Joober's Jots - Drexel | The Boneyard

Joober's Jots - Drexel

joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction Score
Here's a series that's bound to go well and without any self-inflicted embarrassment.

The first half of the game was officiated far too tightly on both sides. It was a constant onslaught of "just let 'em play" moments. The 2nd foul on Adams was a horrible call and I thought at that point we were going to see a repeat performance from his prior game. Fortunately, he held it together pretty well with some help from Hurley and went on to have a tremendous game. I know he's playing off the ball more, but I'd like to see him get a chance to distribute a bit more. If that doesn't happen, his A:T is going to look pretty bad by the end of the season. Overall, I think he handled himself very well and had the kind of bounceback performance we had all hoped for.

Tarin Smith - Terrance Myth was both Man and the Legend. He was beyond a doubt the player of the game and had it clicking on all levels. JA should take some notes from him when it comes to getting to the charity stripe. The lefty throwdown was one of the best dunks I've seen so far this season.

Gilbert - Alterique wasn't horrible, but had a pretty forgettable game on most levels. Not really much else to say.

Vital - CV played a well-rounded game. He scored efficiently, played within himself, and brought his trademark defensive intensity. His cockiness irks me at times, but damned if he doesn't play with more heart and effort than anyone else on the court. Great performance on offense and on D

Polley - Sometimes I feel Tyler Phommachanh's shot selection is a little bit too discerning. I'd not be upset to see him be a bit more of a ballhog. He shot well from 3 as usual, but disappeared on and off throughout the game.

Carlton - This wasn't a particularly good game for him. He seemed to have a great degree of difficulty in anticipating the offense of the Drexel bigs. He's going to be a huge factor in determining how far we go this season. We have guards who can dominate, but we need reliable post players if we want to emerge from conference play with a respectable record. Also, this isn't specifically on Carlton's shoulders, but there were far too many non-transition plays where we left the lane wide open for Drexel.

Yakwe - This was one of his best games so far. He was the best big for us last night, but that's not a good thing. He's a high-energy guy who never lacks effort, but if we're going to rely on him as a primary PF/C, it's going to be a long season. He's not bad as a backup option, but he's extremely limited on offense. He's serviceable defensively, but just isn't a guy I feel confident relying upon to man the paint.

Wilson - Sid doesn't show flashes of greatness; he shows explosions. At this point they're fleeting, but he clearly has the tools to be a bonafide star. He clearly needs to hit the weight room and bulk up a bit, or else he'll be spending a lot of time being abused by the opposition.

Brendan Adams - When it comes to comparing the guys on this year's roster to past players, Brendan Adams is one of the hardest guys to match. He's like a blend of Donnell Beverly and Craig Austrie with a dash of TSam. That's a poor description, but the best I'm able to come up with. He seemed to hit his stride toward the end of the game and hopefully that will continue.

Cobb - It would seem he's not on Hurley's good side at the moment, seeing as he only accrued a few mop-up minutes. He still reverts to Antric Klaiber Magic Johnson mode at times and I don't think that'll endear him much to the coach. That being said, he's a lock to get big minutes against Villanova.

Whaley - It looks like he's recovered from the ankle injury and I wish he'd see more court time. He managed to grab 4 rebounds in a very short period of time. He's the best natrual rebounder and shot blocker on the team, but needs to learn to control his body a bit better and avoid the instant foul trouble he tends to find.

Williams - He wasn't present on the bench. I won't speculate on that.
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