No way UConn wins today!!! | The Boneyard

No way UConn wins today!!!

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We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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As I've said many times we are DOOOOOMED!!!!! No way UConn wins today. We are NIT bound folks.:mad:

RB makes a feather look strong. Kemba had the stamina to close things out because he had the body. No way RB will have the energy to play today.

TSam is not the Sundance kid to the Butch "badman" Boat. He's not Bazz to Kemba. He's a better center than pg and he is not a center.

RP is more a demolition derby vehicle than Ferrari. He is the opposite to "Mr. Smooth" Jeremy Lamb.

DHam can rebound. Big deal. He only does this because none of the bigs know how. Assist guy. Not really. Teams figured out he throws the ball up to the big dude and now cover the big dude. He front rims his shot because he realizes too late he better make floaters now that this option is gone. And he's gone in the crapper with shooting.

OC is better at examining his surgical scars than being on the floor. Can't believe he was in the game when the game was on the line yesterday.

AB is probably wondering why he didn't try out for the soccer team right now. He'd be a much better goalie than a bb player. His attitude is bad. I want to send 91 to take him out. Rebound the fluken ball dude. Other guys have to jump four feet off the floor just to touch your hands when your arms are outstretched.

Phil is just starting to figure things out. Why did he wait so long. If he played like this earlier in the season we wouldn't have to win tonight and I wouldn't have to be as miserable when they lose. You have increased the stock value for pharmaceuticals Mr. Nolan.

Rock is ditto to Phil.

SamJ and KF decided it would be better to go MIA rather than face my rant. Sorry dudes but guys play through their medical problems. Dyson gets back in the game after his teeth were knocked out, Taliek played a season with turf toe, and Bazz with a stress fracture in his foot. You are emblematic of the softness that this program has become.

JC talks tough but he called it quits right at the time the school needed him most. Three bouts with cancer and a broken hip are no excuse to pack it in. I know you were faking this loyalty thing because I can see how happy you are with ESPN. You hated the media or so we thought. Now you joined them. Turncoat.

KO. You can't recruit. You can't coach. You only win with the legacy's players. You let your personal matters (mom with cancer, divorce) interfere with coaching. You call that being professional? Most of the players have regressed this season. Are you related to Pastner?

Coaching staff. Guys can't dribble, shoot, rebound or find their man on defense. What are you guys doing all season long? All you have to do is contact the Boneyard for advice. But do you. Chief will get you a big man coach for instance. But we've heard nada from you. That says it all!!!!

Conference affiliation and NCAA. Both have it in for us. The refs are told by Emmert to make sure UConn does not get into the tournament. Think I'm stretching things. Take off the tin foil from your heads dudes.

Anyone expecting a W today is crazier than a troll from Providence talking smack with UConn fans. We only won the first three games because the mojo gods are playing with us. They want to elevate our hopes before dashing them. It has a much stronger devastating affect. As I've said we are DOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 28, 2012
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No seriously.

In case we lose today, what are the chances we have to play Tulsa in the NIT? This is a serious question. Not only that, but I bet they make us play the game at Tulsa! Do we have a chance IF they make us play in Oklahoma?

Please discuss.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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As I was having my daily coffee with Andre Drummond today, he said the reason why he left UConn was that Jim Calhoun was retiring and that KO wasn't a good coach. Also, he said KO would not give him his mandatory two smart phones, nor chicken wings and Rolling Rock (because he was under 21).

Because of all that, he said the thought of UConn is forcing him to quit basketball and take up marathon running. We're ****ing doomed. Our best post prospect in the NBA wants to run marathons now. Doomed.
Nov 10, 2011
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We're losing by 50. Kevin Ollie gets injured and is out for 2 years.
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