NCAA moves toward allowing athletes to be paid sponsors (Russo @ AP) | The Boneyard

NCAA moves toward allowing athletes to be paid sponsors (Russo @ AP)

Aug 26, 2011
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>>No school-branded apparel or material could be used by athletes in their personal endorsement deals, according to the recommendations reviewed by the person who spoke to the AP. Athletes would be required to disclose financial terms of contracts to their athletic departments, along with their relationships with any individuals involved.

Athletes would be allowed to enter into agreements with individuals deemed to be school boosters, the person said.

The NCAA would create a mechanism to evaluate potential deals for fair market value and spot possible corruption. An athlete could compromise their eligibility for failing to disclose details of a financial agreement or relationship, the person said.

The recommendations also call for allowing athletes to sign autographs for money, sell their memorabilia, and be paid for personal appearances and working as an instructor in their sport.<<
May 15, 2014
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“Athletes would be allowed to enter into agreements with individuals deemed to be school boosters, the person said.“

should this read: “would not be allowed”?
Aug 26, 2011
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“Athletes would be allowed to enter into agreements with individuals deemed to be school boosters, the person said.“

should this read: “would not be allowed”?

Ha... I just asked him the same question.
Aug 26, 2011
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Some athletes might end up well paid in college now.

Hard to see how this will help college sports feel like college sports. Fans of the richest schools won't care.
Sep 12, 2011
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The NCAA would create a mechanism to evaluate potential deals for fair market value and spot possible corruption. An athlete could compromise their eligibility for failing to disclose details of a financial agreement or relationship, the person said.
So the NCAA would become the "agent" student athletes are not allowed to have?
Way too many unanswered questions. @Butch College sports would be gone as we know it. Money changes everything and yes even relationships.

Will teams still play like a team when only the super gifted are $$$$ rewarded?
Will the star center on the basketball team be allowed to share their endorsement / likeness ching with the rest of the team? Thus a guarantee he / she still sees the ball as often as they used to?

Does the NFL bound lineman miss a block on occasion because the QB is making money at his expense and not sharing?
Where does title lX come in? Or will it? So many questions for something to happen anytime soon.
Aug 26, 2011
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So the NCAA would become the "agent" student athletes are not allowed to have?
Way too many unanswered questions. @Butch College sports would be gone as we know it. Money changes everything and yes even relationships.

Will teams still play like a team when only the super gifted are $$$$ rewarded?
Will the star center on the basketball team be allowed to share their endorsement / likeness ching with the rest of the team? Thus a guarantee he / she still sees the ball as often as they used to?

Does the NFL bound lineman miss a block on occasion because the QB is making money at his expense and not sharing?
Where does title lX come in? Or will it? So many questions for something to happen anytime soon.
D1 sports have become a race for the riches. It's a minor league/developmental circuit now.

Precisely why AJ Dillon went to BC. Can't blame him given the situation we were in.
Aug 26, 2011
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So the NCAA would become the "agent" student athletes are not allowed to have?

Nope - the players in all sports will be able to have agents if they choose:

>>One of the working group recommendations is expected to be player representation. Yes, agents for everyone while players are still in school. It's only fair. In the new NIL world, some of these athletes are going to be making six figures and more (see below). They need to know how negotiate deals. "That's something that five years ago we wouldn't have even considered," said that working group member. "Today, I think we have to consider it."

College baseball players are allowed to have "advisors." Since 2018, basketball players who declare for the draft have been allowed to hire agents. They can come back to play if they aren't drafted. The NIL version is a bit different. There are approximately 13,000 FBS players alone. Not all of them will require agents. But remember, this isn't necessarily an athletic issue. The agents will be negotiating endorsement deals, autograph signings, group licenses.<<

Answers to some of your other questions are addressed in the link.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Well- I’ll be a fan of something in the years ahead. Maybe it’s D2 football, maybe it’s P5 cash paid to kids football. Really hard to see exactly how this plays out if the players get agents and endorsement cash next week with zero transition period. If college athletics at the top end gets smaller as a result (a lot of schools might just quit this game as the chasm opens up) then so be it. The D2 and D3 world seem safe- I don’t see any of this really changing the drive that runs amateur sports at the next two levels down.

Between the immediate transfer rule and sponsor cash, there wont be much of a space for programs without a T Boone Pickens, P5 media contract or very flush and generous alumni base.

