ND screw? Leaders of Pac 12 agree to nix BCS and approve playoff with conf champions | The Boneyard

ND screw? Leaders of Pac 12 agree to nix BCS and approve playoff with conf champions

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Sep 2, 2011
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"Leaders of the Pac-12 Conference agreed in principle Saturday to try to end college football's Bowl Championship Series, proposing its replacement with a playoff system that would allow only conference winners to play for college football's national title."


Usually Pac 12 and Big 10 vote the same way. It appears the Big 12, Pac 12, Big 10 and ACC want conference champions. Notre Dame whistling passed the graveyard as all this occurs, or are they?
Aug 31, 2011
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I think the proposal that has support of the B1G and the SEC has the winners of the conferences and one wild card team (based on some form of ranking of the highest non-conf champion) making the playoffs. Still, it is death to ND's title chances unless they are in a conference. but, ND has not been in title contention in like 20 years so is this enough to join a conference?


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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As long as The Big East Conference has a representative, I'm all for this.

I personally think that even 12 team conferences are too large, because you can't even crown a true round robin champion.

Maybe the SEC and ACC expanded too quickly in this instance?


There's no Dark Side .....it's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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ND still has their BE Bowl agreement and it's likely there will be a ND accommodation.

When it's all said and done I think the 6 majors will play their championship and then each Champ will host a bowl. The 2 best teams will get skimmed off BCS-style and go to a Championship Game to be replaced by their #2 in their Traditional bowl rivalry. The ACC and BE Champion will get the best available #3 seeds in most years.

Then the mid-tier bowl with the #4 teams from the majors, the #2 teams from the ACC and BE and ND when eligible.

Then the minimum payment bowls.......
Aug 26, 2011
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Only a matter of time before some form of a playoff is here. I hope they get it right, and don't just settle for a plus one model (which will eventually be increased to a 6 team - top 2 seeds get a bye week while 3-6 play a first round game - or an 8 team playoff). Just go for the 8 team model out of the gate. 6 highest ranked conference champions (no auto-qualifying) and the next 2 highest ranked teams. My preference is 16 teams, but the way expansion/contraction is going, we may only need an 8 team playoff.

Just make it inclusive for all FBS programs.
Aug 26, 2011
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My preference is 16 teams, but the way expansion/contraction is going, we may only need an 8 team playoff.

Just make it inclusive for all FBS programs.
All they have to do is come up with 8 conferences of 14-16 teams and they can easily do a playoff inviting the champion of each conference. "Auto-bids". The seeding can be based on rankings/polls.
Aug 24, 2011
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All they have to do is come up with 8 conferences of 14-16 teams and they can easily do a playoff inviting the champion of each conference. "Auto-bids". The seeding can be based on rankings/polls.

They don't want to cut the pie into that many slices. And, frankly, don't need to in order to include everyone with economic leverage.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'd be very surprised if they went to 8 teams this round.

They would also need to address the complications that arise from having unbalanced conference schedules and conference championship games. They also need to address what happens if there is a 3-way tie in say the B12.

That said, if this happens my immediate reaction would be, "Yessssssss!"

Assuming, of course, that the BE isn't duped into ceding its spot to ND should they win 10 games of some other such.nonsense.

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Aug 26, 2011
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I'd be very surprised if they went to 8 teams this round.

They would also need to address the complications that arise from having unbalanced conference schedules and conference championship games. They also need to address what happens if there is a 3-way tie in say the B12.

That said, if this happens my immediate reaction would be, "Yessssssss!"

Assuming, of course, that the BE isn't duped into ceding its spot to ND should they win 10 games of some other such.nonsense.

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Susan Herbst & our new A.D. are too intelligent to allow the Big East to cede away conference representation to the Leprechauns in this scenario. They know intuitively that to do so should be grounds for immediate dismissal in the eyes of the fans & wouldn't want the publicity nightmare that would ensue.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's one conference. Don't see the big deal. Would the SEC go for this, having a team, Alabama, play for and win a national championship when they didn't even win their own DIVISION? I hope we see a playoff sooner rather than later, and I hope I'm wrong, but expect to see the BCS extended with some minor changes.
Aug 24, 2011
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Anyone who believes that the SEC and Big Ten intend to treat the new Big East as if they are on their level if the BCS system ends is, frankly, delusional. We need to root for a continuation of the current system until such time as we are in another conference.
Aug 24, 2011
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As long as The Big East Conference has a representative, I'm all for this.

