Is it too late to bring back Weist? | The Boneyard

Is it too late to bring back Weist?

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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How about as a consultant? I think Warde will insist. :D

It would be nice to find a way to bring back that confident passing game found in last season's three wins.
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought the play calling was fine but Whitmer just couldn't make the passes

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I thought the play calling was fine but Whitmer just couldn't make the passes

Agree. Perfect offensive game plan? Absolutely not. But there were enough plays where players were open and the single point of failure was the ability of the QB.
Sep 17, 2011
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Lemelle did see the field on offense today but it was one play. Our TE's aren't good enough blockers to do much in the I formation. I'd go single back spread most of the time, the FB gives us no advantage at this time. We aren't powerful enough up front like Stanford has been and UConn used to be to use this power run game.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Lemelle did see the field on offense today but it was one play. Our TE's aren't good enough blockers to do much in the I formation. I'd go single back spread most of the time, the FB gives us no advantage at this time. We aren't powerful enough up front like Stanford has been and UConn used to be to use this power run game.
That sounds right to me. Spread out our players so the defense has to spread out as well. We can win from power formations.
Sep 18, 2011
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One thing Weist figured out is that if you have concerns with the OL, run quick slants to the WRs which results in quick throws, little QB pressure, and moves the LBs off the line of scrimmage. And it took advantage of our WRs. This is what Cincy did for years.

Forget the talent argument. We have at least as much talent on offense this year, but I am not sold on our current offensive strategy.
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm not sure how Weist could have helped CW hit three or four deep balls that he just launched on a prayer. I'm not sure what Weist could do to get CW to not throw while falling backwards or to set his feet before throwing. If that were CC back there today and everything else was equal, then yes, you have a point. However, with a different triggerman, there are huge variables.
Sep 18, 2011
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I'm not sure how Weist could have helped CW hit three or four deep balls that he just launched on a prayer. I'm not sure what Weist could do to get CW to not throw while falling backwards or to set his feet before throwing. If that were CC back there today and everything else was equal, then yes, you have a point. However, with a different triggerman, there are huge variables.

With questions on the OL, why are we asking Whitmer to throw so many mid to long passes? Why not quick slants? Does anybody here think Whitmer is a good running QB? We know Whitmer's limitations, why didn't the game plan take them into account?
Aug 24, 2011
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With questions on the OL, why are we asking Whitmer to throw so many mid to long passes? Why not quick slants? Does anybody here think Whitmer is a good running QB? We know Whitmer's limitations, why didn't the game plan take them into account?

Whitmer's footwork and mechanics do not inspire great confidence in his ability to hit passes on 3 step or even 5 step drops. I'm no qb coach, so that's just my opinion.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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That sounds right to me. Spread out our players so the defense has to spread out as well. We can win from power formations.
I meant to say, 'can't' win from power formations.
Aug 30, 2011
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One thing Weist figured out is that if you have concerns with the OL, run quick slants to the WRs which results in quick throws, little QB pressure, and moves the LBs off the line of scrimmage. And it took advantage of our WRs. This is what Cincy did for years.

Forget the talent argument. We have at least as much talent on offense this year, but I am not sold on our current offensive strategy.

He had success that way with Cochran at QB. With our other QB's the offense was a disaster.
Aug 26, 2011
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I was one of the hearty few at the game and there were 4 passes to our end where the WR were WIDE open (two that would have been TDs with good throws) and Whitmer overthrew every one of them. The chances were there - we just didn't hit any of them. I would have liked to see what CC would have done with those same throws.

The running game was just plain awful. That HAS to improve if we are going to win a few more games.

I also think that fans have to be realistic. HCBD is filled with energy and optimism but this isnt going to be turned around in 6 months. Maybe it will be baby steps instead of giant leaps which we all want - on to next week!

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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I was one of the hearty few at the game and there were 4 passes to our end where the WR were WIDE open (two that would have been TDs with good throws) and Whitmer overthrew every one of them. The chances were there - we just didn't hit any of them. I would have liked to see what CC would have done with those same throws.

