Jacobs: Crystal Dangerfield set to be 'Bully Smurf' | The Boneyard

Jacobs: Crystal Dangerfield set to be 'Bully Smurf'


Never pay retail for anything.
Jan 1, 2017
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Crystal seems to have left the "little girl" persona forever. She sounds more nature. I hope she excels and meets her own expectations.

Anyone else notice KLS draining threes from the left corner? I see another ten threes game in her future. :D
Feb 14, 2017
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Crystal seems to have left the "little girl" persona forever. She sounds more nature. I hope she excels and meets her own expectations.

Anyone else notice KLS draining threes from the left corner? I see another ten threes game in her future. :D
Really nice to see the confidence in Crystal...and Lou's shots in the background were falling and falling...perhaps a sign of things to come - - awsome pass from Crystal to Lou for 3!!!!!! over and over and over...
Jan 30, 2017
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Crystal seems to have left the "little girl" persona forever. She sounds more nature. I hope she excels and meets her own expectations.

Anyone else notice KLS draining threes from the left corner? I see another ten threes game in her future. :D

I also noticed it, however whether she was draining them or not could not tell with Crystal's head in the way.;)
Apr 10, 2015
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She can control the court," Ralph said. "She's great with the ball, great on ball screens. She can score anywhere on the floor. She's becoming a pretty good defender. Not only does she have all that athleticism and quickness, she has a high basketball IQ. You got a point guard like that, you can do anything.\

Geno said;\I said to her last year, we maybe could have won that semifinal game [against Mississippi State] if I could played you 20-some minutes. I didn't trust you. I didn't think I could. I never want to be in that situation again. Right now, I'll tell you I'd have absolutely no hesitation doing that.i

High praise for a kid who was working to get out of the dog house last year. I thought at least another year or two before Shea or Geno would have these words for Danger---how to go girl!! Is Uconn in deep clover --the sun is shining oh happy day!!


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Crystal seems to have left the "little girl" persona forever. She sounds more nature. I hope she excels and meets her own expectations.

Anyone else notice KLS draining threes from the left corner? I see another ten threes game in her future. :D

LV Yank, you beat me to the punch. I noticed the same thing. This is the 180 degree turn-a-round Geno was talking about. In just 1 year, she has grown and matured so much. She's much more confident now than this time last year, and rightly so. She was the new kid on the block, trying to figure things out, with unreal expectations on her shoulders. Many UConn fans believed she was there to replace the great Moriah Jefferson (winner of 4 NC, and the prestigious Nancy Lieberman and Dawn Staley awards) right then.

Some (not all) BY's thought she should have picked up where Jefferson left off last year. When she didn't, some were not kind in their expressions of their dismay and disappointment. Because of the notoriety she came in with, some wanted and expected to see her play the same way she did in high school, which was totally unrealistic.

It's hard enough to adjust to playing at the next level, let alone learning UConn's complicated offensive and defensive schemes (not to mention playing for Geno). I remember her saying in an interview that nothing she did or experienced in high school or AAU, prepared her for what she was experiencing at UConn that first month of practice.

If she has matured this much in 7 months (since the end of the season), imagine what she's going to be like a year from today. She sounds like she's ready for Geno to hand her the keys to the Ferrari, if he hasn't done so already. I like her. I think this Dangerfield kid is a keeper. ;)
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Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah, Crystal sounds more mature, responsible, and articulate. I love it! Remember that even the great Moriah Jefferson took into her sophomore year to totally catch on.

Some snippets from Shea:

"But Crystal is capable of so much more than what you saw last year."

"You're one of the best players in the country, you come here and every day you fail over and over, you don't play, that can do damage to a kid's confidence."

"She can control the court. She's great with the ball, great on ball screens. She can score anywhere on the floor. She's becoming a pretty good defender. Not only does she have all that athleticism and quickness, she has a high basketball IQ. You got a point guard like that, you can do anything."

And one quote from Geno:

"That's the ability to take the ball and go where she wants. As good as Saniya was, that wasn't her biggest skill. Crystal can make plays for other people and can get her own shot just about any time she wants."