I’ll keep watching- maybe some sort of angle will evolve that will help keep the non P5 from sliding to FCS level strength. Not sure what that will be. Every time a non P5 makes a bowl the following year it will be a very good bet the top 1 to 4 players get plucked and move up to P5 given the cash and new immediate transfer rule. This isn’t happening too much right now, but the cash and the immediate transfer rule could push this over the edge.

There is no stopping this train - so just let it run and see what happens.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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So to recap, the athletes can be paid by boosters and the NCAA will decide after the fact which are appropriate and which are a violation on a case by case basis without any clear guidance.

Well as long as they don't wear any school apparel, that will fine.

My god this is going to be a train wreck of truly epic proportions.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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So to recap, the athletes can be paid by boosters and the NCAA will decide after the fact which are appropriate and which are a violation on a case by case basis without any clear guidance.

Well as long as they don't wear any school apparel, that will fine.

My god this is going to be a train wreck of truly epic proportions.
I havent given it extensive thought, but off the cuff, seems like the only thing the NCAA can do the following which is basically to monitor the compensation.

So I would suggest they:
1) create a central clearing house for all compensation contracts
2) create a basic form contract for all athletes to use which can have addendums to address specifics of the sponsorship
3) create some rules to address FOIA and reporting.
4) create investigative rules / suspension rules / punishments for non compliance that hit the school and perhaps the player and possibly the sponsor
5) the kids will need to understand they are subject to whatever performance contracts they sign and not the university.
6) make the kids understand this will be taxable income. the universities should offer basic support to help kids do tax planning.

Thats it. If someone in Omaha wants to pay a WR $10k to do a Car ad than so be it. If someone wants to pay them 10k to be a fake intern so be it. If they want to pay them 100k for a back rub, so be it. Free market is here - dont try to regulate the prices - its not possible.

All the university should and can do once this horse is out of the barn is to track it.

The product will suffer, world will change, life will go on, the kids will get their money.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I havent given it extensive thought, but off the cuff, seems like the only thing the NCAA can do the following which is basically to monitor the compensation.

So I would suggest they:
1) create a central clearing house for all compensation contracts
2) create a basic form contract for all athletes to use which can have addendums to address specifics of the sponsorship
3) create some rules to address FOIA and reporting.
4) create investigative rules / suspension rules / punishments for non compliance that hit the school and perhaps the player and possibly the sponsor
5) the kids will need to understand they are subject to whatever performance contracts they sign and not the university.
6) make the kids understand this will be taxable income. the universities should offer basic support to help kids do tax planning.

Thats it. If someone in Omaha wants to pay a WR $10k to do a Car ad than so be it. If someone wants to pay them 10k to be a fake intern so be it. If they want to pay them 100k for a back rub, so be it. Free market is here - dont try to regulate the prices - its not possible.

All the university should and can do once this horse is out of the barn is to track it.

The product will suffer, world will change, life will go on, the kids will get their money.
Agree with your delineated list. I think maybe set safe harbors - certain dollar amounts for certain activities which will not be considered a violation.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Agree with your delineated list. I think maybe set safe harbors - certain dollar amounts for certain activities which will not be considered a violation.
I’d be afraid of anything that looks like the universities are placing salary caps because then maybe the kids are viewed as labor and that is a big problem. Let’s the kids get what they can get, let’s see what happens.
May 30, 2015
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I think the more important fact here is that the P-5 commissioners have bypassed the NCAA and gone directly to Congress. Is the the first step in breaking off from the NCAA?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I’d be afraid of anything that looks like the universities are placing salary caps because then maybe the kids are viewed as labor and that is a big problem. Let’s the kids get what they can get, let’s see what happens.
That's why you don't have the universities do it. Heck you don't even have the NCAA do it. You just have them say "Up to X amount under these circumstances will not be considered a violation." Any amount over that or under other circumstances gets reviewed. Most people will likely default to the safe harbor.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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That's why you don't have the universities do it. Heck you don't even have the NCAA do it. You just have them say "Up to X amount under these circumstances will not be considered a violation." Any amount over that or under other circumstances gets reviewed. Most people will likely default to the safe harbor.
I like it- my gut says the public will put pressure on the schools to “regulate” and “protect” in this new marketplace.

long term it means we will have a P5+ group of schools- but that’s evolution that can’t be stopped.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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This will end in disaster. Book it!
What’s the disaster? Kids will get paid - how can you stand in the way of that? By product; the playing field becomes more out of tilt - too bad for fans- but oh well they aren’t the ones playing. Mentally I am ready- I’m a free markets guy- let it rip.
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