My annual Stadium Cheer Rant ... & letters ... | The Boneyard

My annual Stadium Cheer Rant ... & letters ...

Aug 27, 2011
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So UCONN has 2 highly recognizable stadium cheers. One that is usually started by an average fan (Big Red) and another that is heard frequently from the fans ... but never led by the cheerleaders.

#1 - About 12 years ago I made some big white letters for the cheerleaders. I noticed that the entire stadium had a difficult time seeing Big Red. I wanted the entire stadium to be able to synchronize to the U-C-O-N-N UCONN UCONN UCONN cheer after a score. I understand that Big Red pretty much has a patent on this cheer (and I did not want to steal his thunder), but I thought it was a little easier for 40,000 fans to see and be led by the cheerleaders on the field with big, white letters. Sometimes it works pretty well.

#2 - Each year, when I deliver the letters to the cheerleaders, I ask them if they have ever given any thought to the UCONN HUSKIES WOOF cheer. This cheer is started generically by numerous fans all over the stadium almost all game ... but I can't recall a single instance when the cheerleaders led the entire stadium with this cheer. That, to me, is incredibly odd. A cheer which almost everyone knows ... conducted almost all game long by random fans ... but almost never organized stadium wide by the cheerleaders. How can that be? It is literally the 2nd best known UCONN cheer and very unique to UCONN fans.

We had that pre-game guy trying to get fans to yell BLUE & WHITE. WHAT?? BLUE & WHITE?? THAT IS NOT A TRADITIONAL UCONN CHEER!! I don't ever recall a UCONN cheer that included BLUE & WHITE. That attempt was totally misguided and failed miserably.

While attending away games at WVU and Michigan ... I witnessed cheer leaders prompting each half of the stadium with 1 word each. One half would start while the other half responded. GO ... BLUE ... & LET'S GO ... MOUNTAINEERS. It was incredible how quickly the stadium caught on and knew what to do. That was very effective cheer leading ... prompting an entire stadium in unison.

Why can't we have that at the Rent??


Dear Cheerleaders - I will make props for you that read "UCONN" & "HUSKIES". The only thing you need to do is raise those letters on each half of the stadium to get the crowd to cheer in unison ...

UCONN ... HUSKIES ... UCONN ... HUSKIES ... HUSKIES ... UCONN ... (& 40,000 fans together) ..... WOOF!!!!!

UCONN Letters.jpg


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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I cringe and hold back from throwing beers when I hear drunken nitwits F up this cheer at home games. Especially when they just keep chanting "UConn" after getting the "Huskies" echo, and then keep going for a few more, wondering why they lost all their support after the first two. Need to be clubbed like baby seals.
Aug 28, 2011
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So UCONN has 2 highly recognizable stadium cheers. One that is usually started by an average fan (Big Red) and another that is heard frequently from the fans ... but never led by the cheerleaders.

#1 - About 12 years ago I made some big white letters for the cheerleaders. I noticed that the entire stadium had a difficult time seeing Big Red. I wanted the entire stadium to be able to synchronize to the U-C-O-N-N UCONN UCONN UCONN cheer after a score. I understand that Big Red pretty much has a patent on this cheer (and I did not want to steal his thunder), but I thought it was a little easier for 40,000 fans to see and be led by the cheerleaders on the field with big, white letters. Sometimes it works pretty well.

#2 - Each year, when I deliver the letters to the cheerleaders, I ask them if they have ever given any thought to the UCONN HUSKIES WOOF cheer. This cheer is started generically by numerous fans all over the stadium almost all game ... but I can't recall a single instance when the cheerleaders led the entire stadium with this cheer. That, to me, is incredibly odd. A cheer which almost everyone knows ... conducted almost all game long by random fans ... but almost never organized stadium wide by the cheerleaders. How can that be? It is literally the 2nd best known UCONN cheer and very unique to UCONN fans.

We had that pre-game guy trying to get fans to yell BLUE & WHITE. WHAT?? BLUE & WHITE?? THAT IS NOT A TRADITIONAL UCONN CHEER!! I don't ever recall a UCONN cheer that included BLUE & WHITE. That attempt was totally misguided and failed miserably.

