Future of the B10 | The Boneyard

Future of the B10

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Aug 24, 2011
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and why certain things are happening. look at the b10 on a map. now look where expansion is and will be going. The future is big confs who can carry all the teams, invertory, markets, fans land, claim everything possible and still be helf together under 1 name. thats going to be 3 or 4 big boys and several mid majors who will never get to group like that and make money due to have's and have not's lifestyle and riches.

the b10 will go to 20 teams, its just a time frame issue. what needs to be figured out is the split. what seems to be the big issue is that tosu is the lone loser(somewhat) in it all. but maybe they are okay with whats coming and we just don't know about it. maybe they agreed to it with the sense that they influence picks for the confrence. who knows. psu was never going anywhere, but always wanted a east coast league. well here it a coming. but why so B1G? the answer is different then the obvious invenotry and $ answers. a 20 team league allows the confrence to split into two 10 team divisions. get ready for this, a B1G West and a B1G East. with those comes something even better, a 2nd tv channel. B10N1 and B10N2. yup, double up the tv, gamechanger and i'm sure digital straming and all that jazz will be taken care of. the important part of the 2 tv stations is being able to have both carried, here is how.

expansion will happen and the schools picks will be the best for the longterm future of the confrence, not a good now but who knows later pick. they have to have certain metrics they either posess or can within the near future. aau comes to mind, market share, fanbase size, alum in certain places and other key stats. so lets split the B1G up and see where the possiblities are.

Neb/Iowa/Wisc/Minn/Ill/NW are for sure west schools
PSU/Ruty/MD are for sure east schools
lets put Mich/MSU out west also
tosu in the east and then take a look

-thats all tradition + Neb who while new fits everything about that group. with 8 teams we still have room for 2 more.
-this is the new blood and future of the confrence with 2 major traditional schools to carry the flag as the others grow into roles. plenty of room for expansion.

Ind and Purdue are both left off for now. we could slide both into the west or east or split them. it depends on what happens with expansion. canidates? issues only cited not positives...

GT-not geographically perfect, clearly 2nd to another school in state
Kansas-can it get out of the b12 gor?
Mizzu-was passed once, would it leave the sec and its new network coming?
ND-aau but whose asking....
Cuse-lost aau recently can it get it back?, private
UConn-not in aau its expected to be 2014/15, stadium size
BC-not aau, private
Pitt-play in a pro stadium, market covered, half private
Duke-private, market share vs other NC teams, behind UNC, football potential is questioned
-thats 11 realistic schools that can fit those 6 slots left, now the game begins. depending on who the confrence adds, the division will be settled.

Lets say that UNC/UVA/UConn/ND/BC/Cuse
-cuse vows to regain aau
-uconn gets aau and expands to 50-60k as expected both are in works
-nd joins up for fear no landing spot will ever be this good and the playoff future will them if they dont.
-bc bring bu as a academic member to the b10(chicago) and they join the confrence for puck also. HE just lost its 2 best teams and 2 biggest name add all together. Cuse joins Ind and a few others and adds puck down the road btw...college puck is forever changed. anyway now you have this. its hte best football confrence and both divisions more than hold there own, in bball its a mega round robin which i will explain why. in other sports its divisional or round robin based on amount of teams that play the sport. max in conf games for all other sports means more inventory and less competition from smaller leagues sucess as a growing competitor.


now back to tv, its safe to say if there was 1 b10 network then all the major markets and areas would carry it considering this lineup of 20 teams. nd trumps and east coast area on the fringe of getting the market cable boxes. bos, nyc, phila, dc are just 99% B1G all day every day among all the smaller markets. amazing what a flip happened. the east coast is locked up from NC north. how do you get 2 networks carried everywhere and cash in on that?

you make 1 the east and the other the west network. you base all inventory on who the home team is. if uconn is @ wisc for puck, its on the b10nwest channel. that simple, now uconn fans in ct want to see the game. when you do this for football and bball especially then you have something special. how would you get this in fball? you would have to play a cross over game. but remember i said were going to freeze out other confrences as much as possible and try to be the biggest and badest on the block. so with 9 in division games you play 1 cross over for 10 games. those cross overs can be major missed rivals or new ones. tosu-mich comes to mind among others. thats how you get the 2 tv channels on in the whole b10 footprint. in fball you will be left with 2 ooc games, the b10 will encourage/impose a rule for no fcs games and only bcs games i feel in the future. this will eventually turn into a 20 deal battle with the sec in week 1 every season. will be insane tv and $ wise let alone of the field, you know the sec and b10 will counter each other tv/contract/$ wise. thats leaves 1 game for each team to fill. mac teams mostly or other rivals will fit. psu-pitt, ucomm-umass, unc-duke. what ever floats the boat. in bball you play a 19 team round robin, home away rotates by year, you get 1 rival game(same as fball). that just seals the deal with the 2 tv channels. base don how many teams play a sport for all others you handle what has to be done schedule wise. the east and west winners will play in the confrence ship game at the higher ranked teams house(thats why alls tadiums must be 50k+). winner is a bcs playoff bid.

significant adds:
-bu for academics and puck
-wvu for soccer only

in 2017, the b1g tier 1 rights go up for sale, open bid war. fox has already said the open bid from them will be atleat $25mil. espn and fox will fight to the death for it.

now lets have more fun $ wise, lets remember the b1g network 1&2 are seperate $ wise from the actual b1g confrence. they pay the league for the content. so lets look at the c7 who will be adding to make a nice confrence and play hoops, there is rela potential here. b10N can tell them who to add to get to a huge confrence, try this on for size.
prov/shu/sju/gt/nova/bu/vcu/siena/david/quinn/school from buffalo/dep/marq/day/slu/ xav/but/drake/creigh/duq

that doubles down in the foorprint all ove. for tier 2 rights for bball games only they give the league a cool 1mil per team. they play friday night games and other winter hours w/e. its 4 on the networks to big balls and puck. it works. its a relationship with great advances for both sides. the b10 confrence makes sure both its netowroks ar esolid all over the foorptint and those sub fees are high now, not cheap. the bball league can have a schedule challeneg vs the b10 and so many other smaller things that are now friendly like a soccer game between duq and syracuse type bull .

that is the future of the b10. the sec will have no choice but to counter almost he same
sec+fsu/gt/clem/ncst/vt and 1 open slot. its miami, wvu or the left over texas team(maybe tcu). dont cry about markets and footprint, the b10 beat you to it somewhat. but you already made guge moves getting into texas, st louie and now norty cary and va. the filler schools are solid school and they help raise the network sub fees. now its a game of 2 networks vs 1 and ehat else can u do. the b10 is blazing thi trail and the sec is shaking, so much so that its forcing the 1st network channel down throats quickly. when u hear bama say something like we don't mind fsu, thats how u know the game is on. ppl bitch about florida and they are 100% wrong. florida can't block fsu, is the state really going to one of its schools when it can have both in good hands? jesus? remember va and vt? schools will use politics to help save each other but when one can advance more, they do it. remember when texas had a am and tech probelm? well its half that now hugh? fsu's market is 10 times more covered by bama then fl market share wise. lets go with wvu being the final piece to the puzzle, gets the secN's into pittsburgh and really pushes the b10 border lines which is now a serious culture war north vs south, fun times.