The running game was just plain awful. That HAS to improve if we are going to win a few more games.

I also think that fans have to be realistic. HCBD is filled with energy and optimism but this isnt going to be turned around in 6 months. Maybe it will be baby steps instead of giant leaps which we all want - on to next week!

I'm fine with baby steps....just don't understand the conviction to go with power formations. Hopefully we see something different going forward. More plays designed to spread out offense and force the same on the D.
Oct 2, 2013
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This entire thread needs to be pulled and to be burned... My eyes are watering from the flames of desperation from these posts. This team is nowhere near as talented as Stanford. It will take years for us to progress. We won today, this is something that didn't happen last year. This was one of those we must wins and it wasn't pretty.

But attacking our QB??? Do you know how many WR who touched the ball with their hands but couldn't reel it in...and that's CW's fault??? Come-on man! It was an ugly win, but its a win, and anyone still believing this team should win the AAC is smoking too much of something! I say a 5-7 win season is likely but still an improvement over last year. and yes you might be right about CJ Weist but RD cannot be compared to him yet.... CW beat the worst three teams in the AAC? In my book that is not a tremendous accomplishment. This team is still dealing with the player confidence and injury history of last year. There are a lot of games to be played and we don't really know Coach D. at this time. I certainly will not judge him until I can see where the progression of this team is going barring injury!

Yet some of you are going into the court room and shouting guilty before the third witness for the prosecution is rolled out and never mind the hearing from the defense as they lay out their side of the story! BD is our coach, he won one today and no it was not pretty - NO STYLE POINTS! BUT HE WON!!! Lets hope the team can build some confidence. Winning needs to be contagious just like losing is! We won - move on!
Oct 2, 2013
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I'm fine with baby steps....just don't understand the conviction to go with power formations. Hopefully we see something different going forward. More plays designed to spread out offense and force the same on the D.
Did you think that maybe he knows we shouldn't run the power formations but running hte same offense every week, may not bode for us either. I think we will see a new look next week. Again, don't infur that what we saw over two weeks can give us insight to predict the schemes that BD is going to run. He won this one today with his game plan and he can learn from it!

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Did you think that maybe he knows we shouldn't run the power formations but running hte same offense every week, may not bode for us either. I think we will see a new look next week. Again, don't infur that what we saw over two weeks can give us insight to predict the schemes that BD is going to run. He won this one today with his game plan and he can learn from it!

Bringing back Weist was meant in jest. I dropped in a hint with the reference to Warde requiring it (that's who Weist got here last time with Coach P). I'm not serious. I want to believe in Diaco, let's see what they roll out next week. Of course Diaco's has a much longer leash than 2 games.
Sep 17, 2011
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This entire thread needs to be pulled and to be burned... My eyes are watering from the flames of desperation from these posts. This team is nowhere near as talented as Stanford. It will take years for us to progress. We won today, this is something that didn't happen last year. This was one of those we must wins and it wasn't pretty.

But attacking our QB??? Do you know how many WR who touched the ball with their hands but couldn't reel it in...and that's CW's fault??? Come-on man! It was an ugly win, but its a win, and anyone still believing this team should win the AAC is smoking too much of something! I say a 5-7 win season is likely but still an improvement over last year. and yes you might be right about CJ Weist but RD cannot be compared to him yet.... CW beat the worst three teams in the AAC? In my book that is not a tremendous accomplishment. This team is still dealing with the player confidence and injury history of last year. There are a lot of games to be played and we don't really know Coach D. at this time. I certainly will not judge him until I can see where the progression of this team is going barring injury!

Yet some of you are going into the court room and shouting guilty before the third witness for the prosecution is rolled out and never mind the hearing from the defense as they lay out their side of the story! BD is our coach, he won one today and no it was not pretty - NO STYLE POINTS! BUT HE WON!!! Lets hope the team can build some confidence. Winning needs to be contagious just like losing is! We won - move on!

