im reaching | The Boneyard

im reaching

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Aug 24, 2011
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but something in all my endless bs that some of u like and some hate suddenly became off 2day. its confusing me a bit now as i think hard about it.

-nd left before all this went down..they knew all along. mike brey jumped the gun today by saying nd was going to the acc early with others. this confirms stuff late in this post to me. espn has it planned out to work.
-clem pres dug hard and then when the backwoods of sc wasn't valueable enough he shut up and went public doing so
-fsu is stringing everyone along, now we have a bot meeting...
-both uva and vt talked a bit of nothing in the begining and now have gone quiet
-the sec is waiting on the network in janurary then we shall see about unc/duke rumors
-cincy is in the same boat as us right now so explain to me how they can #1 get TT and #2 pay him what they agreed 2? then lets talk about how they went from nothing to vocal about expansion, powerpoints and and now quiet again. espn has pumped them a bit lately also.

but while the bball split has needed to happen for ever and i'm fine with today even tho most here birthed cows, something was off about it. things seem to be very messy with how they are breaking off. why? do they create a league or disolve? they need fball votes to do that blah blah. they have decided its time to split clearly but they dont have ducks in a row, why? i think i have the answer.

everyone here know that i take what ever espn says and twist it so i can find out the truth....its my espn thing lol. zls wants to size me up a bag by now. hes a good guy...i have completely misread espn and it pains me as i put this together 2night. for a while now i have talked about the way espn pumps and dumps uconn constantly, it all made sense to me for so long. until today. the messy way to split and the conf call etc. keep in mind how quiet our school and those in politics in ct have been along this ride the past month or so. keep in mind tax cuts and any relationship they have with the state of ct and uconn from employees to land permits and everything in between.

espn has always been ok to good to uconn accept for the acc stuff was the thought i always had, pump dump value devalue....espn owns the acc but also has stake in the b12, has $ in b10 tier games and sec also once they do the secN. they want to keep the acc together but realize it will not beat the other out. they are not stupid.

temple-is a have not because they droped down and now came back up
usf is a have not its more a cusa/commuter school like the others it will be with

there are 5 schools right now that matter at all:
byu-who will soon have to join somewhere
bsu-they are the school that will rise
both of those are out west, not important for this convo
cincy- is a have school and made several moves recent to say they are but yet a ugly future perception right now
uconn-is a have in espns state
nd-becuase fball has yet to join but bball and others are in the acc
-temple and usf barely have arguments to the have vs have not, but is any 1 willing to take that to court and see?

the bball schools need 2 fball schools to blow up the big east. i think that cincy and uconn will vote with them to do so. the espn-acc contract needs to stay at 14 fball schools. i think that espn knows what the acc will become and thinks that espn is better than that. yep i just said that. so i have been misreading it all along. espn pumps then dumps uconn constantly, why? they want to always make sure uconn is relevant in the convo and then goes elsewhere for teams. espn views its state and uconn very highly to the point it wants uconn to be in a great conf that thy deserve. the b10. espn wants uconn to fit the big boy status and finally get its seat, a better seat then the acc. in the b10 uconn can have game on espn under the tier agreement espn has with the b10 and espn can enjoy its home state sucess with uconn. i can't believe i didn't see this earlier. while everyone else sleeps on uconn becuase we are new and in a far corner from where most big boy fball programs are, uconn doesn't get a lot of positive press. so espn this whole time has tried to keep uconsn name relevant by pumping and dumping. espn is quietly part of all this b10 stuff i have been talking about but i had there angle wrong.

va politics has been quiet. why? because both schools are going to get big boy seats. gtech got vocal recently and when they learned they would be left out the pres came out shot everything down and went quiet. they tried and it didn't work out for them.

