No Surprises | The Boneyard

No Surprises

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Team can't make mistakes like it did and win.

Here's what I saw:

1. First series on 3rd down, Shirreffs throws to Newsome in the flat. It was Newsome, Hopkins and one defender. Any contact from Hopkins and it goes for a 1st down and a lot more. No contact and time for a punt.
2. Crozier's snaps in the shot gun take a LOOONNNNGGG time to reach the QB. No snap to his snap.
3. OLine, no penalties again.
4. Bloom drops a catchable touchdown, one or two plays later and it was the INT or the fumble. Bottom line, UConn isn't good enough to let defenses off the hook.
5. Swann is fast. So is Skanes. Dixon is shifty. Lots to like from those guys going forward.
6. DLine is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO slow getting off their stances and get almost no pressure on QB. Doesn't help that LB's are slow too and can't get pressure on the blitzes.
7. Linebackers being slow also prevent them from getting to the sidelines and preventing RB's from turning up field.
8. Lashlee's game plan was good enough to put at least 30 points on the board. I'm fine with that.
9. I'll take Edsall's word on the DB's needing to not play scared. They. Were. Bad.
10. Bell isn't good enough to be left one on one with no possible help from a safety.
11. I'm convinced Newsome is a weapon, however it's worrisome that Lashlee has figured out how to turn other players in to weapons but hasn't figured out how to utilize Newsome.
12. Shirreffs definitely showed his tendency to tuck and run. Defenses will quickly remember that once he tucks there's little chance of an accurate throw on the run. Good, bad or otherwise, that's still true.
13. Like the plan with Williams in there.
14. Did I say defense is slow on all three levels?? Not sure if they're actually that slow or if they are new to the scheme and having to see and react and end up being a step slow.
15. All this being said, this team is light years better than the last two years' teams. 4-5 victories is possible starting next weekend.
**All comments are off the top of my head. I'm sure I got some details wrong.
Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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Newsome in the slot. In open space he will be a challenge for opposing defenses. Right now he doesn't have the holes to run thru. Very slow in running play development, our guys can't hold their blocks as is and we give defenses way too much time to collapse on the runner.


How do I change my name...
Feb 4, 2015
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Every other CFB game I watch makes me realize how SLOW we are. Both the offense and defense look like they're playing in quicksand.

The worst part about it is that it is pretty much unfixable in the short term. As the saying goes, "you can't teach speed".

We'll see if the coaching staff can scheme successfully with our lack of athleticism.
Aug 28, 2011
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The defense is in shambles. The scheme has made a couple of good penetrating linemen, Fatukasi and Carrezola, invisible.
Oct 12, 2013
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The defense is in shambles. The scheme has made a couple of good penetrating linemen, Fatukasi and Carrezola, invisible.

Are they double and triple teamed on every play? I didn't see that at all. Really don't know how they graded out, but their play has nothing to do with the schema. Their role is to make plays, by beating the person in front of them. Your comment would imply that the previous D protected their weakness by hiding blitzes and stunting. We all know that never happened. Their play is on them. Period.
Aug 29, 2011
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We (UConn) will get stomped by SMU, Temple, Mizzu, and BC. ECU will be a toss-up. The other teams mentioned are bigger, faster, more athletic, and more physical than UConn currently is.
Fortunately other teams screw up too and if any of those teams do and we don't we can win.
Aug 28, 2011
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Are they double and triple teamed on every play? I didn't see that at all. Really don't know how they graded out, but their play has nothing to do with the schema. Their role is to make plays, by beating the person in front of them. Your comment would imply that the previous D protected their weakness by hiding blitzes and stunting. We all know that never happened. Their play is on them. Period.
They have both played at UConn a long time. They have made plays, chased QBs, made TFLs, and in general performed very well. My post in no way implies they were protected by blitzes. It suggests they were good effective defensive players and their performance on Saturday was below their abilities.

How would you explain their complete lack of effectiveness?
Oct 12, 2013
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I think their apparent lack of effectiveness is on them and not on the schema. I also expect that they will start playing much better, because as you say, they are good players. I hated the Diaco D where they lined up like blocking dummies. At least yesterday they did a lot of blitzing trying to make something happen. Of course one of their few 3rd down stops happened when they didn't blitz.
Mar 19, 2013
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We (UConn) will get stomped by SMU, Temple, Mizzu, and BC. ECU will be a toss-up. The other teams mentioned are bigger, faster, more athletic, and more physical than UConn currently is.
I don't like, but I agree with you. The only consolation here is that UConn is getting paid to get beat by BC at Fenway instead of getting beat at the Rent for free.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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Back-up long snapper? Nah. Go for 2 after each score and go for it at the 40. We are wafer thin.

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