For Those Who Think the NCAA is About the "Student-Athlete" | The Boneyard

For Those Who Think the NCAA is About the "Student-Athlete"

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I just read this article and it reminded me of the absolute pimps that NCAA coaches really are:


I have actually never understood the transfer rule, nor has anyone presented to me a good argument as to why it should ever exist. Students can transfer from one university to another, assuming they meet the requirements and are accepted. However, a student athlete cannot transfer and play for just any university he wants; he first has to get permission from his pimp.....I mean coach.

In related news, Coach Fuente has also barred the QB from transferring to all Division 1 and Division II football schools, and he may only transfer to Division III if it is not Mt. Union or Wisconsin-Whitewater. Ridiculous...
Aug 26, 2011
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Hard to understand what coaches are thinking making moves like this. The bad publicity that he receives from this story is sure to help him in recruiting future players to come to his school.
Aug 29, 2011
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With respect to D-3 I'm a little surprised that he can put any restrictions...I don't think the rules covering D-3 allow essence they say if you tranfer here and you're eligible and make the team, you can play. there are no waiting periods, even if you transfer from, say Amherst to Williams within the same conference. You can also play even if you're 50 and returning to school after a 30 year absence. So I suspect if he went to Mt Union they and he could tell the former coach to pound sand.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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With respect to D-3 I'm a little surprised that he can put any restrictions...I don't think the rules covering D-3 allow essence they say if you tranfer here and you're eligible and make the team, you can play. there are no waiting periods, even if you transfer from, say Amherst to Williams within the same conference. You can also play even if you're 50 and returning to school after a 30 year absence. So I suspect if he went to Mt Union they and he could tell the former coach to pound sand.

Oh, I'm sorry. That was my sarcasm getting the best of me. I hope that my post didn't make everyone think he can actually restrict 1-AA or anything below, because to the best of my knowledge, he can't. I just wanted to further illustrate how absolutely idiotic this process is. I should have been more clear about my trying to be funny.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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The "legitimate" reason for the transfer rule us to discourage/prevent schools from tampering/poaching players from other schools rosters. Presumably, if kids could jump ship more easily it would have a detrimental effect on their "education."

Determining how well it works or if it's necessary is beyond my cognitive abilities.

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Aug 29, 2011
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Oh, I'm sorry. That was my sarcasm getting the best of me. I hope that my post didn't make everyone think he can actually restrict 1-AA or anything below, because to the best of my knowledge, he can't. I just wanted to further illustrate how absolutely idiotic this process is. I should have been more clear about my trying to be funny.
My fault for responding BEFORE I read the article. Look, I can see the point of not being able to transfer within a conference, and even of the 1 season sit out rule. You don't want a power program, say USC in the PAC, gobbling up every freshman star wh happens to go to Arizona State and Cal. But beyond that I'm not sure the coach ought ot be able to dictate where someone transfers...
Aug 28, 2011
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not being able to transfer to a team on their schedule is standard operating procedure. as for the whole exclusion of both CUSA and BE, i think that has more to do with the complete uncertainty surrounding the conference move than the coach being an exceptional


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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My fault for responding BEFORE I read the article. Look, I can see the point of not being able to transfer within a conference, and even of the 1 season sit out rule. You don't want a power program, say USC in the PAC, gobbling up every freshman star wh happens to go to Arizona State and Cal. But beyond that I'm not sure the coach ought ot be able to dictate where someone transfers...

I've thought a lot about that line of reasoning. If the NCAA doesn't want one program to "stockpile" talent (or at least make them wait a year to do so), then they should restrict the amount of scholarships. In other words, why is it okay to stockpile 50 5-star recruits, so long as they have been with you since freshman year? There are much better ways to insure equity than that, if that is indeed the goal.

Secondly, the "in-conference" thing also doesn't make much sense to me either. You are often times in a conference with regional schools (with one obvious conference's exception), and so therefore, the teams in your conference are likely to be the institutions nearest where the recruit lives. To say, "You cannot attend that institute of learning over there because I don't want you to score a touchdown against me" is a horrible line of reasoning. So I am brought back to the same idea, yet again, that the NCAA has never been or will never be about the "student athlete"...
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