Just remember. Some plots of land are harder to till | The Boneyard

Just remember. Some plots of land are harder to till

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Aug 26, 2011
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Bob loves "sayings" especially of his own creation. Made me think of this.

Dumb things people should stop saying and writing!

Dumb things people should stop saying and writing

People love to repeat things they hear. Even if they're totally illogical but sound like they might mean something bcuz that other guy on TV said it. And my favorite which just about EVERY sports media guy gets wrong:

Hard Road To Hoe. Yeah it's Hard Row To Hoe (stupid).
You don’t hoe a road. That would be vandalism. This is another Gretaism.
Sep 23, 2011
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the latest from Fiasco

I am frustrated too! I feel your pain BUT if Diaco flames out and with football being the elephant in the room, Benedict's judgement will be brought into question because his first major move as AD was to give Bob Diaco a big raise and contract extension. Two of his coaches left a P5 school to join him at UCONN. IF this season turns around starting today vs. Cincinatti, the understandably angry fans may warm up and begin to have faith once again in Diaco and staff. I am holding out hope on to the base that he has built that the season is going to turn around.

Here's what Benedict had to say back when he gave Diaco the extension:

"I did have, call it six weeks, to get to know Coach Diaco and his staff a little bit. From everything I can evaluate in a short period of time, which is not a lot, I'm very excited about everything I see. I think he's done a great job and I think he's going to do great things at UConn, and I just hope he's going to be with us for a long time."

"There's a great culture he's building," Benedict said. "I think Bob has a very well-articulated and thought-out plan about how he's going to continue to progress the program in a way where we can compete for championships."

"If you look at our history over 10 or 15 years, we've had success," Benedict said. "I believe we can have success in Storrs with a Division I football program, and I think Bob is a great leader. You have to have a plan about turning around a program that, over the last five years, has not had a lot of success. Having a chance to visit with him over the last six weeks, I believe he has a very specific plan. Everything that he's doing is for a very specific purpose and reason, and there are expected outcomes. Whether we see those outcomes this fall, or two or three years down the line, he's doing things in a very strategic way. And I like that."

It would appear to me that a former SEC associate commissioner has seen something that the average fan is not. Benedict put his job and legacy on the line by extending Diaco's contract. That tells me there is more here, program wise, than meets the eye.

Benedict's First Big Move At UConn: Extending Diaco's Contract Through 2020

Diaco's buyout means he ain't going anywhere so either he makes it or heads are going to roll. The pressure is on, that's for Damn sure!

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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It would have been nice if a reporter reminded Bob that technology has made tilling land easier. Similar to the forward pass making scoring easier in football.

'Nother good comeback would be tilling land is easier if you don't tie one hand behind your back.
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