia.
Sees Uconn, USF, UCF, and Temple going to ACC.

That leaves Uconn, Temple, Duke, UNC, BC, Syracuse, Pitt, WF, USF, UCF, then maybe memphis and ECU... Not very exciting.

Of course, this is as legit as any other prognastication...

is there any combination of 3 additions that could get the BE ahead of the ACC at $20M-$25M/year? Maybe, Marinatto has been busy working the figures on PSU, ND, and Maryland joing BE football as #14, 15 and 16. Even then I don't think it matters because if you aren't in the top 4, you're done as a major FB school.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd take it, probably the best chance for an east coast FB league. Which doesn't say much for the NNBE.

I still think we get picked ahead of snooki. Terms of the armistice require NYC to be a neutral market, administered by the good folks in south bend.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2


Aug 24, 2011
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Calls the death of the BE and ACC a done deal... Basically has the ACC losing NC state and VT to SEC, and FSU, Miami, Clemson, and GT to Big12. Big10 grabs Rutgers, Maryland, and Virginia.
Sees Uconn, USF, UCF, and Temple going to ACC.

That leaves Uconn, Temple, Duke, UNC, BC, Syracuse, Pitt, WF, USF, UCF, then maybe memphis and ECU... Not very exciting.

Of course, this is as legit as any other prognastication...

is there any combination of 3 additions that could get the BE ahead of the ACC at $20M-$25M/year? Maybe, Marinatto has been busy working the figures on PSU, ND, and Maryland joing BE football as #14, 15 and 16. Even then I don't think it matters because if you aren't in the top 4, you're done as a major FB school.

sounds like some 1 sole my doomsday theory about the acc.
Feb 10, 2012
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Is the Big12 the only conference to sign away the TV rights? is that the move which essentially killed the ACC and with it football in the northeast?
And, why isn't the ACC taking the same steps to protect themselves?


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Aug 25, 2011
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That site is a one-man Bleacher Report.

What I love about the internet: information at my fingertips.
What I hate about the internet: misinformation at my fingertips.


Aug 24, 2011
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Is the Big12 the only conference to sign away the TV rights? is that the move which essentially killed the ACC and with it football in the northeast?
And, why isn't the ACC taking the same steps to protect themselves?

they made several, some of those thou were the wrong moves not done correctly.
Sep 6, 2011
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From 1991-2003 when Miami and Virginia tech were in the Big East West Virginia was relevent twice 1993 7-AP,6-USA 2002 25-AP,20-USA . 2005-2007 with rich rodriquez 5,6,10,10, and6,6 2009-25,22. When they get to the Big 12 they will revert back to what they were in the original Big East. The Big 12 perenially has Texas and Oklahoma ,and did have Nebraska, the others have ups and downs just as everyone else has.
Aug 26, 2011
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The ACC and Big East football schools should have merged into a new conference. That strategy seems to have been the answer in hindsight as the situation evolves. New contract, stable conference, all rivalries maintained. They could have even kept the best basketball only schools for tv product. Too bad.
Sep 20, 2011
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Is the Big12 the only conference to sign away the TV rights? is that the move which essentially killed the ACC and with it football in the northeast?
And, why isn't the ACC taking the same steps to protect themselves?

The ACC's TV contract has left them vulnerable. There really is nothing they can do now to catch up with the Big 4. They will be forever trying to play catch up and while they are currently way ahead of the Big East there is literally nothing that can be done for them to close the money gap between them and the Big 10, PAC 12, SEC, and Big 12. Add to that the fact that their on field football product is lacking and it doesn't look too great for them going forward. I'd still rather be in that worst case scenario ACC than the new Big East though.
Aug 26, 2011
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Calls the death of the BE and ACC a done deal... Basically has the ACC losing NC state and VT to SEC, and FSU, Miami, Clemson, and GT to Big12. Big10 grabs Rutgers, Maryland, and Virginia.
Sees Uconn, USF, UCF, and Temple going to ACC.

That leaves Uconn, Temple, Duke, UNC, BC, Syracuse, Pitt, WF, USF, UCF, then maybe memphis and ECU... Not very exciting.

Of course, this is as legit as any other prognastication...

is there any combination of 3 additions that could get the BE ahead of the ACC at $20M-$25M/year? Maybe, Marinatto has been busy working the figures on PSU, ND, and Maryland joing BE football as #14, 15 and 16. Even then I don't think it matters because if you aren't in the top 4, you're done as a major FB school.
He lost me with Rutgers, Maryland, and Virginia to the Big10. That's 3 bottom feeders. OTOH, maybe just what OSU and Michigan want/need.


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Aug 25, 2011
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The ACC's TV contract has left them vulnerable. There really is nothing they can do now to catch up with the Big 4. They will be forever trying to play catch up and while they are currently way ahead of the Big East there is literally nothing that can be done for them to close the money gap between them and the Big 10, PAC 12, SEC, and Big 12. Add to that the fact that their on field football product is lacking and it doesn't look too great for them going forward. I'd still rather be in that worst case scenario ACC than the new Big East though.
Their on-field/court product is not lacking viewership - the problem is that they can't effectively renegotiate based on the relative value versus their competitors.


