Motto: We've Earned Everything | The Boneyard

Motto: We've Earned Everything

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Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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"I am told the athletic staff is very happy with the way Natalie Butler has assimilated herself into the program after transfering to the Huskies from Georgetown where she was Big East rookie of the year last season. She has been living in workout room, intent to get a head start on the transformation of her body, even though she can not play until next season. They love her and expect big things from the 6-5 center."

"Big Things" ;)
Jul 19, 2014
Reaction Score
Great news about both Natalie Butler and Kaleena.
Oct 29, 2011
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Am one who has always been in John A's corner and appreciative of his reports. Must say that he seems to have had a rather "silent summer" as far as Our Girls go. These acorns were very, very welcome here....if you are seeing this, JA, please keep em coming......a lot of bushy tails on in the Yard counting on you for sustenance... :)
Jan 19, 2014
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I also miss his weekly morning on line chat during the season. It was a way to get information from John as well as other UCONN zealots.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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That BS about everything comes easy to them makes me crazy! :mad: But I don't know about the "everybody" part. Lots of folks know how hard our UConn kids work and what the weight of expectations mean. Got that first hand last winter at a local quick stop oil/lube place. In there with my now ratty, soiled 2002 NC cap on when 2 young ladies came in and sat down and caught the cap. They whispered to each other and had a little laugh between them. I looked over. One said: " We aren't laughing at you. She wants your hat and I just told her she doesn't have enough money." I asked how so. She said: "Everyone knows UConn fans are die hard, they travel everywhere and [this part really got me] they never turn on their own." The other one blurted out: "Not to mention that is the 2002 cap!" We got into a chat. They are Montana State players. I won't go blow by blow - heck, I can't - but it came through loud and clear that those two kids knew how hard it was to be at UConn and hoped had they had the opportunity that they could have hacked it. Both of them said UConn had raised girls hoops visibility for everyone. My vehicle was ready and I went to pay. Before I left one of them gave me her phone number on a piece of newspaper: "In case you ever want to sell that cap." She was joking. By then she knew she had no chance.
May 28, 2014
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From embarrassingly humble beginnings, to Earth's premiere collegiate basketball program in record time.

Yep.....sounds "easy" to me.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
That BS about everything comes easy to them makes me crazy! :mad: But I don't know about the "everybody" part. Lots of folks know how hard our UConn kids work and what the weight of expectations mean. Got that first hand last winter at a local quick stop oil/lube place. In there with my now ratty, soiled 2002 NC cap on when 2 young ladies came in and sat down and caught the cap. They whispered to each other and had a little laugh between them. I looked over. One said: " We aren't laughing at you. She wants your hat and I just told her she doesn't have enough money." I asked how so. She said: "Everyone knows UConn fans are die hard, they travel everywhere and [this part really got me] they never turn on their own." The other one blurted out: "Not to mention that is the 2002 cap!" We got into a chat. They are Montana State players. I won't go blow by blow - heck, I can't - but it came through loud and clear that those two kids knew how hard it was to be at UConn and hoped had they had the opportunity that they could have hacked it. Both of them said UConn had raised girls hoops visibility for everyone. My vehicle was ready and I went to pay. Before I left one of them gave me her phone number on a piece of newspaper: "In case you ever want to sell that cap." She was joking. By then she knew she had no chance.

A post script: I asked how they - who both were 8 in 2002 -knew about 2002's team. They both looked at me like I was stupid. It was, how could we not know. Like - duh!


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Great write up JA. The question is now can Geno continue to beat his best? The expectations are high at UConn. Geno has continued to have his teams get better and set records and because of that has been able to recruit the top players. The question is when does it hit a bump. It wont for at least the next 4 years. With KML having this year and Breanna having 2 more years then imo the biggest get Natalie Butler which will solidify the middle for 3 years after that well the question becomes when and can UConn be beaten. Yes UConn can loose if they screw up but is there any team in WCBB that can beat them. IMO NO.

If UConn beat everybody the past season and by double digets what have opposing coaches done to improve their team so they can get within double digets let alone beat UConn? No coach has and no team has the chemistry to compete with UConn. Will UConn become bored? complacent? tired? Thats Genos job now. Keep them motivated.

Geno has a team of Winners. Reading about KML and Natalie shows you they have the "want to". They are willing to pay the price. They have a dream and realize what they have to do to reach that dream. They know they are that close yet they are still not there.

This will be a very special year for UConn Womens Basketball.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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South Carolina has talent that compares favorably to UConn. South Carolina will be a tough match up and who knows who will win those games. One or two of the freshmen will have to step up. Although I do believe UConn will, there is no guarantee.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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God save the world of WCBB if this team is determined to work even harder to convince that world just how hard they can work!
Sep 11, 2013
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This year we have something that we didn't have last year. We will have ten
players battling very hard for minutes. This will make this team very tough.
So complacency will not be an issue with this team. When tournament
time comes, we will be a very deep, dangerous and experienced team.
Barring any major injuries, we will be fine.
The west coast trip at the beginning of the season should let us know
just how tough this team will be.
Go Kiah!!
Aug 4, 2014
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Great write up JA. The question is now can Geno continue to beat his best? The expectations are high at UConn. Geno has continued to have his teams get better and set records and because of that has been able to recruit the top players. The question is when does it hit a bump. It wont for at least the next 4 years. With KML having this year and Breanna having 2 more years then imo the biggest get Natalie Butler which will solidify the middle for 3 years after that well the question becomes when and can UConn be beaten. Yes UConn can loose if they screw up but is there any team in WCBB that can beat them. IMO NO.

