Keys to Success(remaining 6 games) | The Boneyard

Keys to Success(remaining 6 games)

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Aug 26, 2011
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First, understand that success is not wins and losses. These are, IMO, the changes in personnel and strategy we need to implement ASAP to salvage some meaning/success out of this season. We need to evaluate talent, develop an identity, and fight.

1. Boyle has looked composed, productive, and in command on whole. Play him every snap. Let him learn how to lead and how to improve.

2. Delorenzo is the #1 TB, and gets 20 carries/game. McCombs gets 4-7 carries in a backup/spot duty only. Only when Delorenzo needs a breather. Reasoning: Do I even need to say it? Delorenzo scrapes out consisently tough yards, but also has shown the wiggle/burst/vision to get the ball to the boundary and create chunk yardage. He deserves a shot to carry the load.

3. An extension of #1, but lets pound the rock. The backs with size averaged 6-7 YPC last week but we went away from it. This accomplishes two things: First, allows chances to run time, and provides the offensive line some protection in that the DE/LBs can't pin their ears back and get after the QB. As I said winning is less important that building an identity for the team. Lets be the aggressors on the LOS and get nasty on the ground.

4. Defense needs to take more chances. Lets put our LBs in the offensive backfield with some blitzes, and see if our CBs can press on the opponents WR. At the very least it takes the initiative from the offense.

I think if we follow those basic steps, it will go a long way to settling us down and setting us up for success moving forward...
Aug 27, 2011
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If the lines get their act together I think youbare on to something. I would guve McCoombs 14-15 touches a game as a change of pace guy out in space.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have no clue anymore. So many guys seem so lost, so often, I can't tell who has potential and who will never figure it out despite having the physical tools. Other than DE and OL, I think everyone has the physical tools, which makes this season so frustrating.
Aug 30, 2011
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First, understand that success is not wins and losses. These are, IMO, the changes in personnel and strategy we need to implement ASAP to salvage some meaning/success out of this season. We need to evaluate talent, develop an identity, and fight.

1. Boyle has looked composed, productive, and in command on whole. Play him every snap. Let him learn how to lead and how to improve.

2. Delorenzo is the #1 TB, and gets 20 carries/game. McCombs gets 4-7 carries in a backup/spot duty only. Only when Delorenzo needs a breather. Reasoning: Do I even need to say it? Delorenzo scrapes out consisently tough yards, but also has shown the wiggle/burst/vision to get the ball to the boundary and create chunk yardage. He deserves a shot to carry the load.

3. An extension of #1, but lets pound the rock. The backs with size averaged 6-7 YPC last week but we went away from it. This accomplishes two things: First, allows chances to run time, and provides the offensive line some protection in that the DE/LBs can't pin their ears back and get after the QB. As I said winning is less important that building an identity for the team. Lets be the aggressors on the LOS and get nasty on the ground.

4. Defense needs to take more chances. Lets put our LBs in the offensive backfield with some blitzes, and see if our CBs can press on the opponents WR. At the very least it takes the initiative from the offense.

I think if we follow those basic steps, it will go a long way to settling us down and setting us up for success moving forward...

Well said, I agree on all four points especially #4, we should go back to Don Brown's style ASAP what's the worst that can happen? A loss? Give me a break.

When plan A isn't working go to plan "B"rown and solve your problems with aggression. The Blitz was very successful yesterday but we only did it 8 times. We gave up 1 yard per play when we blitzed and 9 yards per play when we did not Blitz.

Let Emily Noonan call the defensive plays "and now The Blitz".
Aug 26, 2011
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I really hope we try some quicker DE's at some point. 300 lb'ers is great in theory, but hasn't worked...obviously.

We need speed on defense period.

And, obviously Max needs more play, and the OL still needs work.
Sep 17, 2011
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We looked like we had cement shoes on during pass rush vs. Cinci. How about putting Knappe in on obvious passing downs (take out the 6'tall Campenni) so they at least have to throw over him.
May 23, 2013
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Yes "Mad Max"DeLorenzo impressed the heck out of of me too!I think he's gonna be a fierce between the tackles grunt/grinder who breaks one now and then and has the look of someone we'll remember before he's done!He runs mad!!


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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This is a great OP. I can't say I'm sold on TJW but I'm rooting for him. He seems committed to finding things that can work as opposed to forcing one vision. Hard to start over five weeks into a season and get results but the offense does seem to have better energy since the change over.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The key to the season is not overreacting to one blowout loss. This team is not very good. Basically, if it plays hard and we see some signs of improvement, I can accept what happens the rest of the year.

