Geno, Dawn, Muffet and Peck Discuss the Current Racial Climate | The Boneyard

Geno, Dawn, Muffet and Peck Discuss the Current Racial Climate

Oct 26, 2017
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Interesting article about what college sports are doing and should be doing amidst the current racial climate. One disturbing thing is that according to Geno, there are UConn fans who are against athletes speaking out. I, for one, do not understand that at all.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting article about what college sports are doing and should be doing amidst the current racial climate. One disturbing thing is that according to Geno, there are UConn fans who are against athletes speaking out. I, for one, do not understand that at all.
Cuz, you know, athletes aren’t supposed to think. Isn’t that in the recruiting rules? It destroys the fantasy world of spectator sports. Aww.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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"Some of the stuff that some our fans have written since our players took a stand, it's disgusting," Auriemma said. "If you love us when we're winning on the court, you better love us when we have something to say that you don't like."

You have to love Geno. His players are family and he has their back.

Auriemma also said that both the UConn men's and women's basketball programs had a Zoom call Wednesday about presenting a united front and working to educate and interact with various groups outside of athletics, including outreach to local schools and to campus police.

"How do we do our part?" he said. "That's what we're trying to figure out every day now."

I think this is a very intelligent way to address the current national debate. Don't ignore it, embrace it. The discussion with campus police is brilliant and needs to happen. It is important for the kids to be able to tell their perspective and important for the police to hear it. Likewise it is important for the kids to understand the motivation and goals of the police. That knowledge will likely improve their interaction.

Outreach to local schools is a great way for the athletes to give back, educate and promote dialog.
Feb 4, 2019
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I am very disturbed by what Geno said (some UCONN fans said disgusting things about the players) why as a fan and I assume a mature person would you say disgusting things about these young ladies just because they stand up for what they believe and also what is right. I applaud the stand they are taking it sends a great message to the up and coming generation and will hopefully help to bring about much needed change. This is one fan who is very proud of all these young ladies and what they represent.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am very disturbed by what Geno said (some UCONN fans said disgusting things about the players) why as a fan and I assume a mature person would you say disgusting things about these young ladies just because they stand up for what they believe and also what is right. I applaud the stand they are taking it sends a great message to the up and coming generation and will hopefully help to bring about much needed change. This is one fan who is very proud of all these young ladies and what they represent.

Just more proof that racism exists at home (presumably even among the college-educated) and that it's a problem that continues to need to be addressed. It seems that some people only support the 1st Amendment when they can use it to their own advantage. A lot of former UCONN players are taking a stand. This article containing comments from Natalie Achonwa and Kia Nurse adds perspective:

Jun 27, 2015
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We all know there are plenty of trolls online who like nothing more than stirring up a controversy. I'd sooner believe that's what's happening here than huskies fans.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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Just because there are true Huskies fans does not mean they don't say ignorant things and have negative words to say about minorities speaking up for themselves. If Geno says they were fans he has a reason for saying so.


like a dog with a bone
Aug 18, 2016
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Just because there are true Huskies fans does not mean they don't say ignorant things and have negative words to say about minorities speaking up for themselves. If Geno says they were fans he has a reason for saying so.

True. But it would make me feel better if they were just pretenders.
Sep 28, 2017
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I am very disturbed by what Geno said (some UCONN fans said disgusting things about the players) why as a fan and I assume a mature person would you say disgusting things about these young ladies just because they stand up for what they believe and also what is right. I applaud the stand they are taking it sends a great message to the up and coming generation and will hopefully help to bring about much needed change. This is one fan who is very proud of all these young ladies and what they represent.
Performance, one thing I have found out in my life is that there are people who talk and people that do, and the people that talk are usually talking about the people that do because, as my very, very smart Grandmother used to say, "They don't know no better."


Aug 27, 2011
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Natalie and Kia's piece is one of the saddest things I've ever read.
We all know that things are not great...
But worries about not answering the door when someone knocks..
Concerns about playing music too loud....
And Kia's How long can I protect my children?

if these, young, educated, successful, woman, have to live with these burdens...It is past time, that society takes a hard inward look.
And starts making things right.


