Hello Morgan Tuck....not named All-American | The Boneyard

Hello Morgan Tuck....not named All-American

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Sep 9, 2011
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It is so nice having her completely healthy for the first time in years. Even in her senior year of high school, she was being affected by her painful knee issues and as has been mentioned, there was a time when she was either a sophomore or junior in high school, where she was rated as the #1 recruit before her injury arose and her rating plummeted a bit. This Huskie team has so many weapons, don't they? I do hope that Kia Nurse finds herself a bit because she seems to be a little off her game, for a while now. I'm not sure if it's because of the pressure of the NCAA tournament or whatever, but she's not playing with the confidence that she had earlier in the year.
Feb 6, 2015
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To Holly Rowe after defeating Maryland, "We knew we were quicker than their bigs. So when we had it in the post me and Stewie just put it on the floor and went by them." An amazing young woman. Love her poise and confidence.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Remember this headline from back in December?

No. 3 UConn routs No. 2 Notre Dame behind Morgan Tuck's 25 points

Stewie is certainly getting some competition for the FF MOP award. And remember, Turner had a very decent game yesterday, but she did foul out.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Morgan has a problem. She's a great player who is so fundamentally sound, with almost none of the bells and whistles that attract notice - not super fast, not a great leaper, not a spectacular ball handler, not demonstrative , just an efficient assassin - that it takes time for others to know she's been there until they lie dying in her wake. If she isn't a pre-season AA next year, the people who vote are brain dead.
Jul 19, 2013
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Morgan has a problem. She's a great player who is so fundamentally sound, with almost none of the bells and whistles that attract notice - not super fast, not a great leaper, not a spectacular ball handler, not demonstrative , just an efficient assassin - that it takes time for others to know she's been there until they lie dying in her wake. If she isn't a pre-season AA next year, the people who vote are brain dead.
She will be next year. She'll just slide into KML's place guaranteeing her, Mo, and Stewie go up on the wall. Not bad for the 2012 recruiting class.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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She will be next year. She'll just slide into KML's place guaranteeing her, Mo, and Stewie go up on the wall. Not bad for the 2012 recruiting class.
I agree that Morgan will be AA next year. Geno and Stewie both hit the nail on the head why she was not AA this year Stewie: "She was under the radar so to speak" Geno: "She didn't get the preseason publicity that all the other kids got."


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Morgan has a problem. She's a great player who is so fundamentally sound, with almost none of the bells and whistles that attract notice - not super fast, not a great leaper, not a spectacular ball handler, not demonstrative , just an efficient assassin - that it takes time for others to know she's been there until they lie dying in her wake. If she isn't a pre-season AA next year, the people who vote are brain dead.
You started off pretty weak here" Morgan has a problem", but recovered extremely well. Morgan doesn't have a problem the brain dead voters do!
May 12, 2014
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I think she is really basking in the opportunity to be a factor in every game - to do what she has envisioned herself doing for so many years. She is getting the joy of just playing the damn game which sounds like so little except when you consider what what must have been a very painful rehab. Certainly her day is coming and the recognition will be well deserved. Just love the thousand watt smile.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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You started off pretty weak here" Morgan has a problem", but recovered extremely well. Morgan doesn't have a problem the brain dead voters do!
Well technically you might say it was UConn's problem because the rules forced them to decide which 3 of their 4 top candidates for AAs would be selected. They did make the right choice as noted above because Morgan doesn't have the same name recognition because of her non-flashy style of play and because she wasn't in the Tourney last year, and her 14 rebounds in the 2013 FF are probably long forgotten at this point.

But voters can't vote for someone if they're not on the nominees list. Maybe rules will change, because obviously the rules committees did not give much thought to the possibility of a team like UConn for some reason.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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Morgan has a problem. She's a great player who is so fundamentally sound, with almost none of the bells and whistles that attract notice - not super fast, not a great leaper, not a spectacular ball handler, not demonstrative , just an efficient assassin - that it takes time for others to know she's been there until they lie dying in her wake. If she isn't a pre-season AA next year, the people who vote are brain dead.

1000% agreed on all counts !!!!!!!!


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Well technically you might say it was UConn's problem because the rules forced them to decide which 3 of their 4 top candidates for AAs would be selected. They did make the right choice as noted above because Morgan doesn't have the same name recognition because of her non-flashy style of play and because she wasn't in the Tourney last year, and her 14 rebounds in the 2013 FF are probably long forgotten at this point.

But voters can't vote for someone if they're not on the nominees list. Maybe rules will change, because obviously the rules committees did not give much thought to the possibility of a team like UConn for some reason.
I understand the limitation of the nomination process. I also understand that there maybe a loop hole that says another team could nominate a player. Maybe someone in the conference could have/should have nominated Morgan. Seriously is there a better Forward in the conference?


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I understand the limitation of the nomination process. I also understand that there maybe a loop hole that says another team could nominate a player. Maybe someone in the conference could have/should have nominated Morgan. Seriously is there a better Forward in the conference?
Wow, didn't know about the possibility of a loophole. Maybe Geno could have traded 10 points off the next beat down of an opponent in exchange for getting them to put Morgan in. But you can bet that the squawks from the Irish board about unfair treatment would have been screechy high.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN should take all the game video they shoot and edit up an instructional DVD for kids and high schoolers.

