Mythbusting: The “True Point Guard” (ADimeBack) | The Boneyard

Mythbusting: The “True Point Guard” (ADimeBack)

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Aug 28, 2011
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Been a lot of discussion on this board about this lately, so this seems to be a very relevant article to add to the discussion.
Interesting article.

As a side note Purdue is a very interesting team. I was bearish on them at the beginning of the season. Bearish in the sense I couldn't see an E8 or better run. Purdue really has no true PG at all that logs over 20 minutes a game I don't think. Vince Edwards a 6-8 forward (a la Hamilton) unexpectedly leads the team in assts. Edwards has been the primary facilitator. Scoring defense have been where Purdue has hit pay dirt to start the season.


"Your school wins games... WE WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS!"
Feb 7, 2012
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So in a way, we may have too many guards?
Jan 20, 2012
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Really like this article. I'm not buying that a freshman guard should start over a 5th year senior guard who has demonstrated against good D1 competition that he is capable for creating for his teammates. Jalen will see starter minutes, especially if KO cuts the playing time down on SCJr and Omar (I hope that he does). I haven't watched the replays of the past 4 games, but I don't really have to to see that 90% of our offense is DHam making a move at the top of the key. I know that it has been a rough 4-game stretch, and I know that Sterling Gibbs is not a "true point guard." But I do not buy that Gibbs is an ineffective contributor.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm as pro-analytics as anyone, but this article uses them as a be-all-end-all instead of a portion of the larger picture. While usage rate and assist% indicate the players who tend to initiate offense, they don't directly correlate to defining a player's abilities.

I'm firmly in the Adams starting over Gibbs camp because I think that's the best utilization of talent. And, this same data (along with the 'eye test') appears to support that. Gibbs primary skill on the court is his scoring ability. Throughout his career, he's been relied upon as the primary scorer for his teams. However, this is UConn, not Seton Hall. The talent level now surrounding Gibbs is superior, and he looks like he struggles to get into a rhythm when the ball isn't in his hands. On the second unit, Gibbs would function in a similar manner to his time at Seton Hall. He'd be relied upon as the primary scorer and facilitator. The ball would be in his hands and he could focus on finding his own shot; a role where he's excelled in the past. Even coming off the bench, Gibbs would still play close to starters minutes, as he'd be in our small-ball lineup.

On the other hand, Adams operates more like a 'true point guard' than Gibbs, and that's supported both by the eye test and the same usage rate and assist% data. Jalen's ability to get into the lane creates opportunities for his teammates, and his superior defense leads to more stops and fast breaks, i.e. easy buckets.

Adams and Gibbs can and will play a lot of minutes together, but I really believe Gibbs' talent is best utilized in a sixth-man scoring spark type of role.
Apr 25, 2014
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I'm as pro-analytics as anyone, but this article uses them as a be-all-end-all instead of a portion of the larger picture. While usage rate and assist% indicate the players who tend to initiate offense, they don't directly correlate to defining a player's abilities.

I'm firmly in the Adams starting over Gibbs camp because I think that's the best utilization of talent. And, this same data (along with the 'eye test') appears to support that. Gibbs primary skill on the court is his scoring ability. Throughout his career, he's been relied upon as the primary scorer for his teams. However, this is UConn, not Seton Hall. The talent level now surrounding Gibbs is superior, and he looks like he struggles to get into a rhythm when the ball isn't in his hands. On the second unit, Gibbs would function in a similar manner to his time at Seton Hall. He'd be relied upon as the primary scorer and facilitator. The ball would be in his hands and he could focus on finding his own shot; a role where he's excelled in the past. Even coming off the bench, Gibbs would still play close to starters minutes, as he'd be in our small-ball lineup.

On the other hand, Adams operates more like a 'true point guard' than Gibbs, and that's supported both by the eye test and the same usage rate and assist% data. Jalen's ability to get into the lane creates opportunities for his teammates, and his superior defense leads to more stops and fast breaks, i.e. easy buckets.