the pac and the b12 will get all warm and fuzzy. when that happens wvu will round of the sec at 20 and 1 of the 9 teams left will get for sure and possibly more. baylor, tcu, kst and iowastate will battle to live while teams like unr, bsu and byu among others will be #beggingharder. the pac will get to 20 and do the same as the other 2 confrences. you know have 3 of the 4 bids locked up. but i thought the bcs was going to 8 bids soon? it did, when the top 4 confs split the conf ship games for each became 1st round games for the 8 basically. it moves the playoff timeline up and the bowl systeam is now just 15 other bowls for above .500 teams. so the end result is you see about half the teams in this break away from the ncaa be post seaosn on a given year. better balance/reward. bowls are filler to the bcs playoff, both do well tv wise.

but who is that 4th conf? i couldn't tell ya, but i bet its a national one. duke, wake, pitt, b12 leftovers, mwc leftovers, more fl and texas schools, potentials, any great mac schools etc....

bring the noise and ring the bell. #B1GHARDER
Aug 27, 2011
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You did not just insinuate BU is joining the Big 10. I have a better chance of winning the lottery five times in a row than that happening, even with the AAU membership.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Is invertory some sort of negative (or upside down) inventory? If it is it explains how Rutty got an invitation.
Sep 21, 2011
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If anyone ever told a UConn fan in the 70's they they would be asked to the the best BB conference in the US everyone would have said your nuts.
In the 80's if they told you that a rural school in Connecticut could attract top talent to their school and come to be the flag bearer for this great conference no one would have believed you. My dream was a final four.
In 2000 if somebody told you that this Basketball Giant who most Connecticut residents didn't realize had a football team would actually achieve FSB status and make it to a BCS bowl even a dreamer like me would have said your nuts.
Given where we have been why is anything impossible?
When you look back it took a little luck.
A couple of great BB hires and a couple of ADS with Dreams.
We still have one of the BB coaches and even I'm impressed with the team defense of this undermaned men's team.
Its actually reminds me of the 90's Calhoun teams.
less any interior players.
We need an AD with a dream who can attract that special football coach.
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction Score
and why certain things are happening. look at the b10 on a map. now look where expansion is and will be going. The future is big confs who can carry all the teams, invertory, markets, fans land, claim everything possible and still be helf together under 1 name. thats going to be 3 or 4 big boys and several mid majors who will never get to group like that and make money due to have's and have not's lifestyle and riches.

the b10 will go to 20 teams, its just a time frame issue. what needs to be figured out is the split. what seems to be the big issue is that tosu is the lone loser(somewhat) in it all. but maybe they are okay with whats coming and we just don't know about it. maybe they agreed to it with the sense that they influence picks for the confrence. who knows. psu was never going anywhere, but always wanted a east coast league. well here it a coming. but why so B1G? the answer is different then the obvious invenotry and $ answers. a 20 team league allows the confrence to split into two 10 team divisions. get ready for this, a B1G West and a B1G East. with those comes something even better, a 2nd tv channel. B10N1 and B10N2. yup, double up the tv, gamechanger and i'm sure digital straming and all that jazz will be taken care of. the important part of the 2 tv stations is being able to have both carried, here is how.

expansion will happen and the schools picks will be the best for the longterm future of the confrence, not a good now but who knows later pick. they have to have certain metrics they either posess or can within the near future. aau comes to mind, market share, fanbase size, alum in certain places and other key stats. so lets split the B1G up and see where the possiblities are.

Neb/Iowa/Wisc/Minn/Ill/NW are for sure west schools
PSU/Ruty/MD are for sure east schools
lets put Mich/MSU out west also
tosu in the east and then take a look

-thats all tradition + Neb who while new fits everything about that group. with 8 teams we still have room for 2 more.
-this is the new blood and future of the confrence with 2 major traditional schools to carry the flag as the others grow into roles. plenty of room for expansion.

Ind and Purdue are both left off for now. we could slide both into the west or east or split them. it depends on what happens with expansion. canidates? issues only cited not positives...

GT-not geographically perfect, clearly 2nd to another school in state
Kansas-can it get out of the b12 gor?
Mizzu-was passed once, would it leave the sec and its new network coming?
ND-aau but whose asking....
Cuse-lost aau recently can it get it back?, private
UConn-not in aau its expected to be 2014/15, stadium size
BC-not aau, private
Pitt-play in a pro stadium, market covered, half private
Duke-private, market share vs other NC teams, behind UNC, football potential is questioned
-thats 11 realistic schools that can fit those 6 slots left, now the game begins. depending on who the confrence adds, the division will be settled.

Lets say that UNC/UVA/UConn/ND/BC/Cuse
-cuse vows to regain aau
-uconn gets aau and expands to 50-60k as expected both are in works
-nd joins up for fear no landing spot will ever be this good and the playoff future will **** them if they dont.
-bc bring bu as a academic member to the b10(chicago) and they join the confrence for puck also. HE just lost its 2 best teams and 2 biggest name add all together. Cuse joins Ind and a few others and adds puck down the road btw...college puck is forever changed. anyway now you have this. its hte best football confrence and both divisions more than hold there own, in bball its a mega round robin which i will explain why. in other sports its divisional or round robin based on amount of teams that play the sport. max in conf games for all other sports means more inventory and less competition from smaller leagues sucess as a growing competitor.


now back to tv, its safe to say if there was 1 b10 network then all the major markets and areas would carry it considering this lineup of 20 teams. nd trumps and east coast area on the fringe of getting the market cable boxes. bos, nyc, phila, dc are just 99% B1G all day every day among all the smaller markets. amazing what a flip happened. the east coast is locked up from NC north. how do you get 2 networks carried everywhere and cash in on that?

you make 1 the east and the other the west network. you base all inventory on who the home team is. if uconn is @ wisc for puck, its on the b10nwest channel. that simple, now uconn fans in ct want to see the game. when you do this for football and bball especially then you have something special. how would you get this in fball? you would have to play a cross over game. but remember i said were going to freeze out other confrences as much as possible and try to be the biggest and badest on the block. so with 9 in division games you play 1 cross over for 10 games. those cross overs can be major missed rivals or new ones. tosu-mich comes to mind among others. thats how you get the 2 tv channels on in the whole b10 footprint. in fball you will be left with 2 ooc games, the b10 will encourage/impose a rule for no fcs games and only bcs games i feel in the future. this will eventually turn into a 20 deal battle with the sec in week 1 every season. will be insane tv and $ wise let alone of the field, you know the sec and b10 will counter each other tv/contract/$ wise. thats leaves 1 game for each team to fill. mac teams mostly or other rivals will fit. psu-pitt, ucomm-umass, unc-duke. what ever floats the boat. in bball you play a 19 team round robin, home away rotates by year, you get 1 rival game(same as fball). that just seals the deal with the 2 tv channels. base don how many teams play a sport for all others you handle what has to be done schedule wise. the east and west winners will play in the confrence ship game at the higher ranked teams house(thats why alls tadiums must be 50k+). winner is a bcs playoff bid.

