Results as expected.
Bottom line is UConn will be less skilled, smaller, and slower than the majority of their opponents.
When that is the deck you are dealt with, the players ......and coaches......have to pay attention.
What irked me was how many times the "D" appeared to be looking to the sideline for a play call and were rushing into position after the ball was snapped.
I can understand the "D players being overwhelmed with the opponents speed, but at least have the kids aware they are playing a fast paced offence, and they don't have enough time between plays for a commercial break.
Or maybe the coaches don't have the skills to coach at this level.
Why does UConn insist on wasting downs on plays that get no where.......I'm speaking of trying to run through the middle. I hope we are not reverting to the PP and GD style of offense. Or don't the coaches in the boxes communicate what works and what doesn't from a higher view point.
Its often pointed out, what other schools offered UConn's players. Maybe we should also ask what other schools also offered our coaches positions. I'm wondering if some of the coaches resumes are less impressive than the players offers.
Maybe UConn just lacks FBS skills at all levels of its program.
Bottom line is UConn will be less skilled, smaller, and slower than the majority of their opponents.
When that is the deck you are dealt with, the players ......and coaches......have to pay attention.
What irked me was how many times the "D" appeared to be looking to the sideline for a play call and were rushing into position after the ball was snapped.
I can understand the "D players being overwhelmed with the opponents speed, but at least have the kids aware they are playing a fast paced offence, and they don't have enough time between plays for a commercial break.
Or maybe the coaches don't have the skills to coach at this level.
Why does UConn insist on wasting downs on plays that get no where.......I'm speaking of trying to run through the middle. I hope we are not reverting to the PP and GD style of offense. Or don't the coaches in the boxes communicate what works and what doesn't from a higher view point.
Its often pointed out, what other schools offered UConn's players. Maybe we should also ask what other schools also offered our coaches positions. I'm wondering if some of the coaches resumes are less impressive than the players offers.
Maybe UConn just lacks FBS skills at all levels of its program.