Football Tailgate - McAuliffe (2 things) | The Boneyard

Football Tailgate - McAuliffe (2 things)

Aug 26, 2011
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We are going to have a Tailgate this Saturday - a couple of old goats going to the USF game.

But ... my take - from a dozen or so opinions - was that WE had to collectively aim at something.

1. Kate McAuliffe and the McAuliffe family are in my mind. Needless to say ... it takes time to process this loss. We, collectively, feel this from a distance. Tom McAuliffe is the UConn Fan everyman. For us older fans (those who sat in games in the Old Fieldhouse and Memorial Stadium), his fandom years and his position as a "wise" voice amongst the kooky places him at the core of a very special era. One, with all passion, I hope UConn fans grab and think WE (as all stakeholders of the University and our Programs) will embrace and continue to grab for the "brass ring" - National Championships. And enjoy the journey as one of the most significant parts of our lives.

2. Tomorrow: I will place a Link to a funding page for a UConn Athletic Scholarship, with help from Jen Mathewson of the UConn Foundation. We will form a quick committee to decide how "THE BONEYARD" targets a scholarship. I will not lead this. We have three pledges in excess of $500 to start.

The McAuliffe family requested a game tailgate later in the schedule. I think Missouri is the obvious choice.

I would love to have someone design; market; sell ... a BONEYARD / McAuliffe T-shirt for $$$. (would someone volunteer?). There was talk about a Band after a game at the Aircraft Club lot - and that works if the timing is right. Food? Craft Beer? I guess I am saying we have time to pull together something meaningful by 10.28.17

Please seriously consider a donation.

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