Lock Larry McHugh & CT HS FB coaches assnin room & force them to watch season over and over again | The Boneyard

Lock Larry McHugh & CT HS FB coaches assnin room & force them to watch season over and over again

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Oct 1, 2011
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this is a selfie BTT. How McHugh has escaped accountability for this crapshow -- anyone who thinks Hathaway the ass-kisser did anything on his own is deluding themselves - is a pretty damning indictment of the Horde.

Imagine Hathaway has a "no comment" clause in his buyout deal from UConn after Herbst canned him and wouldn't expect that weasel to offer anything but silence if someone ever drove down to Hofstra and asked him to his face with a smartphone in hand what he thinks about what has happened to the football program since Edsall left. Would just love to see the body language to "Did Larry McHugh tell you to hire Pasqualoni?"
Aug 28, 2011
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I feel ur pain bro, but the way we look right now we can do nothing but sit and bare this disaster.

This team is just a step or 2 ( or 3 ) behind its opponents. Tough to watch us play on our heels, especially on offense, all night long. I truly feel bad for TJW.

Can we just fast forward to the end of this season already and bring in an entirely new staff because we can't stay this way. blow it all up. The small RB philosophy needs to go unless the RB at that size is exceptional. Same with DB. and I wouldn't all be surprised if we try and bring in a 4 or 5 star caliber QB. Eventually the QB has to start getting it. With Boyle, so far, he doesn't seem to be. His no sense of urgency play worries me. Cochran shouldve gotten a shot last night. Oh yeah we need an edge rusher badly. We have none. Horrendous pass rush horrendous angles to the QB and when/if we get there we can't finish the play.

Tough being a die Husky fan and having to watch this.

Hopefully being shown Natl TV opened some quality coaches eyes who want a FBS football job and are qualified for what we need.
Aug 28, 2011
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We need a special teams help too in the form of a PR/KR threat.
Aug 27, 2011
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Would just love to see the body language to "Did Larry McHugh tell you to hire Pasqualoni?"
I think Ruskin is on to something here. I believe Hathaway was intimidated by the powerful in his midst. Whether it was McHugh, Calhoun, Edsall, Hogan, etc, he was unable to walk into a room and say "I need X dollars for assistant coaches", or "there's no way we're hiring this guy", and get agreement from "The Board". He'd lost all credibility and clout.
I've seen the syndrome many times in business. A manager loses the respect of the bosses (or key subordinates) and can't get anything approved so he resorts to not asking anymore. One manager in a client's company couldn't get approval for any additional hires or some needed furniture and equipment in his office--for years. He then stopped asking, made excuses to his workers and watched morale plummet. He then leaves (escapes) and a new guy is interviewed and hired and says "I need 7 more bodies and three new computers" --and gets them all. The prior guy says, "What's with that?"
Hathaway's whipped puppy demeanor (disguised by outbursts against weaker underlings) led to being overly influenced by others with more powerful personas and different agendas. And voila--we get PP and his sidekick.
Well, that's it for my psychoanalysis, lol--but I don't sense any of that in Manuel so there's hope for tomorrow.
The Doctor is now OUT.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think Ruskin is on to something here. I believe Hathaway was intimidated by the powerful in his midst. Whether it was McHugh, Calhoun, Edsall, Hogan, etc, he was unable to walk into a room and say "I need X dollars for assistant coaches", or "there's no way we're hiring this guy", and get agreement from "The Board". He'd lost all credibility and clout.
I've seen the syndrome many times in business. A manager loses the respect of the bosses (or key subordinates) and can't get anything approved so he resorts to not asking anymore. One manager in a client's company couldn't get approval for any additional hires or some needed furniture and equipment in his office--for years. He then stopped asking, made excuses to his workers and watched morale plummet. He then leaves (escapes) and a new guy is interviewed and hired and says "I need 7 more bodies and three new computers" --and gets them all. The prior guy says, "What's with that?"
Hathaway's whipped puppy demeanor (disguised by outbursts against weaker underlings) led to being overly influenced by others with more powerful personas and different agendas. And voila--we get PP and his sidekick.
Well, that's it for my psychoanalysis, lol--but I don't sense any of that in Manuel so there's hope for tomorrow.
The Doctor is now OUT.
He NEVER had a problem flipping out on the BOT when it came to fighting for his raise...


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I've heard from pretty good authority that JH was not directly instructed (from McHugh) to hire P but knew how McHugh felt about P and saw it as a way to improve his standing in McHugh's eyes.
Oct 4, 2011
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this is a selfie BTT. How McHugh has escaped accountability for this crapshow -- anyone who thinks Hathaway the ass-kisser did anything on his own is deluding themselves - is a pretty damning indictment of the Horde.

Imagine Hathaway has a "no comment" clause in his buyout deal from UConn after Herbst canned him and wouldn't expect that weasel to offer anything but silence if someone ever drove down to Hofstra and asked him to his face with a smartphone in hand what he thinks about what has happened to the football program since Edsall left. Would just love to see the body language to "Did Larry McHugh tell you to hire Pasqualoni?"

Now you're really getting crazy, this sounds like something HFD would do.
Aug 21, 2011
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I think Ruskin is on to something here. I believe Hathaway was intimidated by the powerful in his midst. Whether it was McHugh, Calhoun, Edsall, Hogan, etc, he was unable to walk into a room and say "I need X dollars for assistant coaches", or "there's no way we're hiring this guy", and get agreement from "The Board". He'd lost all credibility and clout.
I've seen the syndrome many times in business. A manager loses the respect of the bosses (or key subordinates) and can't get anything approved so he resorts to not asking anymore. One manager in a client's company couldn't get approval for any additional hires or some needed furniture and equipment in his office--for years. He then stopped asking, made excuses to his workers and watched morale plummet. He then leaves (escapes) and a new guy is interviewed and hired and says "I need 7 more bodies and three new computers" --and gets them all. The prior guy says, "What's with that?"
Hathaway's whipped puppy demeanor (disguised by outbursts against weaker underlings) led to being overly influenced by others with more powerful personas and different agendas. And voila--we get PP and his sidekick.
Well, that's it for my psychoanalysis, lol--but I don't sense any of that in Manuel so there's hope for tomorrow.
The Doctor is now OUT.
Aug 27, 2011
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I've heard from pretty good authority that JH was not directly instructed (from McHugh) to hire P but knew how McHugh felt about P and saw it as a way to improve his standing in McHugh's eyes.
I have heard the same thing. McHugh was out to get rid of Hathaway after he went ballastic on the BOT for denying him his raise around the time the Miles stuff hit. His tantrum so incensed McHugh that he told Hathaway if a "lack of institutional control" penalty was handed down by the NCAA he see to it that Hathaway would be terminated immediately with no severence.
Oct 1, 2011
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Now you're really getting crazy, this sounds like something HFD would do.

To clarify, talking about a media guy having that conversation with JH, not Joe Six-Pack Of Boneyard.

The Hathaway yelling at BOT about the lack of a raise story is very believable (had not heard it before). Wonder if there is a transcript of that meeting like this one. Failing that, given the long list of people who attend these things, surprised none of them chirped to the media about it. Also wondering if/when Herbst got wind of that discussion and if it played a role in his departure. Can there have been a bigger red flag of JH's incompetence? Oh, and way to be a leader Mike Hogan and keep your people in line.

I think Fairfield has hit the nail on the end -- hiring P was JH's sniveling way of sucking up to McHugh. LMcH once again has plausible deniability. Glad it worked out so well for everyone and such an unimportant position was used to "get back in good graces" of their boss. Maybe we can let JH/LMcH do the ceremonial coin toss at the Memphis game.
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