significant adds:
-bu for academics and puck
-wvu for soccer only

in 2017, the b1g tier 1 rights go up for sale, open bid war. fox has already said the open bid from them will be atleat $25mil. espn and fox will fight to the death for it.

now lets have more fun $ wise, lets remember the b1g network 1&2 are seperate $ wise from the actual b1g confrence. they pay the league for the content. so lets look at the c7 who will be adding to make a nice confrence and play hoops, there is rela potential here. b10N can tell them who to add to get to a huge confrence, try this on for size.
prov/shu/sju/gt/nova/bu/vcu/siena/david/quinn/school from buffalo/dep/marq/day/slu/ xav/but/drake/creigh/duq

that doubles down in the foorprint all ove. for tier 2 rights for bball games only they give the league a cool 1mil per team. they play friday night games and other winter hours w/e. its 4 on the networks to big balls and puck. it works. its a relationship with great advances for both sides. the b10 confrence makes sure both its netowroks ar esolid all over the foorptint and those sub fees are high now, not cheap. the bball league can have a schedule challeneg vs the b10 and so many other smaller things that are now friendly like a soccer game between duq and syracuse type bull ****.

that is the future of the b10. the sec will have no choice but to counter almost he same
sec+fsu/gt/clem/ncst/vt and 1 open slot. its miami, wvu or the left over texas team(maybe tcu). dont cry about markets and footprint, the b10 beat you to it somewhat. but you already made guge moves getting into texas, st louie and now norty cary and va. the filler schools are solid school and they help raise the network sub fees. now its a game of 2 networks vs 1 and ehat else can u do. the b10 is blazing thi trail and the sec is shaking, so much so that its forcing the 1st network channel down throats quickly. when u hear bama say something like we don't mind fsu, thats how u know the game is on. ppl bitch about florida and they are 100% wrong. florida can't block fsu, is the ****ing state really going to **** one of its schools when it can have both in good hands? jesus? remember va and vt? schools will use politics to help save each other but when one can advance more, they do it. remember when texas had a am and tech probelm? well its half that now hugh? fsu's market is 10 times more covered by bama then fl market share wise. lets go with wvu being the final piece to the puzzle, gets the secN's into pittsburgh and really pushes the b10 border lines which is now a serious culture war north vs south, fun times.

the pac and the b12 will get all warm and fuzzy. when that happens wvu will round of the sec at 20 and 1 of the 9 teams left will get ****ed for sure and possibly more. baylor, tcu, kst and iowastate will battle to live while teams like unr, bsu and byu among others will be #beggingharder. the pac will get to 20 and do the same **** as the other 2 confrences. you know have 3 of the 4 bids locked up. but i thought the bcs was going to 8 bids soon? it did, when the top 4 confs split the conf ship games for each became 1st round games for the 8 basically. it moves the playoff timeline up and the bowl systeam is now just 15 other bowls for above .500 teams. so the end result is you see about half the teams in this break away from the ncaa be post seaosn on a given year. better balance/reward. bowls are filler to the bcs playoff, both do well tv wise.

but who is that 4th conf? i couldn't tell ya, but i bet its a national one. duke, wake, pitt, b12 leftovers, mwc leftovers, more fl and texas schools, potentials, any great mac schools etc....

bring the noise and ring the bell. #B1GHARDER
I'm with you Dan. I think ! keep up the good work.
President of the Phoenix AZ chapter of the HFD fanclub.


Aug 24, 2011
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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction Score
HFD, you know I'm on the USS Connecticut, but you lost me when you said the B1G will add BU for academics/hockey and.....gulp....WVU for soccer! WVU for soccer??? I'm still not convinced that the B1G will go to 20 teams. Not at all. The problem there is simple dilution of both money and identity. But I do see them going to 16 almost certainly, and possibly even 18...

...still, I'm on a muthaf#$%in' boat!!!



Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction Score
and why certain things are happening. look at the b10 on a map. now look where expansion is and will be going. The future is big confs who can carry all the teams, invertory, markets, fans land, claim everything possible and still be helf together under 1 name. thats going to be 3 or 4 big boys and several mid majors who will never get to group like that and make money due to have's and have not's lifestyle and riches.

the b10 will go to 20 teams, its just a time frame issue. what needs to be figured out is the split. what seems to be the big issue is that tosu is the lone loser(somewhat) in it all. but maybe they are okay with whats coming and we just don't know about it. maybe they agreed to it with the sense that they influence picks for the confrence. who knows. psu was never going anywhere, but always wanted a east coast league. well here it a coming. but why so B1G? the answer is different then the obvious invenotry and $ answers. a 20 team league allows the confrence to split into two 10 team divisions. get ready for this, a B1G West and a B1G East. with those comes something even better, a 2nd tv channel. B10N1 and B10N2. yup, double up the tv, gamechanger and i'm sure digital straming and all that jazz will be taken care of. the important part of the 2 tv stations is being able to have both carried, here is how.

expansion will happen and the schools picks will be the best for the longterm future of the confrence, not a good now but who knows later pick. they have to have certain metrics they either posess or can within the near future. aau comes to mind, market share, fanbase size, alum in certain places and other key stats. so lets split the B1G up and see where the possiblities are.

Neb/Iowa/Wisc/Minn/Ill/NW are for sure west schools
PSU/Ruty/MD are for sure east schools
lets put Mich/MSU out west also
tosu in the east and then take a look

-thats all tradition + Neb who while new fits everything about that group. with 8 teams we still have room for 2 more.
-this is the new blood and future of the confrence with 2 major traditional schools to carry the flag as the others grow into roles. plenty of room for expansion.

Ind and Purdue are both left off for now. we could slide both into the west or east or split them. it depends on what happens with expansion. canidates? issues only cited not positives...

GT-not geographically perfect, clearly 2nd to another school in state
Kansas-can it get out of the b12 gor?
Mizzu-was passed once, would it leave the sec and its new network coming?
ND-aau but whose asking....
Cuse-lost aau recently can it get it back?, private
UConn-not in aau its expected to be 2014/15, stadium size
BC-not aau, private
Pitt-play in a pro stadium, market covered, half private
Duke-private, market share vs other NC teams, behind UNC, football potential is questioned
-thats 11 realistic schools that can fit those 6 slots left, now the game begins. depending on who the confrence adds, the division will be settled.