Using only footage of Morgan Tuck.

Why only Morgan?

Well certainly you could make up a highlight tape or instructional tape of smart and savvy plays by any number of UCONN players. But IMO, Morgan stands out because the things that make her truly GREAT (and she is absolutely an All-American caliber player, full stop) are things that many players at all levels could do, but don't. Sometimes it's hard to look at a play Stewie makes, and say "I can do that." Ditto for some of Moriah's blinding blow-by's. Or KML's effortless, back-breaking 3's.

1. Footwork

Morgan possesses truly impeccable footwork. Yes, talent is part of it, but FOOTWORK CAN BE COACHED AND LEARNED, PEOPLE!! One does not have to have 7'1" reach or Road Runner speed or hands of gold to utlize one's feet properly in the interior. This is the single greatest area where college players and even pros--especially post players--leave soooooo much on the table. I think it's part of the same trend where nobody wants to be a center (read: "big and lumbering") and everybody wants to be hotshot guard/ballhandler. A'ja Wilson, are you reading this? :) Morgan is an average leaper, but her post game is anything but. Like Kevin McHale and Taj McWilliams-Franklin, she shows how it should be done---how it doesn't have to matter if your defender is 4" taller, longer, faster, or whatever. If you can throw in little pump fakes and know how to use your pivot foot, you can flat out embarrass people. Up-and-unders, step-throughs, turning over either shoulder, and playing ambidextrously in close are all things that people can learn. BUT precious few do, and certainly very few get to Morgan's level of efficiency. Perhaps if, as Geno points out, young players didn't just hoop it up in 5x5 games all day long in AAU but actually got solid, prolonged instruction in the fundamentals, you'd see more players like her. But that's not where the game is and that's not where most players nowadays want to be, anyway, so it's unlikely to change. Incidentally, as far as the narrow question of footwork in the post goes, Stef was pretty good, Maya had her moments, and Tina definitely improved by *leaps and bounds* by the time she left Storrs. KML can often show some nifty feet. But none of these players could--in the footwork department, specifically--really hold a candle to Morgan Tuck. Fact.

2. Recognition

Besides having the best footwork, Morgan also has the best recognition of any UCONN player, with Mo not far behind. She is clearly a student of the game (ask USA BB Coach Katie Meier) and she applies that knowledge by constantly reading the defense. Rather than having pre-conceived ideas about what she wants to do at any moment (the "if you've got a hammer, the whole world becomes a nail" syndrome), she looks at what she sees. Did her defender flash to stop her, but then get lazy because she thought her job was done? Morgan simply recognizes that the defender is momentarily asleep and steps by her to the rim. Did a space just open up behind her defender? Maybe the help defender turned their head away? If so, Morgan quickly attacks the paint and protects the ball with her body in a quick burst to the rim. THERE IS NO INDECISION, because she doesn't treat the whole world like a nail. She patiently reads and recognizes oppotunities immediately. Always the bias to attack. Attack attack attack. This does not mean attacking in one particular way. It just means "make them pay" for whatever opening she sees. Students watching Morgan could, over time, get some pointers here, too, simply by forgetting their pet move or their favorite play and learning to exploit whatever the defense gives them. Obviously easier said then done but we do see a lot of one-trick ponies out there in the college game, even on good teams. Morgan is a million-trick pony!

3. Patience

OK - so this one's not so easy for a lot of people. But this is where young players could see that "attack" does not always mean "running pell-mell into the breach" and hoping for good things and/or a blocking foul. Sometimes you attack with patience. Patience can be a great weapon. Plenty of isolation plays from Morgan Tuck in the lane and on the block make this principle plain -- tons of video to show young players. Stef got more patient as her career wore on and it paid big dividends. However Morgan still reigns supreme here, too.