when cincy and uconn vote with the bball schools this will happen

uva/uconn to the b10
cincy to the acc
now the big east fball schools go abck to a huge cusa type league whether they lead a new league or join the new cusa doesn't matter. the west schools will stay out west.
now the whole usf/temple thing comes into play. and so does vt with va politics.
vt/fsu to the b12. this does not happen until the sec makes its pick in priate that unc and duke down the road will be the ones for the secN to 16. the b12 now has enough for a conf ship game. the b10 and sec have 16 and the acc has what it needs. when this happens temple and usf go to the acc to keep them at 14.5. everything logistics wise works. the pc can make its moves but we dont care as they aren't a east coast player...

the $ angle makes sense for espn to play this out and have cincy/uconn blow up the big east with the bball onlys. espn needs the big east league/brand/assets to go to the bball schools so they can then add a few schools(xav/day/but...) and then work with espn for a nice small tv contract for winter inventory. they also now can possibly hold msg or espn can get the acc msg and the big east barclays or something.

this whole time espn hasn't been devaluing uconn like i thought, they have quietly kept uconn relevant but held them becuase they needed uconn to give the big east its final blow and cincy comes along for the ride. with cincy in the acc check the acc on a map, it makes sense.

espn has basically helped the rise of uconn quietly and helped them position the school for the b10 while most north east schools end up in the acc. espn knows it needs to own the acc but also knows its weaker then the others and it wants the best for its home state school. as a state and school we have always been there for espn, this is there way to return the favor. we are not desperate and are going thru tough times, but it all will end up with a splash that this state will never look back from.

the b10 knows this and its why nd will not need to join the b10 for fball ever becuase the acc will live and nd will always be able to be indy in fball and have access to the bcs playoff as a open bid when it goes to 8 with 5 bids(b10/sec/[ac/b12/acc). this is why nd made the deals it did.

unreal to think i have read espn wrong this whole time but i did, glad i see it now. in the end when it looked like espn was murdering uconn the whole time, they were actually playing uconn up and letting everyone sleep on them so uconns best case can eventully come true.

b10+uva and uconn
b12+fsu and vt(the value is there and it doesn't destroy the acc at all)
pac can do what it wants
sec+down th road unc/duke
acc+cincy and down the road temple/usf

all the haves are in and no arguments can be made, things stay away from courts/govt and each conf has a ship game and its bids in tact. taking off the foil now...
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
What r u drinking and/or smoking? I could use some of that right about now
Aug 26, 2011
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This is lunacy, but like usual, you have a way of making it all sound so possible. And my god, I absolutely hope you're right.
Aug 26, 2011
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People misuse the word irony all the time. But Connecticut casting the vote to dissolve the conference would be kind of ironic.

So. Are we willing to be realists? I'm talking Machiavellian cold blooded realists? Does Warde Manuel comprehend how valuable that vote could be potentially?

It could be very valuable. More valuable than leveraging ESPN with 50 million in chump change tax credits.
Aug 31, 2011
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Dan, that was a lot, even for you. I'm not sure I am with you on this, but the one angle I think folks miss is that the SEC is not expanding in to 1 market - they will expand in to 2. I hold that the SEC covets UNC and VT. Then look at their map. Taking on 2 schools w/in a stone's throw of each other is not their goal. Now, stop bogarting ....


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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but something in all my endless bs that some of u like and some hate suddenly became off 2day. its confusing me a bit now as i think hard about it.

b10+uva and uconn
b12+fsu and vt(the value is there and it doesn't destroy the acc at all)
pac can do what it wants
sec+down th road unc/duke
acc+cincy and down the road temple/usf

all the haves are in and no arguments can be made, things stay away from courts/govt and each conf has a ship game and its bids in tact. taking off the foil now...

HFD, I have to admit that I have read your post twice, and I still have no clue what you are trying to say!

Are you saying that UConn's vote to dissolve the Big East is critical to ESPN's needs? If so, why?
Also, I'm not following your ESPN-B1G connection very well. Are you saying that ESPN has been "grooming" UConn for the B1G all along? If so, why?

(please keep answers to six paragraphs....Carl's starting to get pissed at you...)


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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HFD, I have to admit that I have read your post twice, and I still have no clue what you are trying to say!