While attending away games at WVU and Michigan ... I witnessed cheer leaders prompting each half of the stadium with 1 word each. One half would start while the other half responded. GO ... BLUE ... & LET'S GO ... MOUNTAINEERS. It was incredible how quickly the stadium caught on and knew what to do. That was very effective cheer leading ... prompting an entire stadium in unison.

Why can't we have that at the Rent??


Dear Cheerleaders - I will make props for you that read "UCONN" & "HUSKIES". The only thing you need to do is raise those letters on each half of the stadium to get the crowd to cheer in unison ...

UCONN ... HUSKIES ... UCONN ... HUSKIES ... HUSKIES ... UCONN ... (& 40,000 fans together) ..... WOOF!!!!!

View attachment 24423

Great effort. But don't you need "HUSKIES" for the other side of the stadium?

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I cringe and hold back from throwing beers when I hear drunken nitwits F up this cheer at home games. Especially when they just keep chanting "UConn" after getting the "Huskies" echo, and then keep going for a few more, wondering why they lost all their support after the first two. Need to be clubbed like baby seals.

Ahhhh. Clubbing baby seals. Not that's a tradition UConn fans can get behind.
Aug 27, 2011
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You need one as big as the big "UCONN." One for each side of the stadium.

No ... you don't. You just need an Athletic Department and cheerleaders willing to implement the 2 most well known, and traditional, UCONN cheers.
Jan 2, 2017
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I always wondered where the letters came from that the cheerleaders used. @Kgun7 do you work for the University or just a fan supporting the program? I've youtubed college chants and entrances a few times and there are some good ones out there.


Aug 26, 2011
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I am just a fan trying to support the program. Initially I donated the first few sets ... then the Dept of Student Activities began to pay for the material, but I still cut and delivered them to campus or the stadium.
Will you be doing your key play breakdowns again? I love those.
Aug 22, 2016
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I am just a fan trying to support the program. Initially I donated the first few sets ... then the Dept of Student Activities began to pay for the material, but I still cut and delivered them to campus or the stadium.

From a guy who rarely gets to a home game. Thank you! Getting butts in the seats is most important, but those who develope, promote, and encourage tradition and fan involvement really help what we see on tv.
My request is that people wear team colors even if it's not team gear. I've seen enough yellow, pink, green and LL. Bean chodes to last my life time while watching UConn games.
Aug 27, 2011
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The cheerleaders informed me they don't want the letters anymore ... they plan on switching to printed boards. I'm sorry to see the letters go because I thought they were a truly unique UCONN tradition.

So I guess I'm going rogue ... if I can get enough students in the student section to yell UCONN ... the rest of the stadium better yell HUSKIES!!

See you all tonight!
Aug 22, 2016
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The cheerleaders informed me they don't want the letters anymore ... they plan on switching to printed boards. I'm sorry to see the letters go because I thought they were a truly unique UCONN tradition.

So I guess I'm going rogue ... if I can get enough students in the student section to yell UCONN ... the rest of the stadium better yell HUSKIES!!

See you all tonight!

That's a disappointment.
Jun 9, 2017
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The cheerleaders informed me they don't want the letters anymore ... they plan on switching to printed boards. I'm sorry to see the letters go because I thought they were a truly unique UCONN tradition.

So I guess I'm going rogue ... if I can get enough students in the student section to yell UCONN ... the rest of the stadium better yell HUSKIES!!

See you all tonight!

Ugh dumb.
Jun 23, 2014
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From a guy who rarely gets to a home game. Thank you! Getting butts in the seats is most important, but those who develope, promote, and encourage tradition and fan involvement really help what we see on tv.
My request is that people wear team colors even if it's not team gear. I've seen enough yellow, pink, green and LL. Bean chodes to last my life time while watching UConn games.

I've decided not to wear my red pants.
Aug 26, 2011
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The cheerleaders informed me they don't want the letters anymore ... they plan on switching to printed boards. I'm sorry to see the letters go because I thought they were a truly unique UCONN tradition.

So I guess I'm going rogue ... if I can get enough students in the student section to yell UCONN ... the rest of the stadium better yell HUSKIES!!

See you all tonight!
Fire AD Dave

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