I'm of the firm belief, that when a student is performing badly, it's the teacher's fault.
That said, this frigging thing, in this clip, has been happening - all season long, and not just with the player isolated in this clip. This offense, on the field, simply can't match up. Basics - and yes - when a fullback is lined up in the backfield, and he doesn't have a pass route to run, the first players he should be keying on - are the frigging linebackers. Griffin - who's become a very good blocker, from what he once was, has the DE engaged and blocked, and that kind of thing, showing on film that he can engage and block a DE 1-1, is going to get him drafted.
The center picks up the MLB dog up the middle, the fullback, is looking at the DE? FInd the other linebacker....fullback, fill the open space in the line, if it's a zone system.
This is just one example. Now - it's happened alot _ what do you do? Keep runnign the same plays? For the same players? It seems that's the case.
I'm sick of it. Deleone is completely out of touch with what's happening on the field. I can't even begin to try to understand how he's teaching this offense to perform, because they can't match up. They can't match up with a simple 4-3 front sending two linebackers into gaps - 6 pass rushers against 7 blockers. A LB runs through a lane you can drive a truck through, and gets a full speed free shot inton our QB's ribs.
When the students fail once or twice - it's on the students. But if the students are failing, consistently, it's the teacher's fault - for both failing to get them to perform, and repeatedly putting them in position to fail.
There is a HUGE disconnect in the entire offense. Who's coaching those backs? How do they match up with what the OL is communicating?