If UConn beat everybody the past season and by double digets what have opposing coaches done to improve their team so they can get within double digets let alone beat UConn? No coach has and no team has the chemistry to compete with UConn. Will UConn become bored? complacent? tired? Thats Genos job now. Keep them motivated.

Geno has a team of Winners. Reading about KML and Natalie shows you they have the "want to". They are willing to pay the price. They have a dream and realize what they have to do to reach that dream. They know they are that close yet they are still not there.

This will be a very special year for UConn Womens Basketball.

Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Huskies Rule said:
Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+

you must be new...


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+

Hey, teach! You are one tuff grader.


Aug 24, 2011
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South Carolina has talent that compares favorably to UConn. South Carolina will be a tough match up and who knows who will win those games. One or two of the freshmen will have to step up. Although I do believe UConn will, there is no guarantee.
Have to say I totally disagree. SC is not close to UCONN in terms of talent. In Moriah, Stewie and KML, we have the 3 best players at their respective positions, and probably 3 of the top 10 players in the entire country. I'm not sure how you figure that SC has anything that comes close.

If you want to argue that Kia Stokes is untested as a player who can go 25-30 minutes per game, I won't disagree, but I'm of the opinion that she's one of the top 5, if not top 3, centers in WCBB this coming season.

UCONN's only question mark is at the 2G spot. I get that UCONN fans should be respectful of other teams, but the 2nd best team in the nation last year got obliterated by UCONN in the NC game by 20 points. I don't see SC as good as that ND team.


Proud member of King Geno's Court
Aug 26, 2011
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I am sure that Geno will have our players ready for the upcoming games. After all, on the court is the true test, not on the 'Yard.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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South Carolina has talent that compares favorably to UConn. South Carolina will be a tough match up and who knows who will win those games. One or two of the freshmen will have to step up. Although I do believe UConn will, there is no guarantee.

Have to say I totally disagree. SC is not close to UCONN in terms of talent. In Moriah, Stewie and KML, we have the 3 best players at their respective positions, and probably 3 of the top 10 players in the entire country. I'm not sure how you figure that SC has anything that comes close.

If you want to argue that Kia Stokes is untested as a player who can go 25-30 minutes per game, I won't disagree, but I'm of the opinion that she's one of the top 5, if not top 3, centers in WCBB this coming season.

UCONN's only question mark is at the 2G spot. I get that UCONN fans should be respectful of other teams, but the 2nd best team in the nation last year got obliterated by UCONN in the NC game by 20 points. I don't see SC as good as that ND team.
Agree eric. S Carolina has to make the jump to a FF team before we can discuss whether they can play with UCONN or not. Let them do that first. They had a decent team last year. S16 and taken out by UNC, lost to KY, TN, Texas A&M (none of those teams were/are comparable to UCONN). Their signature win was beating KY. They didn't play UCONN, ND, Stanford, Maryland. They have a good Freshmen class. We'll have to see how well the Freshmen adjust to college though. They should be better this year, but they have a long ways to go before they are on UCONN's level.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+
You simply are used to tonyese. It will take a year or so to understand his native tongue.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+

Tony types as fast as he thinks- which is very fast. He can talk even faster. Those of us who are used to Tony-speak automatically translate. You will learn to read & speak Tony if you stick around. (Which we hope you do.) However, please note that we take him as he is, and love him for it. (Wait until the season starts and the Tony flow increases exponentially and you will see what I mean. ). No offense taken, just had some 'splainin' to do!


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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TonyC don't need no steenkin syntax. Anyone who can coin a phrase like the never t0 be forgotten; (re PHS and the "sixpack") "If she starts them all, the others will all have to sit." gets a lifetime pass from such mundane details. Did e e cummings worry about syntax? Did Joyce worry about run-on sentences? Attention to such prescriptionistic fripperies would simply put rocks in the burbling stream of Tony's creativity.
Last edited:


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
TonyC don't need no steenkin syntax. Anyone who can coin a phrase like the never t0 be forgotten; (re PHS and the "sixpack") "If she starts them all, the others will all have to sit." gets a lifetime pass from such mundane details. Did e e cummings worry about syntax? Did Joyce worry about run-on sentences? Attention to such prescriptionistic fripperies would simply put rocks in the burbling stream of Tony's creativity.
We can't loose, when Tony lets lose with his conchus stream. Preach it brother.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction Score
Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+

Just what the board needs - more grammar police. Besides, some of us can remember Tonycops posts of years ago.
Jun 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Absolutely love your words, Mr.T. Right on. But this former English teacher cannot resist grading the message, tongue firmly embedded in cheek, no offense PLEASE. :))

syntax C-
punctuation C- (commas and apostrophes are good to use, punctuation within quotations marks)
spelling C+ (digit, lose)
content A+
stream of consciousness A+
Welcome to the Yard...we do tend to be a little creative in our communications here, but we are not completely without rules. Here is an offering from the text poet, Norman Silver that may assist you in making sense of what you see here.

Txt Commndmnts
u shall luv ur mobil fone with all ur hart
u & ur fone shall neva b apart
u shall nt lust aftr ur neibrs fone nor thiev
u shall b prepard @ all times 2 tXt & 2 recv
u shall use LOL & othr acronyms in conversatns
u shall be zappy with ur ast*r*sks & exc!matns!!
u shall abbrevi8 & rite words like theyr sed
u shall nt speak to sum1 face2face if u cn msg em insted
U shall nt shout with capitls XEPT IN DIRE EMEGENCY +
U shall nt consult a ninglish dictnry
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