Morgan Tuck - showing everybody how it should be done. Continually playing "smarter" and getting more out of her game than perhaps any other player in WCBB.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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UCONN should take all the game video they shoot and edit up an instructional DVD for kids and high schoolers.
VA, I think you could use a whole series of instructional videos staring Morgan. I volunteer to produce the video on Defense. Here is one of previous post about Morgan and the supporting video.
Morgan Tuck (freshman) 2013 National Semi-Final from the 12:47- 12:32 (if you have the video) mark of the 1st half, pulled off the 2nd greatest defense sequence in the history on women’s college basketball. In those 15 seconds Morgan switched off, Natalie Achonwa to meet Jewel Lloyd- who had gotten around KML- at the top of the key (Switch #1) . Morgan stayed with Jewel to the basket and got a piece of Jewel’s shot (Block #1). Morgan fell out of bounds under the basket and the rebound comes off weakside to Kayla McBride. Morgan quickly jumps back inbounds and blocks Kayla’s shot at the rim (Switch #2) & (Block #2). The ball rebounds long beyond the three point line to Jewel. Morgan goes out to challenge Jewel (Switch #3) long enough for jewel to hesitate Morgan switches back to Achonwa (Switch #4). Jewel passes to Skylar. Jefferson and Faris double Skylar leaving Jewel open at the 3 point line. Morgan switches off Achonwa (Switch #5) again & challenges Jewel at the three point line. Jewel drives, Morgan covers and as Jewel attempts to pass/shot at the basket, Morgan swats the ball off Achonwa (Block #3) out of bounds. UCONN ball!!!!! That is 5 defensive switches & 3 Block shots to cover 3 All-American players in a 15 second span by a freshman.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I actually think the 3 rule is a good idea for a reason a lot of people call Uconn fatigue or bias, and others just see as heavy competition and spreading things around. If Morgan was a fourth Uconn player on the ballot, I believe a lot of voters would still have only put three Uconn names down and it would have probably split votes away from Kaleena primarily but also Moriah and instead of a team with 3 Uconn players it could well have ended up as a team with 2 Uconn players and even more outrage on this board.
Dec 13, 2014
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It is so nice having her completely healthy for the first time in years. Even in her senior year of high school, she was being affected by her painful knee issues and as has been mentioned, there was a time when she was either a sophomore or junior in high school, where she was rated as the #1 recruit before her injury arose and her rating plummeted a bit. This Huskie team has so many weapons, don't they? I do hope that Kia Nurse finds herself a bit because she seems to be a little off her game, for a while now. I'm not sure if it's because of the pressure of the NCAA tournament or whatever, but she's not playing with the confidence that she had earlier in the year.
Kia is just behaving like a freshman in her first Final Four. The good news is next year she will be a sophomore.


Popular poster
Feb 19, 2012
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Most all on this board think that Morgan is worthy of AA status. Most also would feel badly if she graduated without having her name up on the Wall of Honor. I totally agree. However, knowing how those who vote do not always reward the most deserving, it seems to me that her chances are much better if she stays for all four years of her eligibility. Next year, she would have the same disadvantage that existed this year where there were so many worthy candidates: Kaleena, Stewie, Moriah and Morgan. Next year, Stewie and Moriah would be pretty much sure bets and hopefully Morgan would be the third but you never know. If Morgan stays a fifth year to use her fourth year of eligibility, the only other likely AA candidates would be in the sophomore class. It would seem that Morgan’s chances of achieving AA at least once and quite possibly twice are substantially increased if she stays that extra year.

Will she stay two more years? Perhaps she has already made her plans known and I just missed it. If not, I take heart in a quote in today’s paper where she said, “…. Of course, I want to be an All-American. But I have up to two years left so there’s lots of time to get that.”

I take heart in that comment. If she stays, it not only helps her get a better shot at AA status but also substantially improves our chances for NC not only in 2016 but 2017 as well.
Sep 9, 2011
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She will be next year. She'll just slide into KML's place guaranteeing her, Mo, and Stewie go up on the wall. Not bad for the 2012 recruiting class.
You are so right. Is that one of the best recruiting classes ever, or what???? Had Morgan not been injured in high school, she would have been a top 5 recruit coming out of high school. She is savvy and the only reason she didn't get a lot of love for All-American was because she was hurt barely into her sophomore season and then sat out the remainder of the year. Had she been healthy and played the balance of last year, she would have been on MANY peoples radar. Geno has talked her up forever, continually saying she is a leader and always plays relentlessly in practice and plays smart and efficient. Big compliments from the task master, himself. This team deserved four All-Americans this year, for sure.
Sep 9, 2011
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Most all on this board think that Morgan is worthy of AA status. Most also would feel badly if she graduated without having her name up on the Wall of Honor. I totally agree. However, knowing how those who vote do not always reward the most deserving, it seems to me that her chances are much better if she stays for all four years of her eligibility. Next year, she would have the same disadvantage that existed this year where there were so many worthy candidates: Kaleena, Stewie, Moriah and Morgan. Next year, Stewie and Moriah would be pretty much sure bets and hopefully Morgan would be the third but you never know. If Morgan stays a fifth year to use her fourth year of eligibility, the only other likely AA candidates would be in the sophomore class. It would seem that Morgan’s chances of achieving AA at least once and quite possibly twice are substantially increased if she stays that extra year.

Will she stay two more years? Perhaps she has already made her plans known and I just missed it. If not, I take heart in a quote in today’s paper where she said, “…. Of course, I want to be an All-American. But I have up to two years left so there’s lots of time to get that.”

I take heart in that comment. If she stays, it not only helps her get a better shot at AA status but also substantially improves our chances for NC not only in 2016 but 2017 as well.
I don't think there's any question that she'll be on more than a few All-American teams next year, unless she were to be injured (which I hate to even think about). She's an awesome talent and such a complete player. What would really grab the eyes of the people who vote would be if she was selected MOP for this Final Four, which is a possibility, if (when) they win. Even if she didn't, I think selection to the all-tournament team (which is very, very likely, unless a dreadful game tonight) would grab the attention of many. I want her back for her final year of eligibility and I think she will but I think outside of some craziness, she's a virtual lock for AA!
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