Adams and Gibbs can and will play a lot of minutes together, but I really believe Gibbs' talent is best utilized in a sixth-man scoring spark type of role.

So you're saying that, because Gibbs needs the ball in his hands, he should be replaced with Adams, who is even more of a traditional ball-handling guard? That seems the opposite conclusion. If Ollie is going to continue to use Hamilton to initiate the offense, it becomes more important for the nominal point guard to be able to shoot from distance and move without the ball, both skills where Adams is behind Gibbs.
Aug 26, 2011
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So you're saying that, because Gibbs needs the ball in his hands, he should be replaced with Adams, who is even more of a traditional ball-handling guard? That seems the opposite conclusion. If Ollie is going to continue to use Hamilton to initiate the offense, it becomes more important for the nominal point guard to be able to shoot from distance and move without the ball, both skills where Adams is behind Gibbs.

What I'm saying is that when Gibbs isn't scoring, Adams contributes more to the team. And Gibbs' ability to score is limited when the ball is not in his hands; he looks disengaged out there when he hasn't touched the ball in awhile. In a sixth-man role, Gibbs would be 'the man' when Hamilton is on the bench. It'd be a much needed scoring spark from our bench, and a better utilization of his talent.

If Gibbs is merely a token three-point threat when Hamilton operates as the de facto PG, I'd rather take Adam's superior defense and playmaking. Ultimately, this team needs to excel on the fast break, and you can't get run out opportunities without defensive stops. I've been disappointed by our team's defense as a whole, and Gibbs has been a major contributor to that.

In end, both Adams and Gibbs should play close to starters minutes, but I'm a defense first guy and Adams wins that battle.
Dec 13, 2013
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Defense is the worst we have seen in like forever. This has always been our nut, No matter what we defended hard. Got to get back to it and fast and come out hungry, no more slow starts. Best is yet to come.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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The article makes no sense to me. He seemed to be quoting stats vs one set of players over another set of players.
First thing a point needs is good handle with a subtle change of speeds and a good cross over. He needs to be able to get anywhere on the floor. He has to control the pace and has to be able to make a play when the clock is low. (Boat and Bazz)
Next he has to read the defense and spot the open man and also has to get the ball to the spots where he can feed the ball to his best scorers. He has to run the break.
There is no one on UConn who remotely has these abilities except Adams and he is raw.
This is why we are having a hard time scoring.
Aug 26, 2011
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Im with jfuchs91. The stats in the article are nice to make a point, but seems to make a huge jump to come to a conclusion
Mar 31, 2014
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Really like this article. I'm not buying that a freshman guard should start over a 5th year senior guard who has demonstrated against good D1 competition that he is capable for creating for his teammates. Jalen will see starter minutes, especially if KO cuts the playing time down on SCJr and Omar (I hope that he does). I haven't watched the replays of the past 4 games, but I don't really have to to see that 90% of our offense is DHam making a move at the top of the key. I know that it has been a rough 4-game stretch, and I know that Sterling Gibbs is not a "true point guard." But I do not buy that Gibbs is an ineffective contributor.

Gibbs had a 3.8/2.0 A/TO ratio last year, he's never really been any great shakes as a facilitator. His teams were also 12-24 in conference play in his 2 years there, and they were 5-9 in conference last year before his suspension and subsequent fallout (went 1-1 without him and 0-3 upon his return).

Not saying he's a horrible player, but I'm not sure where any devotion to him remaining the starting PG could possibly be coming from at this point.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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So you're saying that, because Gibbs needs the ball in his hands, he should be replaced with Adams, who is even more of a traditional ball-handling guard? That seems the opposite conclusion. If Ollie is going to continue to use Hamilton to initiate the offense, it becomes more important for the nominal point guard to be able to shoot from distance and move without the ball, both skills where Adams is behind Gibbs.

