Food for Thought... | The Boneyard

Food for Thought...

Aug 31, 2014
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I'm sure many here will disagree but I saw significant improvement on Defense today. After the first quarter you could clearly see a difference in how the secondary was reacting. They still have a lot of learning to do. But anyone who says they didn't see some serious improvement from the second quarter on must not have been watching the same game.

Will cuse have a shot at being ranked next week? If so that would mean Uconn's loses are to 3 top 25 teams who have very fast very high scoring offenses. That should bode well UConn's defense if they continue to grow based on what we saw today.

I also really liked what I saw out of Marvin. The future may not be that bleak ...the OLine needs to wake up. Dunn has some work to do IMO.
Aug 30, 2011
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I agree with you, the defense is improving. There is hope for more wins this season and certainly a lot of hope for future seasons. Dunn looks like a great hire, receivers open all over the field.
Aug 24, 2011
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Slight improvement. We forced some punts which is big for this young D but they still hung 50 on us. (How many times did their RB spring right up the gut for a long gainer?) Still, they fight hard and with every game they gain experience. This first month of our schedule is by far the toughest so we should have a better chance to be at least competitive the rest of the way and maybe get a few wins if all goes well.

Hope Pindell is OK - with his speed any injury to his legs are an issue. Marvin Washington made mistakes but had impressive moments. The future looks hopeful with him.

On to Cincy. I think we have a good shot at this one.
Feb 17, 2015
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Was going to start a separate thread about this and agree. And throw in a couple nice hits as well. They were outsized and a little slower but the gap closed a tiny bit by the end.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Agree on all of your points. The difference in the defense today is that they were more often in position to make a play, and they finished more of those plays. Still have a ton of work to do but despite the numbers, this was their best effort of the year. Young players are starting to make plays.

And the oline was rough. Tackles got mauled on speed rushes - not sure why we couldn’t use the RB to chip or help......but it would not have mattered.
Sep 17, 2011
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I'm sure many here will disagree but I saw significant improvement on Defense today. After the first quarter you could clearly see a difference in how the secondary was reacting. They still have a lot of learning to do. But anyone who says they didn't see some serious improvement from the second quarter on must not have been watching the same game.

Will cuse have a shot at being ranked next week? If so that would mean Uconn's loses are to 3 top 25 teams who have very fast very high scoring offenses. That should bode well UConn's defense if they continue to grow based on what we saw today.

I also really liked what I saw out of Marvin. The future may not be that bleak ...the OLine needs to wake up. Dunn has some work to do IMO.

Let’s root for 40 points and under next week! Then we can say we are on our way to being a really improved team. [sarcasm]. It’s sad to actually “appreciate” 51 points and a high school D. UConn football was on the rise once. Even PP put many defense guys in the NFL. But maybe next week we really play some D!

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