I personally think that even 12 team conferences are too large, because you can't even crown a true round robin champion.

Maybe the SEC and ACC expanded too quickly in this instance?

The Big East is not going to have a seat at this table.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Leaders of the Pac-12 Conference agreed in principle Saturday to try to end college football's Bowl Championship Series, proposing its replacement with a playoff system that would allow only conference winners to play for college football's national title."


Usually Pac 12 and Big 10 vote the same way. It appears the Big 12, Pac 12, Big 10 and ACC want conference champions. Notre Dame whistling passed the graveyard as all this occurs, or are they?
I think this is entirely due to the SEC rematch. Perhaps that abomination of a game will have some positive effects.
Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone who believes that the SEC and Big Ten intend to treat the new Big East as if they are on their level if the BCS system ends is, frankly, delusional. We need to root for a continuation of the current system until such time as we are in another conference.
Won't they just treat them as de jure equals knowing that they won't be de facto.

Top 4 conference champs in the BCS. How frequently would the BE qualify? Boise would have before, but not likely now. Take a look at the last ten years. The top four ranked conference champions (only taking BCS conference winners, italics are ACC/BE):

Last year: LSU-OSU-Stanford-Wisconsin
2010: Auburn-Oregon-Wisconsin-Oklahoma
2009: Alabama-Texas-Cincinnati-Oregon
2008: Oklahoma-Florida-USC-Penn State
2007: Ohio State-LSU-Virginia Tech-Oklahoma
2006: Ohio State-Florida-USC-Louisville
2005: USC-Texas-Penn State-Georgia* (ND could have qualified here)
2004: USC-Oklahoma-Auburn-Virginia Tech
2003: Oklahoma-LSU-USC-Michigan
2002: Miami-Ohio State-Georgia-USC

Out of 40 slots, 5 would have been to ACC/BE, whereas you would expect about 12. I would think they could live with that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sounds like he wants a playoff and to protect the Rose Bowl tie in. He must be thinking along the lines of an institutionalized game at the Rose Bowl between the B1g and the Pac every year, winner moving on in the playoff system. Those two conferences have the power to make that happen. The other conferences can figure out their own way to playoff, but the B1G and the Pac are going to start out at the Rose Bowl.


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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Anyone who believes that the SEC and Big Ten intend to treat the new Big East as if they are on their level if the BCS system ends is, frankly, delusional. We need to root for a continuation of the current system until such time as we are in another conference.

This is probably bad for the new Big East, but might not be the worst case scenario for UConn. Forcing Notre Dame into a conference might accelerate the expansion process and get UConn in somewhere.

I'm not entirely sure, as much as they want to that the powers that be can get away from reducing access to the national championship... or do they seem to think having Utah in the PAC-12 will make all the political opposition go away? Would I be shocked if they go this root? Nope.. but I don't think it'll be as easy as they seem to think.
Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone who believes that the SEC and Big Ten intend to treat the new Big East as if they are on their level if the BCS system ends is, frankly, delusional. We need to root for a continuation of the current system until such time as we are in another conference.
Well, I don't think an 8-4, or 9-3, Big East Champ like the last two seasons has produced will have an invite to this "playoff" but I absolutely think that an 11-1, or 12-0, Champ like Cincy was a three years ago, will. The Big East needs a team to emerge and be the bell cow for this league. WVU was that team when they were beating Oklahoma and Georgia in big bowls. Someone has to raise their game up to that level. The Big East has provided that platform in the past and can continue to do so, but winning the league title with a middling record won't be enough. Even a 10-2, Big East Champ will be around top 15 or so in the polls. I hope we are one of the teams that can break away from the logjam of mediocrity the past couple of years. A good start would be getting a signature non conference win against a Michigan or Tennessee on our way to a 10 win or better season. This league just needs to win.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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Agree. After all, the league is in this position because the teams didn't win enough.
Aug 24, 2011
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What interest does the PAC [or SEC] have in forcing ND to join a conference? It would only make one of their competitors stronger (financially).
Aug 26, 2011
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What interest does the PAC [or SEC] have in forcing ND to join a conference? It would only make one of their competitors stronger (financially).
I think part of it is to end the insanity. Force an end-game for conference expansion among the top schools. Without ND in a conference, the wheels will keep churning. It is in everyone's best interest for that to stop.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The playoff will be 8 or 16 teams by the time of the first kickoff. This kind of public brainstorming is fun, but all of the publicity about a playoff is just to get ESPN to put a jaw dropping offer on the table, which they will. And it will be for 16 teams, or 8 teams eventually becoming 16 teams within a few years, and the payoff will be $30 million a game, maybe more. That is the first half of the negotiation.