Not saying we are as talented as Stanford but that we are not geared up to run that scheme successfully at this time. I'm happy with what Coach Diaco is trying to do here. It is a huge undertaking and we are lucky he has chosen to tackle it. CW struggled today and it was not an aberration. That is all.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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IMO Diaco was fine today. I can't recall any head scratchers. I think in the first half the run game struggled big time and without looking at stats I think we passed on a higher % of plays in the second half. When it was 19-10 I was thinking with Cochran at QB it was probably closer to 30-10. Whitmer overthrew almost every pass that was 20+ yards. That's not to say that Cochran is perfect but he is better at throwing the long ball.


A Tiger is always Hungry!
Aug 26, 2011
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This team is nowhere near as talented as Stanford. It will take years for us to progress. We won today, this is something that didn't happen last year. This was one of those we must wins and it wasn't pretty.

....Come-on man! It was an ugly win, but its a win, and anyone still believing this team should win the AAC is smoking too much of something! I say a 5-7 win season is likely but still an improvement over last year...

I'm expecting 3 to (if we're lucky) 5 wins this year, 4 to 6 the following year and hopefully 6 to 8 wins the following year when HCBD has more of his own players on the team.
Aug 27, 2011
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This SBrook game plan was built around testing our downfield passing game. The short slant passes mentioned above will be out in force next week. Here's the good news. There were several receivers who separated and were in position for big plays. The timing etc was off and they were incomplete--but the strategy was tested in a game situation. This team is continuing to build and test game plans week to week. Did you see any misdirection or end around running plays yesterday? You will next week.
And how about our special teams? Gotta love Justin Wain, Puyols has been solid on kickoffs and FG's so far--and Ellis Marder is becoming a force at gunner. That punt he saved on the 1 yd line was epic.
Bottom line, we played BYU tougher than Texas, we tinkered with a spirited SB team but found a way to win despite a lot of near misses on killer plays. Bring on the Broncos. Please be in your seats by kickoff for the ABC telecast.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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UConn was able to generate 12 points of offense against Stony Brook. Whether it was X's and O's or preparation, the coaching staff has to bear a big chunk of responsibility for the first two games. UConn's 3 game winning streak looks more impressive considering how Rutgers, Temple and Memphis have looked to open the year.
Dec 13, 2013
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Man some of you guys are way off. You can nitpick here and there, Should do this , should do that but we are lacking talent plain and simple. Coach needs time and 2 or 3 recruiting cycles to really get this going. He has been a head coach all of 2 games. Not making excuses for him but PP and Hathaway ran this program into the ground. Massive rebuilding and we need the patience to hang in there.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Yeah because two games in we were doing so well under TJ.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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UConn was able to generate 12 points of offense against Stony Brook. Whether it was X's and O's or preparation, the coaching staff has to bear a big chunk of responsibility for the first two games. UConn's 3 game winning streak looks more impressive considering how Rutgers, Temple and Memphis have looked to open the year.

The thing I liked best about Diaco after the hire was that he had a plan. His assistant hires, recruiting, strength and fitness et,al. Now he's showing that he has a plan for running a team. It's way too early to give a thumbs up or down to the plan. They don't give style points in football. We lost the game we were pegged to lose and won the one we were supposed to win. I'm seeing some good players out there as well as some holes. I trust the guy is doing what he thinks is best for the program so I give him enormous latitude right now.
Aug 26, 2011
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One thing Weist figured out is that if you have concerns with the OL, run quick slants to the WRs which results in quick throws, little QB pressure, and moves the LBs off the line of scrimmage. And it took advantage of our WRs. This is what Cincy did for years.

Forget the talent argument. We have at least as much talent on offense this year, but I am not sold on our current offensive strategy.

Pretty much every modern offensive coach knows the following: If you need to pass, when in doubt, throw slants, even if you aren't in doubt, throw slants.

Realize that Mike Cummings is probably still shaking off the rust from his last job where he wasn't allowed to call the plays.
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