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow. Have to dig through the archives to find a player report that glowing. I'll take what Shea says as the straight skinny. The weapons UConn will put on the floor this year will give the competition fits and nightmares. This is very good news indeed.
Apr 10, 2015
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Wow. Have to dig through the archives to find a player report that glowing. I'll take what Shea says as the straight skinny. The weapons UConn will put on the floor this year will give the competition fits and nightmares. This is very good news indeed.
At some place in a deep dark archive it may be possible to find a Shea or Geno high praise of a beginning Soph. I don't think Moriah felt so much soph love.
Moriah as is the case with Danger should have felt that love from fans--we shall cheer Danger as we did Moriah. Make no mistake; Danger is not Moriah. Different kids with different attributes/skills yet both have and will thrill us.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Yeah, Crystal sounds more mature, responsible, and articulate. I love it! Remember that even the great Moriah Jefferson took into her sophomore year to totally catch on.

Some snippets from Shea:

"But Crystal is capable of so much more than what you saw last year."

"You're one of the best players in the country, you come here and every day you fail over and over, you don't play, that can do damage to a kid's confidence."

"She can control the court. She's great with the ball, great on ball screens. She can score anywhere on the floor. She's becoming a pretty good defender. Not only does she have all that athleticism and quickness, she has a high basketball IQ. You got a point guard like that, you can do anything."

And one quote from Geno:

"That's the ability to take the ball and go where she wants. As good as Saniya was, that wasn't her biggest skill. Crystal can make plays for other people and can get her own shot just about any time she wants."

At the beginning of Gabby's sophomore year, I remember her saying that she was ready to go. She said "I know what I'm doing now, and what I'm suppose to do". I agree with your entire take. I think Crystal can/is saying the exact same thing Gabby did at the same point in her second year. I'm ready to play now, I know what I'm doing, and what I'm suppose to do. I know what Geno wants/expects, and I know the plays.

You can bet Shea (her position coach) has been in her ear since she arrived on campus last year. It looks like it's beginning to pay off. It can be a little intimidating when you're a 5'5" freshman (the smallest player on the team) coming in to one of the best/winning-est programs in the country, trying to adjust to play at this level, and to one of the most demanding coaches in WCBB.

To me, at times last season, she looked like a deer in headlights. I saw that same look on Jefferson's face during her freshman year. That ship has sailed. This is the best news Crystal could have shared with us, that she ready to go, and now she knows what she's suppose to do.

Remember when the the Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) would be in warp drive, and the stars on the screen would be a blur (the game for freshmen early in their first year)?, then it would come out of warp drive, and the stars seemed to be still/stationary? That's they way the game has slowed down for Dangerfield.

This is not a news flash, but it appears she has made that anticipated sophomore leap with room to spare. And lucky Fort Hays State will be the first team to see the shiny brand new Crystal Dangerfield 2.0, a little angry with a chip on her shoulder. Put on your seat belts, she going to be a lot of fun to watch this year. :)
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Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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At the beginning of Gabby's sophomore year, I remember her saying that she was ready to go. She said "I know what I'm doing now, and what I'm suppose to do". I agree with your entire take. I think Crystal can/is saying the exact same thing Gabby did at the same point in her second year. I'm ready to play now, I know what I'm doing, and what I'm suppose to do.

You can bet Shea (her position coach) has been in her ear since she arrived on campus last year. It looks like it's beginning to pay off. It can be a little intimidating when you're a 5'5" freshman coming in to one of the best/winningest programs in the country, and have to adjust to one of the most demanding coaches in WCBB.

To me, at times last season, she looked like a deer in headlights. That ship has sailed. This is the best thing Crystal can report to us, that she ready to go, and now she knows what she's suppose to do. This is not a news flash, but it appears she has made that anticipated sophomore leap with room to spare. And lucky Fort Hays State will be the first team to see the shiny brand new Crystal Dangerfield 2.0 (with a chip on her shoulder). She going to be so much fun to watch this year. :)
Moriah made a point of thanking and hugging Shea at her Senior Night. Shea Dog is a tough cookie and outstanding coach.
Sep 14, 2011
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Wow. Have to dig through the archives to find a player report that glowing. I'll take what Shea says as the straight skinny. The weapons UConn will put on the floor this year will give the competition fits and nightmares. This is very good news indeed.
I was thinking the same thing. If Crystal truly reaches her potential this year, this team will be scary good. Assuming Crystal is as good as Geno and Shea are suggesting ... if UConn were playing a non UConn NCAA WBB all star team, I'd take UConn.
Feb 14, 2017
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It's great to see the reports regarding Crystal and her growth, "new attitude", etc. I hope to see more of her like she played vs Baylor last year. I recall at a critical point in the game a time out was called, Geno was "coaching" the Team and he stopped, looked Crystal square in the eyes and said something like "Go out there and do something to WIN this Game for Us. " Crystal delivered... making baskets from pretty much all over the court, dribbling in amongst the trees of the Baylor bigs in the lane and making scooping lay ups, putting up 3s, grabbing long rebounds and putting them back in hoop. It was an inspired performance from Freshman Crystal... and if she can do that and More this year, it's going to be something to behold!!! Go Huskies!!