Lets say that UNC/UVA/UConn/ND/BC/Cuse
-cuse vows to regain aau
-uconn gets aau and expands to 50-60k as expected both are in works
-nd joins up for fear no landing spot will ever be this good and the playoff future will **** them if they dont.
-bc bring bu as a academic member to the b10(chicago) and they join the confrence for puck also. HE just lost its 2 best teams and 2 biggest name add all together. Cuse joins Ind and a few others and adds puck down the road btw...college puck is forever changed. anyway now you have this. its hte best football confrence and both divisions more than hold there own, in bball its a mega round robin which i will explain why. in other sports its divisional or round robin based on amount of teams that play the sport. max in conf games for all other sports means more inventory and less competition from smaller leagues sucess as a growing competitor.


now back to tv, its safe to say if there was 1 b10 network then all the major markets and areas would carry it considering this lineup of 20 teams. nd trumps and east coast area on the fringe of getting the market cable boxes. bos, nyc, phila, dc are just 99% B1G all day every day among all the smaller markets. amazing what a flip happened. the east coast is locked up from NC north. how do you get 2 networks carried everywhere and cash in on that?

you make 1 the east and the other the west network. you base all inventory on who the home team is. if uconn is @ wisc for puck, its on the b10nwest channel. that simple, now uconn fans in ct want to see the game. when you do this for football and bball especially then you have something special. how would you get this in fball? you would have to play a cross over game. but remember i said were going to freeze out other confrences as much as possible and try to be the biggest and badest on the block. so with 9 in division games you play 1 cross over for 10 games. those cross overs can be major missed rivals or new ones. tosu-mich comes to mind among others. thats how you get the 2 tv channels on in the whole b10 footprint. in fball you will be left with 2 ooc games, the b10 will encourage/impose a rule for no fcs games and only bcs games i feel in the future. this will eventually turn into a 20 deal battle with the sec in week 1 every season. will be insane tv and $ wise let alone of the field, you know the sec and b10 will counter each other tv/contract/$ wise. thats leaves 1 game for each team to fill. mac teams mostly or other rivals will fit. psu-pitt, ucomm-umass, unc-duke. what ever floats the boat. in bball you play a 19 team round robin, home away rotates by year, you get 1 rival game(same as fball). that just seals the deal with the 2 tv channels. base don how many teams play a sport for all others you handle what has to be done schedule wise. the east and west winners will play in the confrence ship game at the higher ranked teams house(thats why alls tadiums must be 50k+). winner is a bcs playoff bid.

significant adds:
-bu for academics and puck
-wvu for soccer only

in 2017, the b1g tier 1 rights go up for sale, open bid war. fox has already said the open bid from them will be atleat $25mil. espn and fox will fight to the death for it.

now lets have more fun $ wise, lets remember the b1g network 1&2 are seperate $ wise from the actual b1g confrence. they pay the league for the content. so lets look at the c7 who will be adding to make a nice confrence and play hoops, there is rela potential here. b10N can tell them who to add to get to a huge confrence, try this on for size.
prov/shu/sju/gt/nova/bu/vcu/siena/david/quinn/school from buffalo/dep/marq/day/slu/ xav/but/drake/creigh/duq

that doubles down in the foorprint all ove. for tier 2 rights for bball games only they give the league a cool 1mil per team. they play friday night games and other winter hours w/e. its 4 on the networks to big balls and puck. it works. its a relationship with great advances for both sides. the b10 confrence makes sure both its netowroks ar esolid all over the foorptint and those sub fees are high now, not cheap. the bball league can have a schedule challeneg vs the b10 and so many other smaller things that are now friendly like a soccer game between duq and syracuse type bull ****.

that is the future of the b10. the sec will have no choice but to counter almost he same
sec+fsu/gt/clem/ncst/vt and 1 open slot. its miami, wvu or the left over texas team(maybe tcu). dont cry about markets and footprint, the b10 beat you to it somewhat. but you already made guge moves getting into texas, st louie and now norty cary and va. the filler schools are solid school and they help raise the network sub fees. now its a game of 2 networks vs 1 and ehat else can u do. the b10 is blazing thi trail and the sec is shaking, so much so that its forcing the 1st network channel down throats quickly. when u hear bama say something like we don't mind fsu, thats how u know the game is on. ppl bitch about florida and they are 100% wrong. florida can't block fsu, is the ****ing state really going to **** one of its schools when it can have both in good hands? jesus? remember va and vt? schools will use politics to help save each other but when one can advance more, they do it. remember when texas had a am and tech probelm? well its half that now hugh? fsu's market is 10 times more covered by bama then fl market share wise. lets go with wvu being the final piece to the puzzle, gets the secN's into pittsburgh and really pushes the b10 border lines which is now a serious culture war north vs south, fun times.

the pac and the b12 will get all warm and fuzzy. when that happens wvu will round of the sec at 20 and 1 of the 9 teams left will get ****ed for sure and possibly more. baylor, tcu, kst and iowastate will battle to live while teams like unr, bsu and byu among others will be #beggingharder. the pac will get to 20 and do the same **** as the other 2 confrences. you know have 3 of the 4 bids locked up. but i thought the bcs was going to 8 bids soon? it did, when the top 4 confs split the conf ship games for each became 1st round games for the 8 basically. it moves the playoff timeline up and the bowl systeam is now just 15 other bowls for above .500 teams. so the end result is you see about half the teams in this break away from the ncaa be post seaosn on a given year. better balance/reward. bowls are filler to the bcs playoff, both do well tv wise.

but who is that 4th conf? i couldn't tell ya, but i bet its a national one. duke, wake, pitt, b12 leftovers, mwc leftovers, more fl and texas schools, potentials, any great mac schools etc....

bring the noise and ring the bell. #B1GHARDER

Dan, where did you hear that stadium expansion is in the works?
Nov 26, 2011
Reaction Score
and why certain things are happening. look at the b10 on a map. now look where expansion is and will be going. The future is big confs who can carry all the teams, invertory, markets, fans land, claim everything possible and still be helf together under 1 name. thats going to be 3 or 4 big boys and several mid majors who will never get to group like that and make money due to have's and have not's lifestyle and riches.

the b10 will go to 20 teams, its just a time frame issue. what needs to be figured out is the split. what seems to be the big issue is that tosu is the lone loser(somewhat) in it all. but maybe they are okay with whats coming and we just don't know about it. maybe they agreed to it with the sense that they influence picks for the confrence. who knows. psu was never going anywhere, but always wanted a east coast league. well here it a coming. but why so B1G? the answer is different then the obvious invenotry and $ answers. a 20 team league allows the confrence to split into two 10 team divisions. get ready for this, a B1G West and a B1G East. with those comes something even better, a 2nd tv channel. B10N1 and B10N2. yup, double up the tv, gamechanger and i'm sure digital straming and all that jazz will be taken care of. the important part of the 2 tv stations is being able to have both carried, here is how.

expansion will happen and the schools picks will be the best for the longterm future of the confrence, not a good now but who knows later pick. they have to have certain metrics they either posess or can within the near future. aau comes to mind, market share, fanbase size, alum in certain places and other key stats. so lets split the B1G up and see where the possiblities are.