As for specifics:

1) McCombs is the best back on the team, but he is not a 20+ carries a game back and should not be running between the tackles unless it is draws or misdirections. Delorenzo is fine, but not explosive enough to be a 20+ carries per game back either.

2) The defense is what the defense is. I am all for mixing things up down to down, but if we start sending blitzers every down, games will get ugly, quickly. There are only 3 games left where there is a realistic chance of winning, and I wouldn't want to throw those games away by switching to fan friendly, heavy blitzing. It doesn't really matter what UConn does against UCF, Louisville or Rutgers.

3) I like Boyle too, but Cincinnati was in the prevent for the whole second half.
Aug 29, 2011
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This team has a basic fundamentals of football discipline problem. It's entirely expected given that we're now on our fourth head coach (considering that both Weist and H. Hughes were interims between Edsall and Pasqualoni - in three years) and that Pasqualoni let the discipline in this program go to hell.

THat IMO, is the major reaston that we are 0-2 right now since the removal of Pasqualoni and his sidekick George. With them out of the picture, we can all get a pretty good idea of what actually is going on. Weist is honest and open in his assessments, and they match what we see on the field, unlke the things that Pasqualoni would say, that didn't match what was happening on the field.

THere is no doubt that we have talented individuals mixed in up and down the roster. AND there is no doubt, that in every single position group on this roster, we have some kind of recruiting deficiency - whether it be starters that aren't that great, and depth behind them that is still not ready, or good starters, and no depth, or in some position groups like TE, or DE, we just don't have anybody beyond 1 or 2 players at most. WE are starting a DE that is a converted fullback, that was recruited as a DE - but moved to fullback...we have a true freshmen fullback starting on the 2-deep - all season........that kind of thing is everywhere on the roster to some degree.

That kind of thing can get fixed, but it takes time, and a good recruiting - but I think the turnaround time for this program is faster than some may anticipate,with a good coach, with a plan.

So I think we can be better than 0-6 the rest of the way this season. Hot damn, we better. An O'fer season, I just can't live with that.

As long as we maintain the energy, passion and start to get back to basic fundamentals of football and be disciplined team, rather than a group of players, we will win some games out of the second half of this season.
Aug 26, 2011
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The key to the season is not overreacting to one blowout loss. This team is not very good. Basically, if it plays hard and we see some signs of improvement, I can accept what happens the rest of the year.

As for specifics:

1) McCombs is the best back on the team, but he is not a 20+ carries a game back and should not be running between the tackles unless it is draws or misdirections. Delorenzo is fine, but not explosive enough to be a 20+ carries per game back either.

2) The defense is what the defense is. I am all for mixing things up down to down, but if we start sending blitzers every down, games will get ugly, quickly. There are only 3 games left where there is a realistic chance of winning, and I wouldn't want to throw those games away by switching to fan friendly, heavy blitzing. It doesn't really matter what UConn does against UCF, Louisville or Rutgers.

3) I like Boyle too, but Cincinnati was in the prevent for the whole second half.

McCombs is not the best back on the team. Who said do anything every down on defense, never mind blitz.
Aug 27, 2011
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First, understand that success is not wins and losses. These are, IMO, the changes in personnel and strategy we need to implement ASAP to salvage some meaning/success out of this season. We need to evaluate talent, develop an identity, and fight.

1. Boyle has looked composed, productive, and in command on whole. Play him every snap. Let him learn how to lead and how to improve. Agree.

2. Delorenzo is the #1 TB, and gets 20 carries/game. McCombs gets 4-7 carries in a backup/spot duty only. Only when Delorenzo needs a breather. Reasoning: Do I even need to say it? Delorenzo scrapes out consisently tough yards, but also has shown the wiggle/burst/vision to get the ball to the boundary and create chunk yardage. He deserves a shot to carry the load. I don't entirely disagree here, as I still think McCombs is the best back, but the carries need to be split more. If we're talking about splitting 30 carries per game, I'd go MD (15), LM (10), and Hypolite (5).

3. An extension of #1, but lets pound the rock. The backs with size averaged 6-7 YPC last week but we went away from it. This accomplishes two things: First, allows chances to run time, and provides the offensive line some protection in that the DE/LBs can't pin their ears back and get after the QB. As I said winning is less important that building an identity for the team. Lets be the aggressors on the LOS and get nasty on the ground. We need to stop worrying about winning unwinnable games in the second half. I know TJ is auditioning for the job, but just run your offense like you want to run it. Nobody on earth thought we could win that game in the second half. At that point it's about development. And not putting Boyle in a position to get killed.