The Full Metal Jacket psychic-split of Sargeant Pyle was complete yesterday. To some on these boards UConn is in the BiG. To others the Huskies are in C-USA.


Mar 30, 2012
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It would take some craziness in Bristol for ESPN to intentionally screw up the conference whose rights they control at an undermarket value (ACC) in order to promote the fortunes of a team whose rights they don't possess (UConn) in a league whose rights they don't possess (B1G).

But ... there's a chance!



Mar 30, 2012
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Dan, all the machinations behind the scenes would make a terrific thriller or movie if we can ever find out what happened. I do hope UConn has friends and do believe that we'll land on our feet in time -- just too much value not to be picked up by someone.

But I don't think ESPN is in control any more. I think they assumed they were in control and plotted to maximize value of the ACC and destroy the BE before it could become another network's property. But in the meantime the conferences were plotting to take ESPN's profits for themselves -- Big Ten Network, Pac 12 Network, SEC Network -- and Fox and NBC are willing partners. Now it's up to all the marketing analyses to show that UConn brings or can bring a big market.

I think the B1G is the most logical destination but don't know the timetable and hope the university athletic programs don't collapse before the B1G is ready to invite us.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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HFD, I just scanned your manifesto, um, I mean, post so forgive me if I am misinterpreting it. Let me suggest that you can get to the same result without assuming perfect knowledge by the players. A simpler answer is that CR is a dynamic environment in which all the individual players are jockeying to find the best results for themselves. In other words, there may not be a master plan to discover.


Free Beer!..... Yesterday
Oct 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Hey HFD normally I read your posts and throw in the towel about 1/2 way through but this time I stuck it out. Mostly because I could never reconcile why ESPN and UConn could be in the same state yet seem so at odds. Question for you - what if Big 10 went UConn and BC instead of UVA?
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
but something in all my endless bs that some of u like and some hate suddenly became off 2day. its confusing me a bit now as i think hard about it.

-nd left before all this went down..they knew all along. mike brey jumped the gun today by saying nd was going to the acc early with others. this confirms stuff late in this post to me. espn has it planned out to work.
-clem pres dug hard and then when the backwoods of sc wasn't valueable enough he shut up and went public doing so
-fsu is stringing everyone along, now we have a bot meeting...
-both uva and vt talked a bit of nothing in the begining and now have gone quiet
-the sec is waiting on the network in janurary then we shall see about unc/duke rumors
-cincy is in the same boat as us right now so explain to me how they can #1 get TT and #2 pay him what they agreed 2? then lets talk about how they went from nothing to vocal about expansion, powerpoints and **** and now quiet again. espn has pumped them a bit lately also.

but while the bball split has needed to happen for ever and i'm fine with today even tho most here birthed cows, something was off about it. things seem to be very messy with how they are breaking off. why? do they create a league or disolve? they need fball votes to do that blah blah. they have decided its time to split clearly but they dont have ducks in a row, why? i think i have the answer.

everyone here know that i take what ever espn says and twist it so i can find out the truth....its my espn thing lol. zls wants to size me up a bag by now. hes a good guy...i have completely misread espn and it pains me as i put this together 2night. for a while now i have talked about the way espn pumps and dumps uconn constantly, it all made sense to me for so long. until today. the messy way to split and the conf call etc. keep in mind how quiet our school and those in politics in ct have been along this ride the past month or so. keep in mind tax cuts and any relationship they have with the state of ct and uconn from employees to land permits and everything in between.

espn has always been ok to good to uconn accept for the acc stuff was the thought i always had, pump dump value devalue....espn owns the acc but also has stake in the b12, has $ in b10 tier games and sec also once they do the secN. they want to keep the acc together but realize it will not beat the other out. they are not stupid.

temple-is a have not because they droped down and now came back up
usf is a have not its more a cusa/commuter school like the others it will be with

there are 5 schools right now that matter at all:
byu-who will soon have to join somewhere
bsu-they are the school that will rise
both of those are out west, not important for this convo
cincy- is a have school and made several moves recent to say they are but yet a ugly future perception right now
uconn-is a have in espns state
nd-becuase fball has yet to join but bball and others are in the acc
-temple and usf barely have arguments to the have vs have not, but is any 1 willing to take that to court and see?