Neb/Iowa/Wisc/Minn/Ill/NW are for sure west schools
PSU/Ruty/MD are for sure east schools
lets put Mich/MSU out west also
tosu in the east and then take a look

-thats all tradition + Neb who while new fits everything about that group. with 8 teams we still have room for 2 more.
-this is the new blood and future of the confrence with 2 major traditional schools to carry the flag as the others grow into roles. plenty of room for expansion.

Ind and Purdue are both left off for now. we could slide both into the west or east or split them. it depends on what happens with expansion. canidates? issues only cited not positives...

GT-not geographically perfect, clearly 2nd to another school in state
Kansas-can it get out of the b12 gor?
Mizzu-was passed once, would it leave the sec and its new network coming?
ND-aau but whose asking....
Cuse-lost aau recently can it get it back?, private
UConn-not in aau its expected to be 2014/15, stadium size
BC-not aau, private
Pitt-play in a pro stadium, market covered, half private
Duke-private, market share vs other NC teams, behind UNC, football potential is questioned
-thats 11 realistic schools that can fit those 6 slots left, now the game begins. depending on who the confrence adds, the division will be settled.

Lets say that UNC/UVA/UConn/ND/BC/Cuse
-cuse vows to regain aau
-uconn gets aau and expands to 50-60k as expected both are in works
-nd joins up for fear no landing spot will ever be this good and the playoff future will **** them if they dont.
-bc bring bu as a academic member to the b10(chicago) and they join the confrence for puck also. HE just lost its 2 best teams and 2 biggest name add all together. Cuse joins Ind and a few others and adds puck down the road btw...college puck is forever changed. anyway now you have this. its hte best football confrence and both divisions more than hold there own, in bball its a mega round robin which i will explain why. in other sports its divisional or round robin based on amount of teams that play the sport. max in conf games for all other sports means more inventory and less competition from smaller leagues sucess as a growing competitor.


now back to tv, its safe to say if there was 1 b10 network then all the major markets and areas would carry it considering this lineup of 20 teams. nd trumps and east coast area on the fringe of getting the market cable boxes. bos, nyc, phila, dc are just 99% B1G all day every day among all the smaller markets. amazing what a flip happened. the east coast is locked up from NC north. how do you get 2 networks carried everywhere and cash in on that?

you make 1 the east and the other the west network. you base all inventory on who the home team is. if uconn is @ wisc for puck, its on the b10nwest channel. that simple, now uconn fans in ct want to see the game. when you do this for football and bball especially then you have something special. how would you get this in fball? you would have to play a cross over game. but remember i said were going to freeze out other confrences as much as possible and try to be the biggest and badest on the block. so with 9 in division games you play 1 cross over for 10 games. those cross overs can be major missed rivals or new ones. tosu-mich comes to mind among others. thats how you get the 2 tv channels on in the whole b10 footprint. in fball you will be left with 2 ooc games, the b10 will encourage/impose a rule for no fcs games and only bcs games i feel in the future. this will eventually turn into a 20 deal battle with the sec in week 1 every season. will be insane tv and $ wise let alone of the field, you know the sec and b10 will counter each other tv/contract/$ wise. thats leaves 1 game for each team to fill. mac teams mostly or other rivals will fit. psu-pitt, ucomm-umass, unc-duke. what ever floats the boat. in bball you play a 19 team round robin, home away rotates by year, you get 1 rival game(same as fball). that just seals the deal with the 2 tv channels. base don how many teams play a sport for all others you handle what has to be done schedule wise. the east and west winners will play in the confrence ship game at the higher ranked teams house(thats why alls tadiums must be 50k+). winner is a bcs playoff bid.

significant adds:
-bu for academics and puck
-wvu for soccer only

in 2017, the b1g tier 1 rights go up for sale, open bid war. fox has already said the open bid from them will be atleat $25mil. espn and fox will fight to the death for it.

now lets have more fun $ wise, lets remember the b1g network 1&2 are seperate $ wise from the actual b1g confrence. they pay the league for the content. so lets look at the c7 who will be adding to make a nice confrence and play hoops, there is rela potential here. b10N can tell them who to add to get to a huge confrence, try this on for size.
prov/shu/sju/gt/nova/bu/vcu/siena/david/quinn/school from buffalo/dep/marq/day/slu/ xav/but/drake/creigh/duq

that doubles down in the foorprint all ove. for tier 2 rights for bball games only they give the league a cool 1mil per team. they play friday night games and other winter hours w/e. its 4 on the networks to big balls and puck. it works. its a relationship with great advances for both sides. the b10 confrence makes sure both its netowroks ar esolid all over the foorptint and those sub fees are high now, not cheap. the bball league can have a schedule challeneg vs the b10 and so many other smaller things that are now friendly like a soccer game between duq and syracuse type bull ****.

that is the future of the b10. the sec will have no choice but to counter almost he same
sec+fsu/gt/clem/ncst/vt and 1 open slot. its miami, wvu or the left over texas team(maybe tcu). dont cry about markets and footprint, the b10 beat you to it somewhat. but you already made guge moves getting into texas, st louie and now norty cary and va. the filler schools are solid school and they help raise the network sub fees. now its a game of 2 networks vs 1 and ehat else can u do. the b10 is blazing thi trail and the sec is shaking, so much so that its forcing the 1st network channel down throats quickly. when u hear bama say something like we don't mind fsu, thats how u know the game is on. ppl bitch about florida and they are 100% wrong. florida can't block fsu, is the ****ing state really going to **** one of its schools when it can have both in good hands? jesus? remember va and vt? schools will use politics to help save each other but when one can advance more, they do it. remember when texas had a am and tech probelm? well its half that now hugh? fsu's market is 10 times more covered by bama then fl market share wise. lets go with wvu being the final piece to the puzzle, gets the secN's into pittsburgh and really pushes the b10 border lines which is now a serious culture war north vs south, fun times.

the pac and the b12 will get all warm and fuzzy. when that happens wvu will round of the sec at 20 and 1 of the 9 teams left will get ****ed for sure and possibly more. baylor, tcu, kst and iowastate will battle to live while teams like unr, bsu and byu among others will be #beggingharder. the pac will get to 20 and do the same **** as the other 2 confrences. you know have 3 of the 4 bids locked up. but i thought the bcs was going to 8 bids soon? it did, when the top 4 confs split the conf ship games for each became 1st round games for the 8 basically. it moves the playoff timeline up and the bowl systeam is now just 15 other bowls for above .500 teams. so the end result is you see about half the teams in this break away from the ncaa be post seaosn on a given year. better balance/reward. bowls are filler to the bcs playoff, both do well tv wise.

but who is that 4th conf? i couldn't tell ya, but i bet its a national one. duke, wake, pitt, b12 leftovers, mwc leftovers, more fl and texas schools, potentials, any great mac schools etc....

bring the noise and ring the bell. #B1GHARDER

Anyone who writes that much about uconn gets a like from just bc of sheer effort and passion...

i've also wondered what stops the B1G from going to 20 or even beyond. They could host a tournament in both basketball and football after they get past 20 teams (I'm thinking 30) by themselves that could rival the ncaa tourni or be a legitimate football playoff and then they as a conference will get to keep all the money (rival is a bit of anexaggeration but not by much after u get enough teams)
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction Score
Dan, if you didn't report the breakup of the big east on your fake twitter rant I'd think you knew someone or something...


