midmajor leadership | The Boneyard

midmajor leadership

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Aug 24, 2011
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uconn would do very well vs midmajors, our leadership would dominate that level of play. look at depauls logo, or all the c7 logos. check our there branding in each school and marketing and what they think is big time. none of them have cool courts or any of the other small things. nova, gtown and sju atleast give a dam and try. if i was a depaul i would be so embarrassed by that logo i would close the frucking school.

you don't see that type of crap at michigan or alabama do u? how about texas or kansas? no you don't.

i turned on espn2 for a quick minute surfing and i got the follwoing in my head
1) yea pitt is scum. the minute they announced for the acc they became just another bball program. they never were elite and they never will be. both fball and bball for that scholl will also be the avergae joe who is a tranny. anyway
2) rutgers basketball court, the actual hardwood. it stands ffor eeverything rutgers thinks of and uconn oes not. big block logo on the middle, the place has colors going with the theme and so on. at uconn we put our happy faced cartoon dog on the court and a couple girls who are not hot enough as cheerleaders out there and act like were part of the club. if our on court prodict wasn't the poop the past 20 years ppl would laugh us back to community college levels.
3) google basketball courts. check michigan and rutgers. or texas and so on. these land grant schools get it, we don't. i dont care if they are good or not, they talk the talk and that sells. look at a msu or florida, they don't have a letter they do in fact have character logos. the msu one is a agressive logo and the florida one has more teeth showing then the jaws shark.

all these little things i talk about are all fixable, but we have yet to show a ounce of effort towards that. and if u think the hundreds of little things we talk about here don't matter then your part of the probelm.

google image "nike college basketball court". some fun stuff to look at. while i'm not a huge fan of the nike courts i do think the idea is cool but some of them are not pretty to my eyes. but the point is kids like them no matter how much u old farts dont. tell me why some one creative up in storrs shouldn't call nike up and get uconn a rutgers type court with a block c, bold blue everywhere lines wise and the state name on the baselines? then top it off by defining your state. how?


why can't we get creative and try something? our bball team is to big time for simple things to fail it. we know this becuase simple things are horrible now and were still good. so why not try to take it to the next level. make the bottom half of the court like a beach background and the top half trees like woods. u get what i'm doing? yea put the state of ct into the court. hell the corner tht the player come out of can be fairfield country and have a star on the ground for nyc or something. or do trail track lines defining that.

give me something uconn, anything. i beg u to actually show up to work one day and do something that doesn't screm fcs football and c7 bball. i beg u.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Dan, did you start drinking at noon or are you still drunk from last night?


Addicted to all things UCONN!
Aug 26, 2011
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Dan, did you start drinking at noon or are you still drunk from last night?

I am not sure that it is an either/or question. My vote is for "all of the above"!;)
Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN2 announcers said Rutgers had 5000 at the game today against Pitt - really ?? And they are going to the B1G - what a joke.
Aug 26, 2011
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always the good ole funny answer to stuff. no one wants to talk substance. i'll tell u what, i hope u sir really trully enjoy the news thats going to come out of uconn within the next few months. its not CR related in any way but something else. i dont have a date but within the next 4 months would be a great guess. if u like the block c or fans all wearing blue or anything about the past 10 years of uconn sports, then your really going to love this news. enjoy yourself.

all of u enjoy yourselves. the leadership has run uconn won the dam pipes.
Dan I love ya but what does this last sentence mean ??


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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always the good ole funny answer to stuff. no one wants to talk substance. i'll tell u what, i hope u sir really trully enjoy the news thats going to come out of uconn within the next few months. its not CR related in any way but something else. i dont have a date but within the next 4 months would be a great guess. if u like the block c or fans all wearing blue or anything about the past 10 years of uconn sports, then your really going to love this news. enjoy yourself.

all of u enjoy yourselves. the leadership has run uconn won the dam pipes.

You're going to have to start in on Herbst then. No more free passes. Warde is just a shallow front for her. She may get the "boost the educational research" angle, but Susan doesnt seem to understand athletic publicity/branding/marketing.

You dont seem particularly popular around here lately, as your "lunatic" fire everyone rants have turned other posters who take things a bit too seriously off, but you are 100% correct in your PR analysis.

That all said, this isnt the reason we're still awaiting the invite. The economic metrics are what they are. If Delaney values them, he'll grab us at some point (though no rush for him unless the B12 comes calling). If he doesnt, we'll end up with Wake, Cuse and the rest of the acc, beast, cusa leftovers.


Aug 26, 2011
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I agree Pitt is the average joe who is a tranny.
Sep 3, 2011
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To some degree, when legible, I can see what he's saying. There is something about the overall product that has just gotten stale. When you are preparing to lose a legend, you need to pick up the slack in other areas that bring the product to life. Calhoun and his sideline antics were an act in themselves. There has been zero evolution in the Uconn product. It would be one thing if this was a blueblood school deep in tradition, but it's not. Take a look at an Oregon - now they border on cheese at times with all their different uniforms, but they get attention. They are NIKE driven, and NIKE is the sports global master of marketing. They have the sizzle factor. That will pull in recruits because of it, get fans out to the game. They are branding themselves as entertainment, not just another game. Uconn has flatlined - fans have gotten accustomed to success and now there is just not much drawing fans to the games. There is reason attendance hasn't been the same - the same old thing gets boring after awhile, whether it's successful or not.
Dec 15, 2012
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Everyone's making jokes but his point is valid. We have been dominant in basketball, really good in various other sports, and until the current coaches were hired we were apparently scaring the **** out of BC and Syracuse that we were on a track to becoming a powerhouse in football as well. Our academics are now outstanding amongst public universities. So explain our mediocre, if not negative, national image (except in women's basketball).

The block C is the perfect example. Scoff all you want, you'd be wrong - a block letter on a uniform or court delivers a subliminal message of "elite." Ivy. B1G. Logic and knowledge of current records and standings simply doesn't stand up to subtle, effective, and repetetive marketing.

I'm not saying "put a block letter on your court and you're suddenly elite." I'm saying little shifts in perception through changes like that build brand over time. I'm terrified of a new logo coming out with a husky on a teal and purple background like a WNBA or expansion NHL team.
Sep 22, 2011
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no basketball practice facilities & fancy court logos yet we won 3 NC men & 7 NC women. the stars must have been universally aligned all those yrs or jim & geno must be descendants of the "master of westwood"...
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