Love Jay and his commentary, but what is annoying to me is that Geno had a very meaningful answer in the press conference regarding sports comparisons and specifically men's BB to women's BB and that is getting completely ignored by this BS for an absolute bozo of a sports personality - he is the a shock jock who just happens to specialize in being a horses ass about sports. The next meaningful contribution to sports journalism will be his first.
Yes, Jay is frequently on the mark. His speeches are not always short, however.As usual, Jay Bilas is right on the mark.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Great story! What concerns me about it is your niece - a woman - buying into the media drivel. When women start criticizing women's teams, etc. that is where the system has failed. I get it (almost) when the male Internet trolls do it. But I'll never understand when other women do it.Thanks for posting.
Great to watch.
Jay also had a smart, level-headed commentary in the ESPN 30 for 30 on Duke Lacrosse.
This is refreshing also because the media has a lot to do with the "negative" takes on UConn's dominance. There are the rantings of Boston sportswriters who are forever angry at true greatness because of the inferiority complexes they've developed by not being distinctive enough to hang out their shingle in media capital of the world just a few hundred miles to the southwest. Ahhh, so close, yet so elusive. Then there are writers who sometimes make it too much about UConn. (I loved it when Karen Aston asked the reporter if he could please ask a question about Texas instead of UConn. Aston was gracious with the press conference being all about UConn instead of her team and she sidestepped controversial questions pretty well.) And there are tilted stories from local papers where UConn kicks butt. Unfortunately, this all adds to perceptions in a society of people becoming more and more influenced by snippets of digital information that may or may not be true.
Yesterday, a fairly athletic niece of my wife's jumped on me immediately at Easter dinner about how unwatchable UConn basketball must be. (She was a competitive point guard in Jr High and played AAU for a season before she decided she liked boys better.) She cited the 4-point early performance of M State on Saturday as being boring and unwatchable. They weren't original thoughts. She was parroting what she had heard. She pushed back at my characterization of the game and some of the artistry I was explaining -- until her boyfriend chimed in and agreed with me. He had watched part of the game and agreed about how entertaining it was to watch UConn execute. I don't know if he ever would have even told her he had watched the game if he hadn't felt the need to come to my defense.
Anyway, let's hope more people like Jay help influence the collective UConn experience.
If not, I am not sure how much I really care.
I am loving it.
My wife loves it.
My fellow fans love it.
And I love the special feeling it gives me knowing that I appreciate it.
Yup! That was an inspired remark you made. Wouldn't be surprised if one of his interns is lurking here and snatched it for him. I know of a NY Times critic who lurks on another blog I follow in a different hobby; something new is discussed there, and suddenly a couple of weeks later, the critic writes about it.I CANNOT believe Jay used the 'Mozart' referrence. I should have copyrighted it.
Personally, I wish Jay would be on the coverage team for the FF this year.
Good thought, Plebe. But Rebecca did an especially great job during half-time yesterday trying to downplay it. She was subtly taking her own network, ESPN, to task for making a big deal about it. She said these types of tweets come out every tournament season, and it's best just to block them. ESPN loves to stir things up, of course, because their overall ratings are down, and they're laying off people. Rebecca cares about the sport, not the stuff manufactured by the media. While Bilas did an excellent job here, fact is that ESPN wouldn't let it go. Really, as Geno said: if you don't like it, don't watch. End of story. Just another sports writer desperate for some face time.I have to applaud the ESPN team for how they've responded. It's always a tough decision whether to address such trolling at all, lest we give it far more attention that it deserves. But between Lawson, Lobo, Neghandi and Bilas, I'd say they hit a home run.