Herbst & Benedict coming to Fairfield County in May | The Boneyard

Herbst & Benedict coming to Fairfield County in May


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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UConn Alumni Events
Dec 25, 2011
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per NYC Alumni Facebook page, David Benedict did not attend

He was actually there and apologized for the conflicting e-mails. Joked that the XII had called; but, was told that the UConn Alumni NYC social was more important.


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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He was actually there and apologized for the conflicting e-mails. Joked that the XII had called; but, was told that the UConn Alumni NYC social was more important.

Good to see he knows how important CR is although I wish the XII calling wasn't a joke

I'm more interested in what Herbst talked about- did she lay out a vision for the university?
Dec 25, 2011
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Good to see he knows how important CR is although I wish the XII calling wasn't a joke

I'm more interested in what Herbst talked about- did she lay out a vision for the university?

She spoke for about 10 minutes and went over the need to expand research, brain power and the facilities to support such. Did not concerns with the state budget and thus alternate funding sources, such as expanded endowment, need to be found. Continued to emphasize how important sports are to the university's marketing efforts noting specifically no marketing campaign, such as the 6th Borough boro (I got 2 of those t-shirts), can generate the buzz that Jalen Adam's heave in the AAC playoffs. Spoke briefly on expansion at UConn Health, Hartford, and Stamford. She and Dave both noted that based on budget, success, and facilities, UConn is a P5 program that happens not to be in the P5. Also repeatedly noted the need to further market/connect in NYC mentioning UConn's tie to MSG.
Mar 19, 2013
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She spoke for about 10 minutes and went over the need to expand research, brain power and the facilities to support such. Did not concerns with the state budget and thus alternate funding sources, such as expanded endowment, need to be found. Continued to emphasize how important sports are to the university's marketing efforts noting specifically no marketing campaign, such as the 6th Borough boro (I got 2 of those t-shirts), can generate the buzz that Jalen Adam's heave in the AAC playoffs. Spoke briefly on expansion at UConn Health, Hartford, and Stamford. She and Dave both noted that based on budget, success, and facilities, UConn is a P5 program that happens not to be in the P5. Also repeatedly noted the need to further market/connect in NYC mentioning UConn's tie to MSG.
Do you believe that the AD is another "monitor" or do you get the vibe that he is working behind the scenes to get UConn an invite out? Or is he just here to raise money and try to sell fans on the AAC? Or none of the above? He appears a little detached to me, as opposed to the "rock star" who was ineffective, but interactive. They can say we are "P5" until they are blue in the face, but until we are P5 we are not P5!
One more question, if you don't mind. If you had to go this meeting again, would you go? Was it worth you time?
Dec 25, 2011
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I went to the Alumni event for professional networking opportunities plus the opportunity to mentor new graduates. Getting an update on the university overall was secondary and learning more about UConn's athletic future was just an added bonus. So, yes, I would go.

The AD is very positive and has a strong opinion that UConn is a P5 school that just happens not to be in a P5 conference and notes that both the University and the Athletic department continue to do what it can to raise the schools profile on the field in the classroom. That is what UConn can control. UConn can't control the fact that today, there are no available P5 (or P4) slots. As for being detached, the guys has been on the job for what a month and I get the impression that he spent a lot of that time on the road while figuring out the relocation details for his family. I plan to give him at least 2 months before I throw him under the bus :cool:
Mar 19, 2013
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I went to the Alumni event for professional networking opportunities plus the opportunity to mentor new graduates. Getting an update on the university overall was secondary and learning more about UConn's athletic future was just an added bonus. So, yes, I would go.