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Clearly Devaney needs to be replaced by HFD as soon as possible. Dan clearly has a vision for the B1G that poor JD hasn't even conceived of yet.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction Score
Clearly Devaney needs to be replaced by HFD as soon as possible. Dan clearly has a vision for the B1G that poor JD hasn't even conceived of yet.

Because the B1G presidents would put him in concrete boots and drop him in lake Michigan if he ever came up with a crazy dilutive plan like that. Maximizing revenue is a delicate balance between covering markets, having quality product and perhaps most critically, capturing mind-share of your territory. Any conference addition automatically gets a slice of the pie, so they must enlarge the pie by an amount equal to their slice. This is the math of conference alignment. Some of it is guesswork.

Delany believes that UMD and RU, plus PSU and the alumni base he already has in NY, will help capture the DC-Philly-NY metro area as "Big Ten Country". That's his bet. But he can't do it as completely as he has in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. All these moves are partials now. Philly has schools in other conferences. He could have captured St. Louis with Missouri (since he has Ill), and 1/3 of Kansas City (and I think he regrets not doing it). Kansas gives him most of the rest of KC, and 2/3 of that state. He's got no stake in the ground in New England at all, but has isolated it, and knows it is split between BC, UConn, UMass, and a thousand smaller schools. UConn solidifies NY, but only gets him a little of New England. Upstate NY is also isolated.

He cannot capture any meaningful share of Georgia or North Carolina. Not really. I doubt he can really push the B1G brand into Virginia. There is too much historical resistance to it in the south. The SEC would clean his clock and he knows it, just from a cultural perspective. If UNC and UVA are leaving the ACC (I doubt it) they are going to the SEC.

Delany has no clear move right now. UConn-BC, UConn-Cuse, BC-Cuse, KU-KSU, KU-Mizzou, KU-OU. Those are his realistic moves and I think they all flunk the pie test.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction Score
Because the B1G presidents would put him in concrete boots and drop him in lake Michigan if he ever came up with a crazy dilutive plan like that. Maximizing revenue is a delicate balance between covering markets, having quality product and perhaps most critically, capturing mind-share of your territory. Any conference addition automatically gets a slice of the pie, so they must enlarge the pie by an amount equal to their slice. This is the math of conference alignment. Some of it is guesswork.

Delany has no clear move right now. UConn-BC, UConn-Cuse, BC-Cuse, KU-KSU, KU-Mizzou, KU-OU. Those are his realistic moves and I think they all flunk the pie test.

I completely agree with your assessment of product dilution. I'm not seeing the expansion to 20 teams as making sense (and I'm sure as hell not seeing an expansion to 30 teams, like one poster commented on!!). Delany isn't making Sherman's March, trying to cut off supply lines and all that. He is trying to carefully calculate how to build upon tv revenues and acquire complimentary markets to his league that strengthen the product.

This is where we disagree, though. Although I agree with you on some of the southern expansion as being a bit crazy for the B1G (i.e., Ga Tech), I don't see them having any problem at all with a school like Virginia. In fact, if I had to put somebody in the "pole position" (get your minds out of the gutter!), I would put Virginia at the one spot. Delany has already outlined why. The calculation of B1G alums in the I-95 corridor from Virginia to New England is quite large. And that means subscriptions to the B1GNetwork. And that means money.

I believe that UConn would be a nice fit to this, as I know and work with a great many B1G alums and I think that we can deliver not only the entire state but also surrounding regions and some additional penetration into NYC. Is it enough? Where are we on the pecking order? Who knows. But I know that we are at least valuable enough as to merit consideration...
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Because the B1G presidents would put him in concrete boots and drop him in lake Michigan if he ever came up with a crazy dilutive plan like that. Maximizing revenue is a delicate balance between covering markets, having quality product and perhaps most critically, capturing mind-share of your territory. Any conference addition automatically gets a slice of the pie, so they must enlarge the pie by an amount equal to their slice. This is the math of conference alignment. Some of it is guesswork.

Delany believes that UMD and RU, plus PSU and the alumni base he already has in NY, will help capture the DC-Philly-NY metro area as "Big Ten Country". That's his bet. But he can't do it as completely as he has in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. All these moves are partials now. Philly has schools in other conferences. He could have captured St. Louis with Missouri (since he has Ill), and 1/3 of Kansas City (and I think he regrets not doing it). Kansas gives him most of the rest of KC, and 2/3 of that state. He's got no stake in the ground in New England at all, but has isolated it, and knows it is split between BC, UConn, UMass, and a thousand smaller schools. UConn solidifies NY, but only gets him a little of New England. Upstate NY is also isolated.

He cannot capture any meaningful share of Georgia or North Carolina. Not really. I doubt he can really push the B1G brand into Virginia. There is too much historical resistance to it in the south. The SEC would clean his clock and he knows it, just from a cultural perspective. If UNC and UVA are leaving the ACC (I doubt it) they are going to the SEC.

Delany has no clear move right now. UConn-BC, UConn-Cuse, BC-Cuse, KU-KSU, KU-Mizzou, KU-OU. Those are his realistic moves and I think they all flunk the pie test.
actually, maximizing revenue is not that difficult, nor is it a delicate balance.
its managing the diminishing returns that is the balance.


Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
You did not just insinuate BU is joining the Big 10. I have a better chance of winning the lottery five times in a row than that happening, even with the AAU membership.

bu now fits acadeimially. when the b10 gets bc its because of market and nd. bc would be the only school/market where the b10 is now claiming land but it can't help the aau/cic research wise with connections/$/whatever else. so how do we also expand the reasearch side of boston to go with sports. you invite bu for academics. they bring the boston reasearch needed and u let them be a affiliate member for puck. now you have killed off HE. sound familiar? all the little schools eventually get split up form the big boys and die off after be good decades years ago? c7...b10 can kill off HE and help itself research wise in the process. thats clearly 100% a money move and it makes $ense for the b10 to do it. HE will die off and become a mid major puck league in time.

remember what uconn fans call bc? bcu. well that joke will be a bit diffeent soon as it won't come from the same idea as other fans use it for, but it will become a popular nickname for other fanbase soon. thats fir sure. together those 2 schools in puck alone plus bc and uconn sports will have 80% of new england with both networks. the parts that don't have bumfuck populations and we can care less about anyway up on the border.

how much does bu make from puck in the HE? they will make a lot more when they get 1%pay from the tv network lol.

