Highly Rated Notre Dame Transfer Quarterbacks | The Boneyard

Highly Rated Notre Dame Transfer Quarterbacks

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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There is another one in the market with a year of eligibility. Crist is leaving ND and is eligible immediately to play a season.
Aug 27, 2011
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Dane Crist is a big boy at 6-4 248 lbs...proto-typical drop back pro-set qb.
Aug 28, 2011
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Now there is a guy that would be a huge get. He can play at a very high level, and Notre Dame runs an offense similar to here, no?
Aug 27, 2011
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I think Weiss ran more of a similiar offense to us than Kelly runs.


Aug 24, 2011
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he would be a interesting get. pay him for that year and let nebrich learn behind him. rs casey and now we have a qb rotation developing for future years instead of what we had this year with just a group of youth and a walkon.
Sep 1, 2011
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Forget it! A huge case of buyer's remorse after the last ND leftover. I really thought UConn's offense was going to be at least good if not sensational. I hate admitting I'm wrong because I seem to be so much - but I will cheerfully admit it now because of how hugely wrong I was. It was in its own class of wrongness and deserves an award. No. More. ND. Pre-owned. QBs.

Besides, I hate this one or two and done situation that used to plague some basketball teams who recruited JUCOs. No continuity. Which is why I wanted Nebrich to start as a freshman. IF he worked out UConn would have four years of him.
Sep 20, 2011
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I think it would be a good move. It brings depth and competition to the position. I agree if this year's team had Frazer I think results would have been better. With Frazer this team would be bowling. And Crist would be coming in having some game experience. If we brought in a JUCO or had a junior on the roster just waiting his turn, what would be the difference?
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it would be a good move. It brings depth and competition to the position. I agree if this year's team had Frazer I think results would have been better. With Frazer this team would be bowling. And Crist would be coming in having some game experience. If we brought in a JUCO or had a junior on the roster just waiting his turn, what would be the difference?

I don't know. Frazer had a run in 2009, including the ND game, where he was great, but it didn't last. He was pretty bad last year and just awful in the BCS game. If Randy had let him throw more, I think the results would have been worse than what we got with JMac. Besides, this team had no chance to play with Frazer. Cody should be here, he should be the real "what if" fantasy.
Sep 3, 2011
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Forget it! A huge case of buyer's remorse after the last ND leftover. I really thought UConn's offense was going to be at least good if not sensational. I hate admitting I'm wrong because I seem to be so much - but I will cheerfully admit it now because of how hugely wrong I was. It was in its own class of wrongness and deserves an award. No. More. ND. Pre-owned. QBs.

Besides, I hate this one or two and done situation that used to plague some basketball teams who recruited JUCOs. No continuity. Which is why I wanted Nebrich to start as a freshman. IF he worked out UConn would have four years of him.

Yeah, because UConn has a legacy of developing it's own. If Crist is available, take 'em even if it means dropping someone else.
Aug 27, 2011
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Both Crist and Frazer were/are ND leftovers. But at least Crist won the QB battle in an intense offseason competition versus being left for dead as #4 of 4 QB's like Frazer.

Not sure what the QB market is out there right now, but assume PP would have to work some miracles to get a CA guy with 1 more year of eligibility to UConn. After a poor season, it will be a tough sell to someone like that.
Aug 24, 2011
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Both Crist and Frazer were/are ND leftovers. But at least Crist won the QB battle in an intense offseason competition versus being left for dead as #4 of 4 QB's like Frazer.

Not sure what the QB market is out there right now, but assume PP would have to work some miracles to get a CA guy with 1 more year of eligibility to UConn. After a poor season, it will be a tough sell to someone like that.

Crist wants to play next level. I assume this is going to be like Russell Wilson, except that he isn't as highly desired. It won't be about geography -- it will be about him finding the best team that is going to give him control of the offense.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it would be a good move. It brings depth and competition to the position. I agree if this year's team had Frazer I think results would have been better. With Frazer this team would be bowling. And Crist would be coming in having some game experience. If we brought in a JUCO or had a junior on the roster just waiting his turn, what would be the difference?

I think you are mistaken concerning what Zack could have accomplished with this year's offense. Very wishful thinking considering what we lost in the backfield and the pressure put on our QB this year. And no stud WR to bail him out with circus catches and runs. Sorry, not buying that or the ND transfer approach. We need continuity, not a guy to learn a new system in 6 months and jump ahead of a guy like Nebrich then leave.
Aug 27, 2011
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Crist wants to play next level. I assume this is going to be like Russell Wilson, except that he isn't as highly desired. It won't be about geography -- it will be about him finding the best team that is going to give him control of the offense.