The AD is very positive and has a strong opinion that UConn is a P5 school that just happens not to be in a P5 conference and notes that both the University and the Athletic department continue to do what it can to raise the schools profile on the field in the classroom. That is what UConn can control. UConn can't control the fact that today, there are no available P5 (or P4) slots. As for being detached, the guys has been on the job for what a month and I get the impression that he spent a lot of that time on the road while figuring out the relocation details for his family. I plan to give him at least 2 months before I throw him under the bus :cool:
I really appreciate your response Mr. Conehead. I did not mean it to seem like I was ready to "throw him under the bus". I am just frustrated. I could not attend the meeting unfortunately due to prior commitment. Since his arrival, it appears actually, that UConn has been reaching out to alumni/fans by telephone and mail, and I am hoping that he would have some connections that might help UConn out here. Just running out of patience I guess. Thanks again.
Aug 26, 2011
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Do you believe that the AD is another "monitor" or do you get the vibe that he is working behind the scenes to get UConn an invite out? Or is he just here to raise money and try to sell fans on the AAC? Or none of the above? He appears a little detached to me, as opposed to the "rock star" who was ineffective, but interactive. They can say we are "P5" until they are blue in the face, but until we are P5 we are not P5!
One more question, if you don't mind. If you had to go this meeting again, would you go? Was it worth you time?

Detached? Have you met him? Having met him, the term detached would be one of the last I would use to describe him. Please explain how he appears to be a little detached.
Mar 19, 2013
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I should have said that I was not happy with the "if it's meant to be" statement he made about conference realignment in the Courant in an article on the spring game.


Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone going to this event in Farmington May 19?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Dave must have throat punched @FfldCntyFan to the moon...
Probably stumbled onto our conference realignment plans and they are holding him in a cell located deep under the Wilbur Cross Library.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Too much to post via smart phone. Will provide full synopsis soon


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Synopsis of last night's conversations; beginning with the general themes both President Herbst and AD Benedict presented from the podium, followed by the specific one on one conversations I had with each of them.

1) President Herbst stressed the importance of the school's current focus on increasing it's presence in Fairfield County, the importance of the school's determination to continue its growth as a research institution and the benefits it can provide the state as an economic driver with its STEM initiative.

2) Our AD made it clear that football is a priority (mentioned early in his speech that his first question to everyone was "do you have football season tickets?"), praised the success our school has achieved over many sports and the importance, especially in our current predicament, for fans to support the programs. He is very energetic and is far more outgoing than Warde (not that either personality type is a bad thing as long as it comes naturally). He also seems to have the mentality that whether it's football at the highest level or tiddly winks, if they're keeping score he wants to win.

There was quite a bit of discussion on both academic and athletic investments currently in place (next gen housing, baseball/softball facilities) but also the need of continued giving, especially with the uncertainty of what the state will continue to provide.

The Q&A was very conference realignment based and the theme is (both academically and athletically) as long as we keep doing what we are doing things will at some point work out for us. We cannot just ask a P-5 conference (or the AAU) for admittance and expect it to happen but as long as we have a profile that exceeds many current members of each, the day will arrive where we are admitted.


Individual conversations:

1) Conversation with President Herbst: For opener's, I'm 55 years old and in this (far older chronologically than he feels) man's eyes, Suzie is hot. That said, as always she was very direct and professional. Housing in Stamford (I don't think I can share too much of what I know) will begin in the summer of 2017. Among the goals is to make Stamford a place where students primarily based in Storrs can 'study abroad' for a semester in conjunction with an internship in Manhattan or Stamford. When she found out I am employed by a large Real Estate developer down here the conversation (at least the portion pertaining to housing) stalled. Improving their presence here however is a huge priority (in my opinion it should have been for more than 100 years now). She also stated the importance of maintaining a requirement on teaching humanities to all students while increasing the school's standing as a research institution.

2) I spoke with Dave Benedict for at least 20 minutes and I am convinced we hired the right guy (this coming from someone who thought the world of Warde). He loved the story of the Boneyarders (of which I'm one) who donated tickets to football games last season and we discussed improving the fan base down here. We even ended up speaking about men's lacrosse (something that likely isn't financially possible at the moment, save some angel contributor) and how beneficial adding that program would be for the school. It is a sport that we could be highly competitive nationally in a very short period of time (his words, not mine), it would help us engage people in lower Fairfield County, Westchester and Nassau Counties (my words), extending the school's 'home turf' beyond the state line, improving our presence in metropolitan NY.

All in all it was a great event and I walked away more convinced than ever that we have the right leadership in place, if only we hired Suzy in 2005.


Aug 26, 2011
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Excellent write up. Looking forward to attending this in Farmington next week.

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