Just saw the article that all 3 qbs will prep to play this week. Although I expected a starter to be named by opening day, I almost undertood the desire to see all 3 play in a real game....against a AA school, not a big deal....
But now we are in week 3 aNd I really don't get it. With the limited time the NCAA gives u to practice, how do you get all 3 kids enough prep time. If the old saying of having 2qbs means you have no qb, what doeshaving 3 qbs say???
I must say that I am surprised by PPs inability to name a starter.
I've had enough of football philosophy 101, and was going to write something very similar about the QB's, but you beat me to it.
I have no idea what's going on. I've looked at everything I can look at from TV broadcast and internet from game 1 and game 2, as well as my interpretation of things happening live.
What we've been told is that production on the field is the most important thing, and that production is ultimately measured by the ability to lead that offensve unit down the field and into the endzone. Can the QB block everybody, and carry the ball, and throw it and catch it? Absolutely not, but they do need to be the commander in charge of it all happening.
Anyway - I've looked, and what I see are three QB's, and only one of them has actually taken that ball, and offensive unit to the promised land, and only two of them have done what the QB needs to do - position specific - and that is throw it through the air such that the ball can be caught and cross that goal line. Let me 'splain.
McCummings, obviously - on a run option play fake. Not going to happen a lot, but is effective when you do catch the defense out of position in that type of offense. And Nebrich, in his only 3 down series against Vandy, and in one of his series against Fordham. Against Fordham, he threw deep go route down the sideline on a decent read, but the play got broken up. He saw an opportunity and took it. Against Vandy, he made a great read, had a wide open receiver again way downfield, and overthrew him, hit him in stride and that receiver has one man to beat to the pilon. I bet that throw has kept the kid up at night this week. He's got a strong arm, nothing left weak in his throws through two games. I just haven't seen either play ability that those guys have shown from Johnny Mac and he's had a lot more opportunity.
Please somebody correct me if I'm wrong, or I missed something. Through two games, I don't recall a single play where a Johnny Mac pass had any significant chance of resulting in a score downfield, putting the ball in the endzone. Without full field views, you can't be sure what the other receivers are doing, and what the coverages look like, but I don't see any legitimate chances to score TD's through the air on throws he's made through two games.
I don't believe that the chances aren't there on the field, because they're always there, as long as the routes are built into the play calls, and the freshman found one in a single 3 down sequence against a run heavy defensive formation against Vandy.
I love McEntee's story, I have a special place in my heart for walk ons, and I love what the kid is all about his work, his attitude, but I just don't see it on the field as to why he should continue to get the call over the other two, IF production, measured by the ability to produce TD's is the key.
i would hope, that he's strong enough mentally and emotionally, coming from where he did, to get where he did, and have the opportunity he's had, to maintain a high level of performance expectations, confidence and work ethic.
But I'm ready to see the other guys take their shots at running this ship.
BTW: I hate QB controversy.