For Those who Care, Here's my Two Cents | The Boneyard

For Those who Care, Here's my Two Cents

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Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Just going to throw out a bunch of quick bullet points reviewing what I think was an impressive Huskies win.
-We very seriously overrated John Robertson's talents on the BY. He had a few big runs but seemed like more of a gimmick player to me than anything else. Rolled out to the right on 90% of plays looking to run, didn't have much of an arm. The majority of his completions were the result of DBs biting when he rolled out of the pocket. I was thoroughly unimpressed with him. Seems kind of paradoxical, but I think he was both the only thing that kept them in the game and seriously prevented them from winning. Lacked composure and decisiveness in the red zone, seemed hell bent on running the ball when it didn't make sense. Definitely not deserving of the Taysom Hill comparisons.
-Our sophomore class is incredibly Carrezola, Shirreffs, Myers, Johnson, Newsome, Fatukasi, Stapleton, Junior Joseph, Lucas all played inspiring games.
-Graham Stewart is a serious liability off the edge
-Shirreffs is a very good quarterback and showed great vision when he tucked and ran. Was also very difficult to take down, extended several plays after breaking tackles in the backfield. He took way too many hits for my liking, but really does run like a fullback taking linebackers head on with no fear. Plays much bigger than his body.
-Newsome can be one of the most explosive players in the conference. His receiving touchdown was incredible. Definitely one of the fastest players I've seen in a UConn uniform. Also was funny to see him run between the tackles and get lifted off the ground by Don Cherry in the 3rd quarter.
-O line pass protection was suspect. Better on run plays, but the pocket collapsed way too quickly on several pass plays. Luckily, Shirreffs evaded rushers well and kept the sacks at a minimum but that's not going to work against bigger and faster opponents.
-We have a tremendous defensive line. Campenni and Fatukasi (if he can avoid from throwing punches) are a force up the middle. Carrezola brings consistent pressure on the QB, Adeyemi's offseason weight gain seems to have helped him in stopping RBs at the LOS.
-Good offensive gameplan. OC called a good game. Would have liked to see more Newsome, but he did utilize Newsome well on the play action to Tommy Myers at the beginning of the 3rd. That was smart.
-Obviously, the end of the 1st half wasn't ideal, but I don't blame Diaco. The slow huddle and break to the line was head scratching but Shirreffs pass wasn't that bad to Myers in the flat. Just a tough mistake on Myers bobbling it. We should have had an easy 3 before half, but overall was nice to see far less turnovers and mental mistakes.
-15 yard penalty on Ron Johnson was ridiculous.
-Obi looked much improved. Had several big pass breakups in the red zone. He's got such a long body and could be huge for us.
-Andrew Adams will get his INTs.
-Pretty good CB play overall, though Robertson didn't really test them too much.

Big win! Go UConn.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
Reaction Score
Also, almost forgot the most important note...Diaco is a legend. In full Diaco kool aid mode. And screw UCF. Great job, George O'Leary. Must have really pumped your team up when you told the media you didn't feel like coaching them right before the first game of the year. Superior motivator. See you bums in the ConFLiCT.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Good post, I agree with much of what you said. Game could've gone either way and I'm shocked they didn't onsides kick, but glad we got a much needed win.
Sep 7, 2012
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Great post, I agree with everything. I did notice the TEs weren't catching passes from the QBs in warmups, I am wondering if they were, they would have had a better time catching the ball as both TEs bobbled a handful of passes during the game.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Good post, I agree with much of what you said. Game could've gone either way and I'm shocked they didn't onsides kick, but glad we got a much needed win.

Seriously. If I were a Nova fan I would be irate with that decision. Absolutely no sense. I guess that just goes to show how little faith they have in their kicker.
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