The second half of the negotiation is division 1 fighting over who gets what. There will be a lot of pushing and shoving, but at the end of the day I think the have-nots will do pretty well in this negotiation. The biggest reason for that will be because the Big 3 conferences, Pac 12, SEC and Big 10, don't want to rock the boat too much. They will be making $30MM/school/year within a few years, and even the staggering numbers being thrown around for a playoff won't move the needle for them. The Big 12 is a near major, and the ACC is not much better off than the Big East.

All of this sucks for UConn. It is hard to see UConn ever competing on a national level over an extended period of time with schools that are generating $30MM a year in TV revenue when UConn's take will be $10 at the most. The gap is just too big, and the ACC won't and can't help us, because they are not much better off than we will be and they have no way to increase their revenues either. It sucks all around.
Aug 29, 2011
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Anyone who believes that the SEC and Big Ten intend to treat the new Big East as if they are on their level if the BCS system ends is, frankly, delusional. We need to root for a continuation of the current system until such time as we are in another conference.

This....BL....is exactly why any playoff that does not include every division 1-A conference champion is not a true playoff, and is simply an exercise in public relations, to maintain the revenue gap that exists in college football as a result of the creation of the BCS - AQ bowl system.

It's very exciting to see the power players discussing playoffs among conference champions openly and favorably, but I'm majorly skeptical, until someone publicly states that it's meant to include all division 1-A conferences.
Aug 24, 2011
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This....BL....is exactly why any playoff that does not include every division 1-A conference champion is not a true playoff, and is simply an exercise in public relations, to maintain the revenue gap that exists in college football as a result of the creation of the BCS - AQ bowl system.

It's very exciting to see the power players discussing playoffs among conference champions openly and favorably, but I'm majorly skeptical, until someone publicly states that it's meant to include all division 1-A conferences.

Of course it won't be a real playoff. The powers that be want to find ways to make hoops more like pigskin, not pigskin more like hoops.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Of course it won't be a real playoff. The powers that be want to find ways to make hoops more like pigskin, not pigskin more like hoops.

I'm not sure the NCAA will give them a choice. Unless the big conferences are willing to pull out of the NCAA, which is a PR disaster, the NCAA will take over this show. I also think the big conferences face Congressional scrutiny and anticompetitive risks if they don't go along with an NCAA run playoff.

My guess: 12 team playoff with 4 byes and 4 first round games. That way every FBS conference can be included, and the top 4 ranked teams from the power conferences can still be "protected". If the conferences contract and we end up with more conferences (not a bad thing) then it switches to 16. The big bowl sponsors sponsor the "final 8". The sub-bowls essentially work something like the NIT for those left out.

I think this is good for UConn and would force ND into a conference. I do not ever expect UConn to with a NC in football.
Aug 29, 2011
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Of course it won't be a real playoff. The powers that be want to find ways to make hoops more like pigskin, not pigskin more like hoops.

I agree with that. The NCAA b-ball tournament expanding is a bad idea in my book, and the Turner/CBS relationship with this thing for 14 years makes me nervous......while the resistance/opposition to establishing a simple 16 team national championship playoff in football is staggering.

Yet, there is progress on the football front. Just a very tricky situation right now, if a playoff is established, it must provide equal access to every 1-A football program in the country from the playing field performances,not the corporate office performances.

It doesn't have to happen right away, but it must be set up so with that end product in mind.

That's where I'm not sure I believe any of this yet around the college football playoffs being discussed.

The end product must be a situation where any Butler of the college football world can match up with the Alabama of the college football world and compete for a national championship.

I'm not sure that's the end product in mind that these Pac 10 and Big 10 officials, et. al. have in mind.
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