4. Defense needs to take more chances. Lets put our LBs in the offensive backfield with some blitzes, and see if our CBs can press on the opponents WR. At the very least it takes the initiative from the offense. This I entirely disagree on. You want to see big offense and make TDH cream himself, put our corners on an island.

I think if we follow those basic steps, it will go a long way to settling us down and setting us up for success moving forward...

I'll add the more FG attempts over 40 yards. And I don't care what the distance is, go for every 4th down on the plus side of the field. This conservative crap at this stage is just ridiculous. Like the sequence in the first half.........3rd & 4 at our 10......we RUN the ball. Wagner wiffs on the punt. TD pass to Cincy's TE. Why are we running on that 3rd down? What do we have to lose at this point?
Aug 29, 2011
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The key to the season is not overreacting to one blowout loss. This team is not very good. Basically, if it plays hard and we see some signs of improvement, I can accept what happens the rest of the year.

As for specifics:

1) McCombs is the best back on the team, but he is not a 20+ carries a game back and should not be running between the tackles unless it is draws or misdirections. Delorenzo is fine, but not explosive enough to be a 20+ carries per game back either.

2) The defense is what the defense is. I am all for mixing things up down to down, but if we start sending blitzers every down, games will get ugly, quickly. There are only 3 games left where there is a realistic chance of winning, and I wouldn't want to throw those games away by switching to fan friendly, heavy blitzing. It doesn't really matter what UConn does against UCF, Louisville or Rutgers.

3) I like Boyle too, but Cincinnati was in the prevent for the whole second half.

I have to say I agree with this almost 100%. somehow, based on really minimal evidence it has become standard line that DeLorenzo is the best back on the team. He's not. He doesn't have much explosiveness. He's a between the tackles pounder, sure, but his game is pretty limited.

And the defense is what it is. With any kind of offense it is probably good enough. Not great but not awful either.

And to me Boyle is Exhibit A as to why teams redshirt freshman quarterbacks almost every time. The decision to use him was a panic move in my estimation. Somebody, Pasqualoni, Weist, maybe Manuel, was hoping to catch lightening in a bottle, but it didn't work. Its doubtful that it will work next week either. He isn't completely responsible for the sacks, but he also didn't help himself on a number of occassions...didn't make quick decisions, didn't step up into the pocket at least a few times, didn't throw the ball away...Bottom line is he has some skills but he hasn't put it all together. As Palatine is fond of saying, its about production. Boyle has "produced" 10 and 9 points in 2 games. And by the way, I don't think you just throw this season away. There are realistically 3 games they have a chance to win remaining. I'd take that.
Aug 29, 2011
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I have to say I agree with this almost 100%. somehow, based on really minimal evidence it has become standard line that DeLorenzo is the best back on the team. He's not. He doesn't have much explosiveness. He's a between the tackles pounder, sure, but his game is pretty limited.

And the defense is what it is. With any kind of offense it is probably good enough. Not great but not awful either.

And to me Boyle is Exhibit A as to why teams redshirt freshman quarterbacks almost every time. The decision to use him was a panic move in my estimation. Somebody, Pasqualoni, Weist, maybe Manuel, was hoping to catch lightening in a bottle, but it didn't work. Its doubtful that it will work next week either. He isn't completely responsible for the sacks, but he also didn't help himself on a number of occassions...didn't make quick decisions, didn't step up into the pocket at least a few times, didn't throw the ball away...Bottom line is he has some skills but he hasn't put it all together. As Palatine is fond of saying, its about production. Boyle has "produced" 10 and 9 points in 2 games. And by the way, I don't think you just throw this season away. There are realistically 3 games they have a chance to win remaining. I'd take that.

It's a simple thing really, deciding who you're going to play in a game - you got to pick the players that you think are going to give you the best chance to win. Boyle's mistakes, in reality are not significantly different than Whitmer's. Where Whitmer was way too quick with the trigger in generating things like 3 Int games, Boyle has been predictable slow with his timing under pressure. The thing is, it's much more likely that a freshmen QB will have success adjusting up to the speed of the game, and improving after mistakes, where it's much less likely that a junior QB who's traits are pretty much ingrained at this point, is going to have a lot of difficulty in adjusting what he does to correct mistakes.

In just two weeks, there has been a visible change in Boyle positively, he wasn't as high, and out of control with throws - he was settling down. He just was under a heck of a lot more pressure this last game, than last game against USF, and the clock in his head has got to speed up - there was at least one sack - where clearly he just held the ball way too long. He's got a much greater chance of learning from it, and improving as a freshmen, than a junior.