Aug 24, 2011
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He lost me with Rutgers, Maryland, and Virginia to the Big10. That's 3 bottom feeders. OTOH, maybe just what OSU and Michigan want/need.

those are 3 huge areas for the tv network. big fanbases. big recruit areas. the on field product will follow with the bump in conf.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is as well written as anything I have read of "Adam".

Anyone else remember when Adam had to use his last name? Obviously that was well before he took the conference expansion game to a new level.

As a side note, it took some soul searching, but I no longer believe Rutgers is on anyone's radar, let alone the Big 10. Their athletic department is a mess, the state of New Jersey has RU funding in the cross-hairs, and instead of rallying around old state U to prop up their cause, the legislature instead opts to take part of the RU campus and form a new state school for southern New Jersey. What a mess.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is as well written as anything I have read of "Adam".

Anyone else remember when Adam had to use his last name? Obviously that was well before he took the conference expansion game to a new level.

As a side note, it took some soul searching, but I no longer believe Rutgers is on anyone's radar, let alone the Big 10. Their athletic department is a mess, the state of New Jersey has RU funding in the cross-hairs, and instead of rallying around old state U to prop up their cause, the legislature instead opts to take part of the RU campus and form a new state school for southern New Jersey. What a mess.

Rutgers may have seen their high water mark. It seems lawmakers in CT have realized that investing in UConn has a return while NJ is starting to lose interest in funding Rutgers after pumping so much money into it with little reward.

UConn has really had an amazing run of success in sports and academics over the last 20 years. The momentum is bound to be noticed in the realignment process. My hope is we can get into the AAU and win a BCS bowl in the next 2-3 years and put ourselves in a really strong position for the final game of musical chairs. President Herbst seems to get how important this is. I hope we will have her here until we reach our final destination.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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UConn has really had an amazing run of success in sports and academics over the last 20 years. The momentum is bound to be noticed in the realignment process. My hope is we can get into the AAU and win a BCS bowl in the next 2-3 years and put ourselves in a really strong position for the final game of musical chairs. President Herbst seems to get how important this is. I hope we will have her here until we reach our final destination.

Couldn't agree more. The one sure fire way to get noticed is to win a BCS game. Winning a BCS bowl vs a legitimate national opponent would do wonders for our reputation.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I think the SEC could go to 16. UNC and UVa or VTech are worth a lot more to the SEC than Missouri or Texas A&M. I don't see the Big 10 budging. I think the Big 12 is adding FSU and VTech (if the SEC doesn't grab them first), and that will start the dominoes tipping over. I don't see Clemson or GTech getting a lifeline, but who knows? The rest are figuring out what to do next.

No one in the ACC is going to sign a rights deal at this point, and ESPN is not racing to negotiate a new deal.
Mar 19, 2012
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I actually have a theory that ESPN wants the Big 12 to poach the ACC- four or five schools worth. Then ESPN will immediately present Swofford with an offer to keep their negotiated 14 team deal in place if they grew back to 12 (UConn, Rutgers, maybe one more), signed a grant of rights, and played nine conference football games. It would 'save' the ACC before any other schools would have a chance to leave, especially since the two most likely to bolt (VPI and NCSt.) have legislative/BoR issues that would take time.

Not a great deal for ESPN, but not so bad that it wouldn't be profitable. Plus it gives ESPN the following:

-A Big 12 (committed to ESPN in tier 1 for a decade) that has more potential for weekend dominating marquee matchups (better tier 1 content)
-An ACC that is fully committed to ESPN, completely owns the New York market, dominates basketball, and creates a ton of inventory.
-Takes the best remaining targets from the Big East (a conference that is leaving ESPN, likely for NBC), and gives them to the ACC (who ESPN owns for a decade)
-Keeps the B1G (likely to leave ESPN for Fox) from poaching ACC schools or getting a foothold into New York.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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As a side note, it took some soul searching, but I no longer believe Rutgers is on anyone's radar, let alone the Big 10. Their athletic department is a mess, the state of New Jersey has RU funding in the cross-hairs, and instead of rallying around old state U to prop up their cause, the legislature instead opts to take part of the RU campus and form a new state school for southern New Jersey. What a mess.

If UConn was in NJ it would be problem solved.

Accretive scenarios for the PAC-12? None. For the BiG? One team only. The Pac-12 and BiG already decided to expand to 9-games and to sleep together in season and to play bowls together as the best possible means of maximizing revenues. They may share programming together, play in Asia together and tell the rest of the country to go to hell together. $mooch! They will milk their Tier 3 rights and pursue on-demand online media for live and archived content. That's enough for this decade after reducing the BCS to a Big 4 only series of championship bowls with a plus 1.

The only credible rumors are the B12 evaluating another move. The only possible scenarios that are accretive to the SEC and B12 are few and all involve an ACC raid or ND and BYU. Maybe Louisville (the shameless whore learned from Missouri) for the B12 as a last resort to round things out. FSU is the key. If they get dislodged then it gets interesting. That sets the tone for the next decade as the B12 and SEC move towards an incestuous 16-team relationship like the PAC and BiG and the ACC is put on notice.
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