HFD, you know I'm on the USS Connecticut, but you lost me when you said the B1G will add BU for academics/hockey and.....gulp....WVU for soccer! WVU for soccer??? I'm still not convinced that the B1G will go to 20 teams. Not at all. The problem there is simple dilution of both money and identity. But I do see them going to 16 almost certainly, and possibly even 18...

...still, I'm on a muthaf#$%in' boat!!!

wvu has good soccer. the b12 does not play soccer so they had to stick it in the mac. not the worst landing and they will be ok. but, wvu has the academics that make lville look like harvard cough i mean rutgers. anyway becuase of that wvu is always jealous and they are trying to become a big boy in the classroom but failing so far. the b10 is going to be just a monster in all smaller sports, but its going to lack depth in soccer as far as teams in general i think. invite wvu as a affiliate for soccer. no hurt in it and wvu would love to be playing psu/md/unc/uconn types in soccer vs ball/buff/ni. playing akron can be done ooc for wvu if they fell in love with that so much. this isn't a tv issue, just a logistics issue and it gives wvu a huge mental goal of where to be one day academics wise.

Dan, where did you hear that stadium expansion is in the works?

i didn't, but we better be pitching 60k expansion in 9 months type to the b10 otherwise i will lose my pronto.

Clearly Devaney needs to be replaced by HFD as soon as possible. Dan clearly has a vision for the B1G that poor JD hasn't even conceived of yet.

just take bc right out of my op right now....


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction Score
wvu has good soccer. the b12 does not play soccer so they had to stick it in the mac. not the worst landing and they will be ok. but, wvu has the academics that make lville look like harvard cough i mean rutgers. anyway becuase of that wvu is always jealous and they are trying to become a big boy in the classroom but failing so far. the b10 is going to be just a monster in all smaller sports, but its going to lack depth in soccer as far as teams in general i think. invite wvu as a affiliate for soccer. no hurt in it and wvu would love to be playing psu/md/unc/uconn types in soccer vs ball/buff/ni. playing akron can be done ooc for wvu if they fell in love with that so much. this isn't a tv issue, just a logistics issue and it gives wvu a huge mental goal of where to be one day academics wise.

So much to cover, so I'll do it in number fashion:

1) Large, powerful conferences do not make additions because there is "no hurt in it." They do so because there is money in it. WVU soccer does not bring money. WVU soccer will not be in the B1G.

2) The B1G has no need to add strong soccer, as they already contain a fair amount of strong soccer teams, including the one that just won the tourney (Indiana). Other teams from the B1G that made it to the tourney were Michigan, Michigan State, Northwestern, *Maryland, and *UConn (see what I just did there?).

3) The B1G has no need to add a partial member. If they had any thoughts whatsoever in adding a partial member, IMHO Notre Dame would not be going to the ACC right now. But the B1G don't play that. They don't need to. They are the richest conference in America...


Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
So much to cover, so I'll do it in number fashion:

1) Large, powerful conferences do not make additions because there is "no hurt in it." They do so because there is money in it. WVU soccer does not bring money. WVU soccer will not be in the B1G. im not adding wvu soccer becuase there is "no hurt" in it. i'm adding them becuase it helps logistics wise in several ways. there isn't $ to be made and its not the factor in this at all. its simply a need of the b10 to have another soccer teama and wu would be foolish not to have the brands the b10 has not on campus for soccer games. thats all.

2) The B1G has no need to add strong soccer, as they already contain a fair amount of strong soccer teams, including the one that just won the tourney (Indiana). Other teams from the B1G that made it to the tourney were Michigan, Michigan State, Northwestern, *Maryland, and *UConn (see what I just did there?). only 7 of the 12 teams right now play soccer. ruty and md do and so will all the others added in the future. that i have in the op. odd number. wvu makes it a nice even split.

3) The B1G has no need to add a partial member. If they had any thoughts whatsoever in adding a partial member, IMHO Notre Dame would not be going to the ACC right now. But the B1G don't play that. They don't need to. They are the richest conference in America...
nd other sports vs football and adding a schools soccer team are 2 completely different things. wvu will have no say in anything and will just be happy to stick that team in the league. nd other sports vs anything here isn't a fair way to go at this...

but yes, i'm crazy as lol to think wvu soccer to the b10. :D
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction Score
This is the most crazy idea ever and I freakin LOVE IT! With all the terrible news over the last few weeks I hang on HFD's every word and am just waiting for the ball to drop and all this realignment to be over. I have no doubt we will be in the B1G eventually.
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction Score
I'm with you Dan. I think ! keep up the good work.
President of the Phoenix AZ chapter of the HFD fanclub.

I would like to join as well. Another former husky here living in Phx, AZ


and why certain things are happening. look at the b10 on a map. now look where expansion is and will be going. The future is big confs who can carry all the teams, invertory, markets, fans land, claim everything possible and still be helf together under 1 name. thats going to be 3 or 4 big boys and several mid majors who will never get to group like that and make money due to have's and have not's lifestyle and riches.

the b10 will go to 20 teams, its just a time frame issue. what needs to be figured out is the split. what seems to be the big issue is that tosu is the lone loser(somewhat) in it all. but maybe they are okay with whats coming and we just don't know about it. maybe they agreed to it with the sense that they influence picks for the confrence. who knows. psu was never going anywhere, but always wanted a east coast league. well here it a coming. but why so B1G? the answer is different then the obvious invenotry and $ answers. a 20 team league allows the confrence to split into two 10 team divisions. get ready for this, a B1G West and a B1G East. with those comes something even better, a 2nd tv channel. B10N1 and B10N2. yup, double up the tv, gamechanger and i'm sure digital straming and all that jazz will be taken care of. the important part of the 2 tv stations is being able to have both carried, here is how.

expansion will happen and the schools picks will be the best for the longterm future of the confrence, not a good now but who knows later pick. they have to have certain metrics they either posess or can within the near future. aau comes to mind, market share, fanbase size, alum in certain places and other key stats. so lets split the B1G up and see where the possiblities are.

Neb/Iowa/Wisc/Minn/Ill/NW are for sure west schools
PSU/Ruty/MD are for sure east schools
lets put Mich/MSU out west also
tosu in the east and then take a look

-thats all tradition + Neb who while new fits everything about that group. with 8 teams we still have room for 2 more.
-this is the new blood and future of the confrence with 2 major traditional schools to carry the flag as the others grow into roles. plenty of room for expansion.