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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EVERY single fanbase has members like that... UCONN isn't immune.....ND isn't, Duke isn't, High Point University isn't.
I was just rushing to say this. Several years ago, when ND's players publicly protested police killings, they were met with a vitriolic backlash from a portion of their fanbase. We'd all like to think our own fanbase is too nice or humane to do something like that, but that's not reality.
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Poster Emeritus
Aug 27, 2011
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I find it continually of note that, for all his wise-guy reputation, Geno gets the call to take on sensitive and edgy social issues that show how he sees life in broader perspectives than many coaches do. Interesting in this case because he was the only male coach on this panel. He is a heck of a coach, and I think part of his succes as a coach comes from his awareness of human issues that transcend athletics.
On the darker side, I don't find it all surprising that *some* UConn fans have ugly responses to the players' attempts to take on explosive issues; those fans, alas, reflect the intolerance of a small (I hope) percentage of Americans at large.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Without pointing fingers, there are certainly schools/places around the country where student-athletes are strongly discouraged from speaking out about racial issues less they face a torrent of criticism from the school’s fan base. I’m very happy that UConn is not one of those schools.

As for the “disgusting things” that some “supposed fans” said criticizing the players taking a stand, while very unfortunate, it’s probably also a good lesson to these young ladies that having the courage of your convictions to stand up for what’s right sometimes comes with a steep price. [ ]
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Feb 8, 2016
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I find it continually of note that, for all his wise-guy reputation, Geno gets the call to take on sensitive and edgy social issues that show how he sees life in broader perspectives than many coaches do. Interesting in this case because he was the only male coach on this panel. He is a heck of a coach, and I think part of his succes as a coach comes from his awareness of human issues that transcend athletics.
On the darker side, I don't find it all surprising that *some* UConn fans have ugly responses to the players' attempts to take on explosive issues; those fans, alas, reflect the intolerance of a small (I hope) percentage of Americans at large.

What are ugly responses? The things that players find ugly might not appear as ugly to us. (Acknowledging my white-but-not-I-hope-racist perspective)

[ ]

Tempers are frayed during these times and words can be interpreted as hateful when there was never a hateful intent. I may disagree with Dawn on some minor points, but I will STFU to avoid anyone thinking that I do not support her and 99.9% of her message.

I hope no one is offended by this post. I do not mean to imply that players are oversensitive about an issue they DESERVE to be sensitive about. I am merely trying to say that people who do not hate them may say things in a political argument that are not intended to hurt, but may have that result.

BTW, thank you UCONN fans for supporting the two Women's College Basketball Forums on this board. Hopefully Dawn can one day generate enough enthusiasm for my school and fanbase to support even one such board. We're growing but not there yet. Not yet rivals but Dawn has us chasing.
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Mar 3, 2017
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I have never understood why people get so upset over what other people say. What people say is their opinion. Even if they quote a fact, it is their opinion that the fact needed quoting. If you don't agree with it, ignore it and move on. Even if you do agree with it, ignore it and move on.

The powers that be need to address the issues in an intelligent manner, come up with viable solutions and implement them accordingly. Everyone wants a "quick fix". There isn't one.

Lack of education is the biggest issue facing this country. It is the root of most, if not all of the inequalities. It is an 18-22 year project and no one wants to wait that long.

[ ]

That's my rant for June.
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like a dog with a bone
Aug 18, 2016
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I have never understood why people get so upset over what other people say. What people say is their opinion. Even if they quote a fact, it is their opinion that the fact needed quoting. If you don't agree with it, ignore it and move on. Even if you do agree with it, ignore it and move on.

The powers that be need to address the issues in an intelligent manner, come up with viable solutions and implement them accordingly. Everyone wants a "quick fix". There isn't one.

Lack of education is the biggest issue facing this country. It is the root of most, if not all of the inequalities. It is an 18-22 year project and no one wants to wait that long.

[ ]

That's my rant for June.

That's it? That's the blow off steam, bury the other guy, kick when he's down rant!!!
And for the entire month?
You sir, have style. I like it. :)


Stanford Fan, Huskies Admirer
Nov 28, 2018
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EVERY single fanbase has members like that... UCONN isn't immune.....ND isn't, Duke isn't, High Point University isn't.
At least among Stanford fans, a lot of it also breaks down along age lines. There are some views expressed by older Stanford fans/alums that would get anyone currently attending Stanford booted off campus in a heartbeat. While the arc of the moral universe may bend toward justice, it seems to take a dang long time to get there.

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