He will certainly be looking for the best shot to show his abilities and make it to the NFL. My point was that UConn is a tough sell if PP is thinking of taking a shot. The kid will not likley come to the Northeast for a team that just had a losing season, question marks at what was already a below average receiving core and no depth at RB. If all things are even, I think he would go to a school closer to home. He will have some options and UConn on paper is not that attractive right now for a QB in this situation.
Sep 20, 2011
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I think you are mistaken concerning what Zack could have accomplished with this year's offense. Very wishful thinking considering what we lost in the backfield and the pressure put on our QB this year. And no stud WR to bail him out with circus catches and runs. Sorry, not buying that or the ND transfer approach. We need continuity, not a guy to learn a new system in 6 months and jump ahead of a guy like Nebrich then leave.

I don't know - Frazer had a tendency to stare down his receiver (like JMac does) and also to throw the ball too high, but I'd argue that he looked a lot less panicky in the pocket. I've never ripped on JMac on here but he looks to me like he's feeling pressure in the pocket, even when it isn't there, and then he ends up throwing off his back foot a lot instead of stepping into the throw.
Aug 24, 2011
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He will certainly be looking for the best shot to show his abilities and make it to the NFL. My point was that UConn is a tough sell if PP is thinking of taking a shot. The kid will not likley come to the Northeast for a team that just had a losing season, question marks at what was already a below average receiving core and no depth at RB. If all things are even, I think he would go to a school closer to home. He will have some options and UConn on paper is not that attractive right now for a QB in this situation.

You are assuming he will have materially better options. maybe. But he's not Russell Wilson. Not many BCS teams are going to simply hand him the reigns for a one year stint. And, if he was our QB this year, don't rule out the possibility we would have been contending for our conference title.
Aug 27, 2011
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I would personally pick up Crist at the airport if he wanted to come here.

Minimal risk in giving him the scholly and the upside is high.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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He will certainly be looking for the best shot to show his abilities and make it to the NFL. My point was that UConn is a tough sell if PP is thinking of taking a shot. The kid will not likley come to the Northeast for a team that just had a losing season, question marks at what was already a below average receiving core and no depth at RB. If all things are even, I think he would go to a school closer to home. He will have some options and UConn on paper is not that attractive right now for a QB in this situation.

He is probably going to have to go to a program that doesn't have an obvious option at QB. He already went to a school in the upper midwest, so I don't see why being in the Northeast would be a disadvantage. If he wants to be at a BCS school there probably won't be more than a handful of options.

Who knows how good he really is and who knows if there is any interest from UConn but he's got to be as good an option as any JUCO transfer and since he only has one year it could buy time for Nebrich and Cochrane.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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And, if he was our QB this year, don't rule out the possibility we would have been contending for our conference title.

Had UConn showed up against Louisville at home, we would have contended for the conference title with McEntee.
Nov 13, 2011
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Crist will never come to uconn by next yr it will be a qb cluster f$&k at storrs,coach p gonna have his hands full with that crew, just gotta find a bus that goes to the arctic circle for trick shot johnny!
Sep 3, 2011
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He is probably going to have to go to a program that doesn't have an obvious option at QB. He already went to a school in the upper midwest, so I don't see why being in the Northeast would be a disadvantage. If he wants to be at a BCS school there probably won't be more than a handful of options.

Who knows how good he really is and who knows if there is any interest from UConn but he's got to be as good an option as any JUCO transfer and since he only has one year it could buy time for Nebrich and Cochrane.

If that's not UConn, then I don't know who it would ever be?
Aug 28, 2011
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Yeah, because UConn has a legacy of developing it's own. If Crist is available, take 'em even if it means dropping someone else.

you would drop a player we promised a scholarship to in order to pick up a transfer that couldn't earn his own starting job? please go root for Rutgers. personally i'd prefer we stay loyal to players that are loyal to us first, rather than dumping a kid that may have a bright future on the field and in the classroom to hire a mercenary
Sep 3, 2011
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you would drop a player we promised a scholarship to in order to pick up a transfer that couldn't earn his own starting job? please go root for Rutgers. personally i'd prefer we stay loyal to players that are loyal to us first, rather than dumping a kid that may have a bright future on the field and in the classroom to hire a mercenary

Two words - Andre Drummond
Aug 28, 2011
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touche, but that was voluntary (granted who knows how voluntary it was). plus the circumstances were extenuating since we thought we had a scholly for Drummond when we offered


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Not sure why he wouldn't come here but coach Pasqualoni will have to sell him on the offense they will run for a year. My guess is that UConn ends up with a Juco if they bring in another quarterback
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