Ind and Purdue are both left off for now. we could slide both into the west or east or split them. it depends on what happens with expansion. canidates? issues only cited not positives...

GT-not geographically perfect, clearly 2nd to another school in state
Kansas-can it get out of the b12 gor?
Mizzu-was passed once, would it leave the sec and its new network coming?
ND-aau but whose asking....
Cuse-lost aau recently can it get it back?, private
UConn-not in aau its expected to be 2014/15, stadium size
BC-not aau, private
Pitt-play in a pro stadium, market covered, half private
Duke-private, market share vs other NC teams, behind UNC, football potential is questioned
-thats 11 realistic schools that can fit those 6 slots left, now the game begins. depending on who the confrence adds, the division will be settled.

Lets say that UNC/UVA/UConn/ND/BC/Cuse
-cuse vows to regain aau
-uconn gets aau and expands to 50-60k as expected both are in works
-nd joins up for fear no landing spot will ever be this good and the playoff future will **** them if they dont.
-bc bring bu as a academic member to the b10(chicago) and they join the confrence for puck also. HE just lost its 2 best teams and 2 biggest name add all together. Cuse joins Ind and a few others and adds puck down the road btw...college puck is forever changed. anyway now you have this. its hte best football confrence and both divisions more than hold there own, in bball its a mega round robin which i will explain why. in other sports its divisional or round robin based on amount of teams that play the sport. max in conf games for all other sports means more inventory and less competition from smaller leagues sucess as a growing competitor.


now back to tv, its safe to say if there was 1 b10 network then all the major markets and areas would carry it considering this lineup of 20 teams. nd trumps and east coast area on the fringe of getting the market cable boxes. bos, nyc, phila, dc are just 99% B1G all day every day among all the smaller markets. amazing what a flip happened. the east coast is locked up from NC north. how do you get 2 networks carried everywhere and cash in on that?

you make 1 the east and the other the west network. you base all inventory on who the home team is. if uconn is @ wisc for puck, its on the b10nwest channel. that simple, now uconn fans in ct want to see the game. when you do this for football and bball especially then you have something special. how would you get this in fball? you would have to play a cross over game. but remember i said were going to freeze out other confrences as much as possible and try to be the biggest and badest on the block. so with 9 in division games you play 1 cross over for 10 games. those cross overs can be major missed rivals or new ones. tosu-mich comes to mind among others. thats how you get the 2 tv channels on in the whole b10 footprint. in fball you will be left with 2 ooc games, the b10 will encourage/impose a rule for no fcs games and only bcs games i feel in the future. this will eventually turn into a 20 deal battle with the sec in week 1 every season. will be insane tv and $ wise let alone of the field, you know the sec and b10 will counter each other tv/contract/$ wise. thats leaves 1 game for each team to fill. mac teams mostly or other rivals will fit. psu-pitt, ucomm-umass, unc-duke. what ever floats the boat. in bball you play a 19 team round robin, home away rotates by year, you get 1 rival game(same as fball). that just seals the deal with the 2 tv channels. base don how many teams play a sport for all others you handle what has to be done schedule wise. the east and west winners will play in the confrence ship game at the higher ranked teams house(thats why alls tadiums must be 50k+). winner is a bcs playoff bid.

significant adds:
-bu for academics and puck
-wvu for soccer only

in 2017, the b1g tier 1 rights go up for sale, open bid war. fox has already said the open bid from them will be atleat $25mil. espn and fox will fight to the death for it.

now lets have more fun $ wise, lets remember the b1g network 1&2 are seperate $ wise from the actual b1g confrence. they pay the league for the content. so lets look at the c7 who will be adding to make a nice confrence and play hoops, there is rela potential here. b10N can tell them who to add to get to a huge confrence, try this on for size.
prov/shu/sju/gt/nova/bu/vcu/siena/david/quinn/school from buffalo/dep/marq/day/slu/ xav/but/drake/creigh/duq

that doubles down in the foorprint all ove. for tier 2 rights for bball games only they give the league a cool 1mil per team. they play friday night games and other winter hours w/e. its 4 on the networks to big balls and puck. it works. its a relationship with great advances for both sides. the b10 confrence makes sure both its netowroks ar esolid all over the foorptint and those sub fees are high now, not cheap. the bball league can have a schedule challeneg vs the b10 and so many other smaller things that are now friendly like a soccer game between duq and syracuse type bull ****.

that is the future of the b10. the sec will have no choice but to counter almost he same
sec+fsu/gt/clem/ncst/vt and 1 open slot. its miami, wvu or the left over texas team(maybe tcu). dont cry about markets and footprint, the b10 beat you to it somewhat. but you already made guge moves getting into texas, st louie and now norty cary and va. the filler schools are solid school and they help raise the network sub fees. now its a game of 2 networks vs 1 and ehat else can u do. the b10 is blazing thi trail and the sec is shaking, so much so that its forcing the 1st network channel down throats quickly. when u hear bama say something like we don't mind fsu, thats how u know the game is on. ppl bitch about florida and they are 100% wrong. florida can't block fsu, is the ****ing state really going to **** one of its schools when it can have both in good hands? jesus? remember va and vt? schools will use politics to help save each other but when one can advance more, they do it. remember when texas had a am and tech probelm? well its half that now hugh? fsu's market is 10 times more covered by bama then fl market share wise. lets go with wvu being the final piece to the puzzle, gets the secN's into pittsburgh and really pushes the b10 border lines which is now a serious culture war north vs south, fun times.

the pac and the b12 will get all warm and fuzzy. when that happens wvu will round of the sec at 20 and 1 of the 9 teams left will get ****ed for sure and possibly more. baylor, tcu, kst and iowastate will battle to live while teams like unr, bsu and byu among others will be #beggingharder. the pac will get to 20 and do the same **** as the other 2 confrences. you know have 3 of the 4 bids locked up. but i thought the bcs was going to 8 bids soon? it did, when the top 4 confs split the conf ship games for each became 1st round games for the 8 basically. it moves the playoff timeline up and the bowl systeam is now just 15 other bowls for above .500 teams. so the end result is you see about half the teams in this break away from the ncaa be post seaosn on a given year. better balance/reward. bowls are filler to the bcs playoff, both do well tv wise.

but who is that 4th conf? i couldn't tell ya, but i bet its a national one. duke, wake, pitt, b12 leftovers, mwc leftovers, more fl and texas schools, potentials, any great mac schools etc....

bring the noise and ring the bell. #B1GHARDER
man! How long did it take you to write that!? Your a nut HFD but I like it! Keep up the conspiracy theories, there the only things getting me through this.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
Reaction Score
actually, maximizing revenue is not that difficult, nor is it a delicate balance.
its managing the diminishing returns that is the balance.

That's what I am talking about. Maximizing net revenue per school. That's the goal.
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