I have definitely drank the Kool-Aid | The Boneyard

I have definitely drank the Kool-Aid

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Aug 28, 2011
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As a frequent lurker who does not post much I decided I needed to chime in. I am an alum and have had season tickets since 1996. The last three years have been painful but I still firmly believe that if people attend the games they will realize what an awesome experience it is. Based on that I convinced 6 colleagues to attend Friday. Their indifference about Uconn football is amazing to me but I hope a good experience will start to transform them closer to what I am.

I believe Diaco has reached these kids. I know his message has resonated with me and it has been 25 years since I ran out on a field. Self confidence and belief goes a long way in sports....the power is immense. Factor in a night game with an animated crowd and I love our chances.

No matter the result I know we are going in the right direction overall. That said, with a fickle fan base I am just praying that a worst case scenario still finds us playing a competitive game. If we get blown out I think that would not bode well for the next two home game. A win would be immense and I believe we will get it.
Aug 28, 2011
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The kool-aid tastes incredible. Ice cold, refreshing. Just the right amount of high fructose corn syrup.

Last year the team showed early against Michigan at night in a big game, that they can compete. That team had quit on its coaches, and was playing for each other.

This team will play for each other AND the the coaches. The team will show a different energy level, they will be full of passion and fight. We are DOOOOMED.
Aug 26, 2011
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As a frequent lurker who does not post much I decided I needed to chime in. I am an alum and have had season tickets since 1996. The last three years have been painful but I still firmly believe that if people attend the games they will realize what an awesome experience it is. Based on that I convinced 6 colleagues to attend Friday. Their indifference about Uconn football is amazing to me but I hope a good experience will start to transform them closer to what I am.

I believe Diaco has reached these kids. I know his message has resonated with me and it has been 25 years since I ran out on a field. Self confidence and belief goes a long way in sports....the power is immense. Factor in a night game with an animated crowd and I love our chances.

No matter the result I know we are going in the right direction overall. That said, with a fickle fan base I am just praying that a worst case scenario still finds us playing a competitive game. If we get blown out I think that would not bode well for the next two home game. A win would be immense and I believe we will get it.

Good post. Don't be a stranger.

I'd give anything to be in that locker room to hear HCBD's first pre game speech. No doubt it will be a classic.
Aug 28, 2011
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It would be great if ESPN had a camera in there like we have seen for other games. I am thinking Diaco would not want that for his first game but it would be cool. I have been ready to run through a wall after hearing him speak the two times I have heard him live. I imagine the kids will be ready to go!
Aug 26, 2011
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Love it. Spreading the gospel of UConn football.
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