It’s really fun being here | The Boneyard

It’s really fun being here

Jan 3, 2014
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score sucked, but we had fun! Had some chances to cover the 21pt spread at the end, but couldn't pull it off, doh!
Aug 24, 2011
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It was a novelty being at Fenway for a football game (haven’t been in this stadium at all since I was 9) - obviously wish we had given those pompous tools a better game but away from the onfield misery, it was a cool experience.
Aug 29, 2011
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If Connecticut fans want a Fenway experience, go to a Red Sox game. UConn should have hosted BC at Rentschler. Let BC host UConn at Fenway in the future.

BC has no interest in hosting a game at Fenway. Against anyone. Baseball stadiums are not good venues for football.
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We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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Great time last night! The stadium was fun. We were really close to the action. The energy in the first quarter was high. Bukowskis was a great place for a few beers. I agree that it would have been better as a BC home game rather than a UCONN home game, but all things considered, I'd do it again.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Far better than Fenway. Actually BC has a very nice stadium. Seating is close and no bad seats.
I've been to both. Fenway's better. It's closer to the T.
Sep 3, 2011
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Great time last night! The stadium was fun. We were really close to the action. The energy in the first quarter was high. Bukowskis was a great place for a few beers. I agree that it would have been better as a BC home game rather than a UCONN home game, but all things considered, I'd do it again.

I'm sure the BC program would too. Their players get to compete at the same venerable stadium as UConn, but only have to travel 8 miles to the site for this away game. They incur no overnight lodging expenses for this away game and thus save their ACC windfall, which they sabotaged UConn's shot at the same. And finally, there was no risk of getting their running backs hurt before the Syracuse game. They didn't have to worry about getting tackled hard or banged up in some fashion.

So no, there's no reason for BC towant it to be there home game.
Aug 28, 2011
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Far better than Fenway. Actually BC has a very nice stadium. Seating is close and no bad seats.

I’ve been to a lot of games at Alumi not involving UCONN and have attended games at a ton of other stadiums. I would rate the Alumni game and pregame experience and stadium as the worst I’ve been too. The tailgate atmosphere is the worst by a lot.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm assuming with it being a UConn home game we must have controlled the ticket allotment and thus had an easier time getting people to attend the game?

Still, for BC to be noticeably outnumbered four miles from their campus, against one of the very worst and most hopeless FBS programs in the land, when they were playing for bowl eligibility at a historic venue with lots of open seats, tells you all you need to know about that fan base. The ACC would like a do-over on that one. I mean hell, UConn's fan base is apathetic compared to a lot of P5 schools and they look like a puddle in the ocean when juxtaposed to ours. There were likely as many if not more UConn fans at Alumni last year.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm assuming with it being a UConn home game we must have controlled the ticket allotment and thus had an easier time getting people to attend the game?

Still, for BC to be noticeably outnumbered four miles from their campus, against one of the very worst and most hopeless FBS programs in the land, when they were playing for bowl eligibility at a historic venue with lots of open seats, tells you all you need to know about that fan base. The ACC would like a do-over on that one. I mean hell, UConn's fan base is apathetic compared to a lot of P5 schools and they look like a puddle in the ocean when juxtaposed to ours. There were likely as many if not more UConn fans at Alumni last year.

Amazing all the excuses that UConn has for poor attendance, price,venue, weather, time of day, time of year. Never apply to BC. Why would they want to pay to see a blowout over UConn. Why spend money for an inferior team.

Where were all the UConn fans for your home game. You were not close to selling out your allotment. If you had more than 50% of the crowd it was not by much!

Good friend who has season tickets didn't go to the game because he vows to never watch a football game at Fenway ever again.
Aug 26, 2011
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Amazing all the excuses that UConn has for poor attendance, price,venue, weather, time of day, time of year. Never apply to BC. Why would they want to pay to see a blowout over UConn. Why spend money for an inferior team.

Where were all the UConn fans for your home game. You were not close to selling out your allotment. If you had more than 50% of the crowd it was not by much!

Good friend who has season tickets didn't go to the game because he vows to never watch a football game at Fenway ever again.

You must not have read the part where I described our fan base as apathetic. Apathetic does not prohibit them from being much, much better than your fan base, however, which is why they turned out at a far better rate despite being much further away and having been exposed for a better part of a decade to a product that is borderline FBS worthy. The idea that BC fans stayed home because of an inferior opponent is completely laughable. Obviously more would have shown up to see Notre Dame, but an inferior opponent didn't stop 82,000 from showing up in Auburn on Saturday. The primary reason is that nobody cares about BC.

Look, it's not that complicated. UConn has about 3x as many undergrads as BC. It's also a state school that attracts a lot more ride-alongs like myself. When you're a small private school you're going to have less fans, that's just the way it goes. It's the reason, ironically, that BC needed the Big East more than anybody else. They have no pull more than a mile outside their campus.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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The mods have recently thinned out a few of the opposing team visitors who bring nothing to the board. How has WorcesterWilly survived the purge?

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