the bball schools need 2 fball schools to blow up the big east. i think that cincy and uconn will vote with them to do so. the espn-acc contract needs to stay at 14 fball schools. i think that espn knows what the acc will become and thinks that espn is better than that. yep i just said that. so i have been misreading it all along. espn pumps then dumps uconn constantly, why? they want to always make sure uconn is relevant in the convo and then goes elsewhere for teams. espn views its state and uconn very highly to the point it wants uconn to be in a great conf that thy deserve. the b10. espn wants uconn to fit the big boy status and finally get its seat, a better seat then the acc. in the b10 uconn can have game on espn under the tier agreement espn has with the b10 and espn can enjoy its home state sucess with uconn. i can't believe i didn't see this earlier. while everyone else sleeps on uconn becuase we are new and in a far corner from where most big boy fball programs are, uconn doesn't get a lot of positive press. so espn this whole time has tried to keep uconsn name relevant by pumping and dumping. espn is quietly part of all this b10 stuff i have been talking about but i had there angle wrong.

va politics has been quiet. why? because both schools are going to get big boy seats. gtech got vocal recently and when they learned they would be left out the pres came out shot everything down and went quiet. they tried and it didn't work out for them.

when cincy and uconn vote with the bball schools this will happen

uva/uconn to the b10
cincy to the acc
now the big east fball schools go abck to a huge cusa type league whether they lead a new league or join the new cusa doesn't matter. the west schools will stay out west.
now the whole usf/temple thing comes into play. and so does vt with va politics.
vt/fsu to the b12. this does not happen until the sec makes its pick in priate that unc and duke down the road will be the ones for the secN to 16. the b12 now has enough for a conf ship game. the b10 and sec have 16 and the acc has what it needs. when this happens temple and usf go to the acc to keep them at 14.5. everything logistics wise works. the pc can make its moves but we dont care as they aren't a east coast player...

the $ angle makes sense for espn to play this out and have cincy/uconn blow up the big east with the bball onlys. espn needs the big east league/brand/assets to go to the bball schools so they can then add a few schools(xav/day/but...) and then work with espn for a nice small tv contract for winter inventory. they also now can possibly hold msg or espn can get the acc msg and the big east barclays or something.

this whole time espn hasn't been devaluing uconn like i thought, they have quietly kept uconn relevant but held them becuase they needed uconn to give the big east its final blow and cincy comes along for the ride. with cincy in the acc check the acc on a map, it makes sense.

espn has basically helped the rise of uconn quietly and helped them position the school for the b10 while most north east schools end up in the acc. espn knows it needs to own the acc but also knows its weaker then the others and it wants the best for its home state school. as a state and school we have always been there for espn, this is there way to return the favor. we are not desperate and are going thru tough times, but it all will end up with a splash that this state will never look back from.

the b10 knows this and its why nd will not need to join the b10 for fball ever becuase the acc will live and nd will always be able to be indy in fball and have access to the bcs playoff as a open bid when it goes to 8 with 5 bids(b10/sec/[ac/b12/acc). this is why nd made the deals it did.

unreal to think i have read espn wrong this whole time but i did, glad i see it now. in the end when it looked like espn was murdering uconn the whole time, they were actually playing uconn up and letting everyone sleep on them so uconns best case can eventully come true.

b10+uva and uconn
b12+fsu and vt(the value is there and it doesn't destroy the acc at all)
pac can do what it wants
sec+down th road unc/duke
acc+cincy and down the road temple/usf

all the haves are in and no arguments can be made, things stay away from courts/govt and each conf has a ship game and its bids in tact. taking off the foil now...

