The deck has been stacked against UConn becoming a legit D1 football program since it was given the golden ticket to join the Big East for football. An 'undeserved' trip to the Fiesta Bowl and a subsequent 'poor showing' by the fans and a 28 point loss on the field started a narrative. Pasqualoni, Diaco and Edsall 2.0 reinforced it. Conference realignment left football for dead as well but throughout, the one hope I had was everyone had 85 scholarships and the 'rules' provided some sort of a level playing field.
Not anymore. This is not true sport where winning is earned through hard work and competition. Winning is now earned by hording players, throwing bags and bags of money and unlimited free agency. It is a 'sport' where only the same 5-8 programs have any chance of winning the championship in a given year. This isn't sport any longer where two conferences and the same 5-8 programs are essentially saying to the rest, 'let them eat cake'. And it's being driven by one of the state's biggest employers who has turned its back on UConn for some unknown reason while propping up financially a bunch of schools who do not move the needle at all for ratings.
The question is....will UConn leadership just shrug at this or rage against the machine?