Although I was not a college athlete, this article resonated with me in regards to the mental hurdles you go through when injured more than once. I tore my right YKW and then barely 3 yrs later after getting back into things, tore the left. During pre-surgery rehab, the director of the PT place came over while I was mindlessly riding the bike and asked how I was doing. I probably said something typical, like, happy to see me, or tried to make a joke of me "being back". He looked at me and said, NO, how are YOU doing and pointed to his head. Made me realize that he was concerned about my mental state. That stayed with me throughout the pre/post rehab. Even my ortho surgeon said the same things, and one of the best things he said was, ok, you're cleared, and although I liked having you as a patient, I don't want to see you again.