Shorty Dee

Number 1 UConn fan
Jan 31, 2016
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I don't like the term "bully", and I hope they do not play like "Gingersnaps" Ferrier from USF. A little aggressiveness isn't bad, but do not be too excessive.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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It's great to see the reports regarding Crystal and her growth, "new attitude", etc. I hope to see more of her like she played vs Baylor last year. I recall at a critical point in the game a time out was called, Geno was "coaching" the Team and he stopped, looked Crystal square in the eyes and said something like "Go out there and do something to WIN this Game for Us. " Crystal delivered... making baskets from pretty much all over the court, dribbling in amongst the trees of the Baylor bigs in the lane and making scooping lay ups, putting up 3s, grabbing long rebounds and putting them back in hoop. It was an inspired performance from Freshman Crystal... and if she can do that and More this year, it's going to be something to behold!!! Go Huskies!!

Most freshmen "peak" somewhere near the end of their freshman year. Crystal peaked at the beginning of hers in the 2nd game of the season, in one of the biggest games (Baylor was ranked #2 at the time) on their schedule.

As we all remember, the Baylor game was her "breakout" game of the season - 19 pts (8/14 - 3/5 3's) - 4 rebs - 5 ast - 2 stl and only 1 TO. She owned the night. UConn fans/staff kept waiting for her to have another "Baylor" game, it never came. What freshman comes in the 2nd game of the season, and knows what they are doing at that point? She was playing on pure instinct that night. Geno realized it, and let go of the reins. He needed a spark plug that night, and she was it. "Win the game for us Crystal"

This year UConn fans will more than likely see several Baylor type games from Dangerous starting with Stanford. "Knowledge and experience" can be a deadly combination if harnessed properly and deployed judiciously. Dangerfield now has both. She knows why, and she knows how. I don't think Dangerfield will reach her full potential this year. That should come sometime during her senior year, but she's well on her way, watch out. :cool:
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bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Hopefully Danger’s interview with Lou draining 3’s in the background is a foreshadowing of things to come.

One of the things I noticed about Danger last year was that she would often drive the lane looking to make a spectacular no-look, thread-the-needle pass to Gabby or Pheesa slashing towards the basket, when Lou or someone else was standing all alone at the arc for a catch and shoot 3.

Hopefully this season, Danger will look to make the easy pass to Lou or whoever is open on the perimeter for an easy 3 and easy assist.
Oct 14, 2013
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Reading what Geno has said about C and Z , it would appear that Z will be the nonstarter. If Gabby is still hampered by migraines I could see her sitting out the exhibition games with C and Z both starting.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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Without a doubt, Shea Ralph is UConn royalty.
In a rational world that could forget about past squabbles, she would be the next head coach at Rocky Top.
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Jan 13, 2014
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In a rational world that could forgot about past squabbles, she would be the next head coach at Rocky Top.
I'm sorry, your Boneyard membership has been



Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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In a rational world that could forget about past squabbles, she would be the next head coach at Rocky Top.
Yeah, but I’m not sure she would take it. Nor would I want her there, because she would turn them into a very competitive team.

Shorty Dee

Number 1 UConn fan
Jan 31, 2016
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Please stop with "Bully Smurf". I understand UConn is upset and have a bigger chip on their shoulders, but using labels may bring trouble that is not needed in WCBB. I do not want the Huskies to experience what Draymond Green of Golden States Warriors is experiencing.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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Yeah, but I’m not sure she would take it. Nor would I want her there, because she would turn them into a very competitive team.

You're not sure? I'm sure. Shea will not reside in Knoxville, ever. Besides, Tennessee would never, ever turn to Storrs for its next WCBB coach. There's not a rational or irrational world where that would ever happen.

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