Boyle, this kid - I'm very happy to have him. We need a QB like this, and Whitmer can learn a lot from him and vice versa. Cochran and his attitude and prep work in the mix too. The kid is stone cold in charge on the field, mistakes or not, it's line up and let's go. Hopefully that never changes.
Aug 30, 2011
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Are we really afraid to put our corners on an occasional island in an effort to generate a pass rush? We are getting torched because QB's have all day to throw against. Generating a pass rush will make the CB's job easier.

I'm sure Byron Jones, Jhavon Williams, TyMeer Brown, Obi and Adams all have NFL aspirations. Let them man up and shut their opposition down.

You can't win without a pass rush.
Aug 27, 2011
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Are we really afraid to put our corners on an occasional island in an effort to generate a pass rush? We are getting torched because QB's have all day to throw against. Generating a pass rush will make the CB's job easier. I'm sure Byron Jones, Jhavon Williams, and TyMeer Brown all have NFL aspirations. Let them man up and shut their opposition down.

You can't win without a pass rush.

It's not so much as being afraid to put them out there vs. seeing the actual results.
Aug 30, 2011
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It's not so much as being afraid to put them out there vs. seeing the actual results.

That would make sense if our current results were good, they're not. The current results stink. Try something different, we have nothing to lose.
Aug 27, 2011
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That would make sense if our current results were good, they're not. The current results stink. Try something different, we have nothing to lose.

No, we've already tried this. Our secondary has gotten torched. Lit up. We've already seen these results.

Where did all of the people go who said the players lost on D wouldn't be that difficult to replace?
Aug 29, 2011
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No, we've already tried this. Our secondary has gotten torched. Lit up. We've already seen these results.

Where did all of the people go who said the players lost on D wouldn't be that difficult to replace?

The talent dropoff isn't as bad as it may seem. (except at defensive end - losing Trevardo's speed hurts and we got nobody to replace that right now)

These guys can play, but they got to be disciplined in what their roles are and what they need to do. They were literally getting frozen and faked out of their jocks at times on Saturday - that's a thought, and preparation thing - not a talent thing. As a DB, when you are locked into your assignment at the snap, you don't frozen and run in the wrong directions like that - you step, move, turn and run with your assignment, until such time as you're sure it's a run play, and then you shed your block, if you've got a blocker, and get to the ball.

I was very, very mad on Saturday with our defensive secondary.

We have seen players like Obi, Jhavon, Tymeer, Byron - make some very good plays and be consistent in coverage before, but what happened with them on SAturday is symptomatic of the entire team, and why we aren't winning.

Fundamentals, discipline. THe energy, the passion? That is there, and they need to keep it. Under the Pasqualoni and his sidekick George show, we had no idea what they were actually doing football wise, but it was pretty clear that they were playing like a bunch of flat tires. (and apparently without fundamentals then too) That's changed though, the energy levels that is - they need to keep it changed, and now get back to fundamentals.

I wouldn't mind actually seeing the bend / don't break defense for a little while - until they get the fundamentals back. You can't be a pressure defense, if you're going to let players run through the D unchecked and you can't get reliable pressure in a pass rush.
Aug 30, 2011
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No, we've already tried this. Our secondary has gotten torched. Lit up. We've already seen these results.

Where did all of the people go who said the players lost on D wouldn't be that difficult to replace?

IMO the single biggest loss to our D is Don Brown.
Aug 29, 2011
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IMO the single biggest loss to our D is Don Brown.

I disagree with that. Don Brown is a true players coach - players love him every where he's been, but his defenses, while impressive statistically, tend to fail in big moments historically. We can be a good defense, right now, with the palyers we've got, without Don Brown.

What we're missing, I think is the speed at the defensive ends. Ashiru and Vann, have stepped in nicely and done pretty good jobs I think at the LB spots, and Jones and Williams are doing good at the CB spots, when they are on their games mentally, and same with Melifonwu - who is a freshmen, making the same kinds of mistakes that TyMeer Brown made as a freshmen, and Shamar Stephen is finally starting to emerge as a force inside on D.

We don't have anybody right now, on the defensive side of the line scrimmage, that has the speed on the ends, to force an offense to have to think about how to help a tackle on a pass rush. When, as an offense, you can game plan, comfortably, thinking that both of your tackles can handle a DE 1-1, it gives you lots of options.

This past game on Saturday, on D, I'm putting it entirely on the mental preparation, we did not look fundamentally disciplined and mentally prepared to play against the Cincinatti passing game.
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