Dunno about that argument, but Adams certainly has a superior skillset to Gibbs. Can get to the rim, pass, and shoot. Defenses have to respect that. Not so w Gibbs. I'd like to see Adams on the ball, creating for guys like Hamilton. DH is having to do too much at this point.
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The article misses the point; Gibbs liability is he can't stop anyone good.
Aug 26, 2011
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The article threw a couple usage stats and eFG% up there to prove that... uh, he's not playing very well? We have all been saying that. It suggests he should have the ball more, because, uh, then he will be better?

I like ADB as much as anyone here, they do good work for an amateur site being entertaining, but the dude is in wayyyyy over his head, and didn't make a real coherent point here. Half-baked at best.

I'll tell you what my eyes tell me: He struggles generating penetration to finish or to pass, and he struggles mightily stopping any penetration. He's probably better offensively than he has showed to date(integrateing to a new team, trying to be unselfish, etc. But defensively, this is probably a "you get what you get" type of situation.

Hope Ollie figures it out.
Aug 26, 2011
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Gibbs has some oddly bad habits as a passer. He likes to throw one-handed passes on the move - usually that's a flaw that's whipped out of you early in your college career, so it's strange to me to see it out of a fifth-year senior. He also has a tendency to drive out of control, even losing his balance at times, so that when he tries to kick the ball out to open shooters on the perimeter, he floats balloons out there that the catcher can't do anything with. That pass needs zip on it so the defense doesn't have time to recover - often it can lead to hockey assists as the ball gets swung around against a scrambling D, but when you break down the defense and don't throw a good accurate pass with pace, you lose the advantage gained (and a good chunk of the shot clock) as the defense sets itself up again.

From time to time Gibbs has shown some creative court vision on dump downs to big men (Miller a few times). And his turnover count is low, so his passing flaws haven't necessarily been negatives so much as missed opportunities for positives. Plus he hasn't tried to be about himself - he's forced a few shots at inopportune times but so has everyone. He seems like he's trying to be a team guy, which is good for our chemistry going forward.

The pure point guard standard is a bit of a relic from the past, but what you want is a good game manager - someone who controls pace, settles the team down when there's game slippage, and steps up to stop an opponent's run when you are down by 5-8 points before you get down 15-20. It remains to be seen if Gibbs can be that guy. We need his skill set regardless (scoring/shooting/floor spacing/ball handling) - just a question of whether he's in a primary role or a secondary. And if it's secondary, we need Adams to grow up fast or else we will be asking DHam to do it from the wing. But either way, we are lucky to have him or we would have to live and die with Adams all year and little backcourt depth.
Aug 26, 2011
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Adams is simply more talented than Gibbs plus he can defend. I don't know if he is ready to lead the team but at the very least he should be getting as much PT. Gibbs is a nice player who can score and this is no way a knock on him.
What is a "real" PG:
-can pass and accumulate assists.
- outstanding ball handler
-understands the offense and is a coach on the floor
-can penetrate and finish at the rim
-makes foul shots
-has the quickness to defend opponent's PG and lead the press
Others may have a different list of what makes a "real" PG but this mine. I don't think that there is anything old fashioned about any of these attributes.
Aug 25, 2011
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Why can't we just accept that Adams will not be starting over Gibbs? To me it would be a huge risk, pulling a senior (who starred elsewhere) for a freshman. Sure Adams has the talent and the moxie to manage this team, but I really think the 'demotion' would affect Gibbs adversely.

Gibbs needs to play horrendous for this to be in effect, and that hasn't happened. What I do see is Ollie inserting Adams as soon as possible, whether a player has two fouls, makes stupid mistakes, or is not playing good defense. Adams off the bench positively affects the game, and I like that.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Why can't we just accept that Adams will not be starting over Gibbs? To me it would be a huge risk, pulling a senior (who starred elsewhere) for a freshman. Sure Adams has the talent and the moxie to manage this team, but I really think the 'demotion' would affect Gibbs adversely.

Yeah, I said that in the chat. It is not going to happen, for chemistry reasons alone. And it really doesn't matter a lick anyway. It's all about minutes.
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