I truly pray no one ever asks for HFD's take on weather balloons in New Mexico.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Hey HFD normally I read your posts and throw in the towel about 1/2 way through but this time I stuck it out. Mostly because I could never reconcile why ESPN and UConn could be in the same state yet seem so at odds. Question for you - what if Big 10 went UConn and BC instead of UVA?

that has always been my dream scenario in this. The chance to be in the B1G and beat BC on a regular basis excites me...the realistic chances of this happening depresses me.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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if the b10 invited bc and uconn? i would be happy but also a bit angry. i want to seperate from them and take off as a rising school. i want to do that and give them the biggest cold shoulder ever. i mena that in the most harsh screwed up way possible. i want blood and i want it bad.

100% agree. If we get a B1G invite then guess what? We cockblock BC from joining just like BC has cockblocked us for the past decade. We want to own New England and the northeast. B1G > ACC. If we're in the B1G and BC is in the ACC, we own every recruiting angle other than the BC "we once had a QB throw a hail mary" slant. It's the nature of the CR business. I don't blame BC for wanting to claim New England for themselves. And for the very same reasons, I would want UConn to do the same once we've found a new conference home.


Free Beer!..... Yesterday
Oct 26, 2011
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The odds of UConn getting in to the big 10 and blocking BC are nil. One of the best reasons to join acc is to continue rivalries. I personally don't give much attention to Rutgers and I live in NJ. I would much rather play BC and hammer them in football. It's a rivalry that could sell a ton of tix and eyeballs. This would screw the acc out of NYC and Boston. Potential bait for ND down the road??


Mar 30, 2012
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If UConn gets into the B1G, they won't invite BC unless BC brings ND.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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For what it's worth I just took a look over at the UNC board. They seem to think that one team from NC will be in the SEC soon and think NC State is positioning themselves for the invite with the firing of TOB. There is a strong group trying to push their administration to get in that spot before state. This would probably be the best case for UConn because if UNC goes I'd have to imagine UVA goes with them and the SEC has sealed off the southeast from the B1G leaving the Northeast as the their natural expansion route.

Also, if there is some negotiating going on these two schools could drive their value up so high that at some point we become a bargain to the B1G.

Also, I don't believe any of what I just wrote, but hope is all that remains.
Sep 12, 2011
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it gives us a 50-50 shot for who can rise and claim new england. would be very interesting.

Have to say I strongly disagree with you here, UConn is a national brand and if a recruit had to pick between UConn and BC (both being in the B1G in this example) they would pick UConn every time for every sport except hockey (which might not be the case for to long)

This is a large part of the reason BC blocked UConn to the ACC so many times and used the veil of the lawsuit as an excuse, they don't want us to be in the same conference or on equal grounds because they would die out.
Nov 2, 2011
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IMO, B1G is going to try to add UVA, UNC, UConn, and one of 'Cuse/BC.

I still don't buy GT to B1G.

SEC will also want into NC & Va, and will take NCSt and VT.

If UVa is now considering B1G again (as is rumored), we may be on the move.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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It's Mr. Tamborine Man if I recalll. Not tangerine. And HuskyFanDan is a Patriot.
He is doing the legwork us lazy a.. Mofos will not do.
Hope Suzy and doughboy get us to big ten. If not, I cannot go backwards to football. Beendeardidat while at my school.


Connecticut UConn Husky
Aug 26, 2011
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IMO, B1G is going to try to add UVA, UNC, UConn, and one of 'Cuse/BC.

I still don't buy GT to B1G.

SEC will also want into NC & Va, and will take NCSt and VT.

If UVa is now considering B1G again (as is rumored), we may be on the move.

I still think the B1G, ultimate design is tied to ND. Rutty & MD were not going to get a call until ND made a move. Once ND joined the ACC, the B1G went about going after the Northeast & to distablize the ACC.

They now wait for Maryland's fee to get lowered. FSU will beats down the door of the SEC or B12. B1G plays UVA & UNC against each other inviting them & ND - 3 invites for 2 spots.

B1G saves 2 key strokes, why not Big10 or B10? Maybe because 10 does not equal ten.
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