A 16 team could never work logistically. It's not like BB where you can play 5 games in 5 days

. Fans can't travel to multiple rounds of games. So the idea of using the current bowls as quarters or semis won't work.
Early rounds could be held on campuses but that doesn't address the time constraints. The realistic window for these games is from the second weekend in December to the second weekend in January, but excludes two weekends in December for finals. The regular season will not be shortened because they would lose revenue from.games. That leaves three weekends for any playoff or 8 teams max.
The bowls are important to college football. Because of other affilliatons, I've been going since before Uconn went FBS, including 3 BCS bowls. The weather, travel, taking over a city is very cool. The players and University brass also love them. It also an important benchmark of a successful season. Get back to me in six weeks should Uconn not make it. If you're a true fan, then you will understand.
So with all that in mind:
8 team playoff
Round 1 held week after conference championship games on campus of higher seed. Final four to BCS championship.
Bowl system remains mostly as is but without the Final Four. First round losers are eligible for bowl games.
The final four is held on NYD at two sites in the same geographic area (ie. Florida ) so fans can set up.base for two rounds.
Title game is held the next weekend at the same site. Bowl.committes can bid to host the BCS just like the WC or Olympics.
The former BCS bowls can go back to their previous formats, ie., the Rose Bowl can still host the BT and Pac. With first round losers eligible, they could still have the conference champs.
By having the first round before finals, everyone can get their travel squared away.
It's either the plus one or something like this.
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