More words from warde on realignment | The Boneyard

More words from warde on realignment

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Sep 2, 2011
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For those who are too lazy or disinclined to listen to the Warde Manuel interview, I transcribed the interview. I've included an older picture of Manuel. He's the one laughing next to the dog and the donut shop logo. In the picture while it appears that he is being tickled by Jonathan's tongue, he really is laughing because he just got paid and called a rock star. So in rock star fashion, here are his words:


How UConn is approaching conference realignment:

"Well we're looking at what's in the best interests of Connecticut and at the same being a member of the Big East and working to win championships there. We're a proud founding member of the Big East conference but obviously there have been changes - movements within our own conference as well as others and so we're gonna keep looking out what's in our best interests for UConn moving forward and at the appropriate time make that decision"
How he feels about changes in the Big East

"Well I think you know from an emotional standpoint i'm just getting there, but i can tell you our fans much of what we talked about on the panel today, they're concerned about traditional rivalries going away. They're concerned about you know what impact the new schools are going to have on those rivalries or how rivalries are going to exist and you know where they could travel and drive and go to different games now they can't with some of the rivalries and some of the teams but some of the institutions that are coming in are great institutions but those who are leaving we have a great rivalry with those institutions and so there's a lot of concern amongst our fanbase and consequently I am concerned about it as well."
Whether those changes have had a negative affect on Big East basketball

"You know Big East basketball is a strong brand of basketball and will continue to be so and we're proud of that tradition that we have in basketball both personally at UConn and within the Big East and I think we feel it's a strong brand that going to continue to be recognized in basketball. And as a football playing institution within the conference you know obviously the shakeup's occurring because of football and the drive in terms of football and the revenue that they could derive now and so we have to make adjustments as conference and we have to do what we are doing and I think Mike Aresco is doing a great job with that."


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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"You know" I really hate having outsider speak for UConn during these trying and critical times.

"You know", WM and SH have what, 2 years of UConn experience? Were either alums or fans for life.

"You know" I just don't know think they can grasp the gravity of the situation and "you know" I don't think they really care.

Also, Warde take a clasic in public speaking you goon.
Sep 2, 2011
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Imagine if I left in all of the "uhh's". But his manner of speaking goes from very informal to formal, but to cut the guy some slack the reporter probably got to him when he stepped off of the platform.

As for HuskyfanDanisms, only thing I could divine was:

"so we're gonna keep looking out what's in our best interests for UConn moving forward and at the appropriate time make that decision"

Looking at it from the bow of the USS CT, one could read this to mean that Warde intentionally hit his talking point and stated again that at the appropriate time the decision of the Big 10 to expand would be made. There is almost a whisp of inevitability in his words, as if UConn will be presented with such a choice. This conforms to his comments in the USVI wherein he state:

"I truly have no sense about what kind of timeline they may be working with.” Warde Manuel, November 24, 2010. (the week after MD/RU announced) when asked about ACC and Big 10 by the girl's bb courant beat writer.

This after changing his mind and deciding at the last minute to travel to the USVI earlier than scheduled to watch the men's final in the paradise jam. He eventually stayed thru the women's tourney. That is he purposefully went to the USVI early even in light of the open slot in the ACC being publicly desired by Louisville.
May 30, 2012
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Yeah, going to a tournament championship game in the warm, sunny Virgin Islands where they actually have working phones was a pretty ballsy move.
Sep 2, 2011
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I'll see your snarkyness and raise you:

To fly from BDL to STT requires at least one stop. The trip is an all day journey. If you leave early morning, your house around 5:00 am you most likely will be getting to your hotel room around 5:00 pm. Basically your business day is blown like an oriakhi putback. And unless manuel went rasta on us, he had to come back. so that took two days out of 9 that manuel was out of action.

moreover, he didn't have his ass'ts to line up phone calls, nor a printer, fax machine, a secretary to coordinate things, face to face with people. in addition he had duties to attend to in the usvi, mtgs with donors,alum groups, and watching teams practice and play.

so for manuel to do that at THAT time given the supposed stakes and lobbying effort by jurich, id say it's fair to read something into it. and it wasnt a previously scheduled time to go. he decided during this period to go early.

Yeah, going to a tournament championship game in the warm, sunny Virgin Islands where they actually have working phones was a pretty ballsy move.
Aug 26, 2011
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Moreover, he didn't have his ass'ts to line up phone calls, nor a printer, fax machine, a secretary to coordinate things, face to face with people .
He went so he's subject to being second guessed (but I'm sure his boss who also was there @ one point - approved) but the impact is WAY overblown. If he took a car service to NYC - it's a four hour direct flight. Have you ever worked from the road? Planes have internet... ?? fax machine - all by email now a days (can't remember the last time I faxed something).

Let's not forget that Wake Forest AD was at both the men's and women's tournament as was Purdue and South Carolina's for the Women's.
Sep 2, 2011
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Even if the planes have gogo, you're not going to use it for a flight to the islands- no signal over water. I guess he could have had a car service to new york, left his house around 4:00 am for a 8:00 am direct flight. And then gotten to his hotel at 3:00 pm anyways. nothing like betting on traffic to newark or jfk at 7:30 am, eh? anyone that flies for business knows that that type of flight renders them less productive than if they remained at home. It is not really debatable.

And to voluntarily alter one's schedule to do it in the first place.

What we are debating is why someone in manuel's position at the time would do this. I can not see the logic that says losing 2 full business days at a time when reports were unambiguous that a team was going to be added quickly. Plus the commitment to the practice, games, donors and alums while in stt. combined with having to fly back home again. Unless he didn't give rat's about the ACC.

He went so he's subject to being second guessed (but I'm sure his boss who also was there @ one point - approved) but the impact is WAY overblown. If he took a car service to NYC - it's a four hour direct flight. Have you ever worked from the road? Planes have internet... ?? fax machine - all by email now a days (can't remember the last time I faxed something).

Let's not forget that Wake Forest AD was at both the men's and women's tournament as was Purdue and South Carolina's for the Women's.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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I've included an older picture of Manuel. He's the one laughing next to the dog and the donut shop logo.

Lol, I couldn't stop laughing at that line.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll see your snarkyness and raise you:

To fly from BDL to STT requires at least one stop. The trip is an all day journey. If you leave early morning, your house around 5:00 am you most likely will be getting to your hotel room around 5:00 pm. Basically your business day is blown like an oriakhi putback. And unless manuel went rasta on us, he had to come back. so that took two days out of 9 that manuel was out of action.

moreover, he didn't have his ass'ts to line up phone calls, nor a printer, fax machine, a secretary to coordinate things, face to face with people. in addition he had duties to attend to in the usvi, mtgs with donors,alum groups, and watching teams practice and play.

so for manuel to do that at THAT time given the supposed stakes and lobbying effort by jurich, id say it's fair to read something into it. and it wasnt a previously scheduled time to go. he decided during this period to go early.

THAT is compelling.
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