ESPN can't stop messing around with realignment | The Boneyard

ESPN can't stop messing around with realignment

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Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN continues to try and castrate the league for not accepting their offer.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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It has been painfully clear that ESPN is trying to crush the league, and by default, the flagship university of the very state where their headquarters resides. It is absolutely incredible that they are allowed to attempt to destroy the financial viability of academic institutions in order to increase their own value without the NCAA doing or saying anything about it (they are a company, and I get why they want to increase the value of their products / decrease the value of the competitors, but with the NCAA doing nothing about it???).

On a side note, I found this part of the "ND fellatio" funny:
"Say what you want about Notre Dame, the Irish -- even non-football sports -- are good box office. It wasn't a coincidence that ESPN's first GameDay visit at a women's basketball game was for a primetime matchup between Notre Dame and Connecticut."

Gee, do you think that UConn's women had anything to do with that matchup being primetime??


Aug 26, 2011
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It has been painfully clear that ESPN is trying to crush the league, and by default, the flagship university of the very state where their headquarters resides. It is absolutely incredible that they are allowed to attempt to destroy the financial viability of academic institutions in order to increase their own value without the NCAA doing or saying anything about it (they are a company, and I get why they want to increase the value of their products / decrease the value of the competitors, but with the NCAA doing nothing about it???).

On a side note, I found this part of the "ND fellatio" funny:
"Say what you want about Notre Dame, the Irish -- even non-football sports -- are good box office. It wasn't a coincidence that ESPN's first GameDay visit at a women's basketball game was for a primetime matchup between Notre Dame and Connecticut."

Gee, do you think that UConn's women had anything to do with that matchup being primetime??
I'm not even certain that was the first time gameday was broadcast from a women's game. Yeah, it's all about the Irish.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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It has been painfully clear that ESPN is trying to crush the league, and by default, the flagship university of the very state where their headquarters resides. It is absolutely incredible that they are allowed to attempt to destroy the financial viability of academic institutions in order to increase their own value without the NCAA doing or saying anything about it (they are a company, and I get why they want to increase the value of their products / decrease the value of the competitors, but with the NCAA doing nothing about it???).

Pass the foil, please.
Aug 26, 2011
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Pass the foil, please.

It isn't a crazy theory that ESPN would want to increase the value of the ACC which they are heavily invested in and diminish the value of the BE which they still have to bid on. It is common sense based on what we already know.

The question is, will espn pump up the NBE if they get the contract? Also, will they encourage the ACC to steal UConn if they don't get the BE contract?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Pass the foil, please.

Pass the foil?? Really?? So you think I'm the crazy one for thinking that ESPN is actively driving the bus on conference realignment, huh?

First of all, if I need to remind you about Mr. Gene DeFillippo, then you've been hiding under a rock for quite some time. Secondly, if you think that the networks are passive observers when there are millions at stake, then you are the rock! :confused:
May 7, 2012
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It isn't a crazy theory that ESPN would want to increase the value of the ACC which they are heavily invested in and diminish the value of the BE which they still have to bid on. It is common sense based on what we already know.

The question is, will espn pump up the NBE if they get the contract? Also, will they encourage the ACC to steal UConn if they don't get the BE contract?

The ACC is done with expansion for the foreseeable future. In adding Pitt and Syr the ACC added the only two schools in their geographical footprint that moved the needle on the TV contract.

With the bigger TV payout created by adding Pitt and Syr, the Orange Bowl deal, full participation in the new BCS playoff the ACC has no need to expand particularly to add any team that is worth less than any of their current members.

The only way the ACC expands any time soon is to add ND and if that happens the ACC would be looking for a 16th team. Based on the NYC TV market that team likely would be Rutgers.
Aug 26, 2011
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The ACC is done with expansion for the foreseeable future. In adding Pitt and Syr the ACC added the only two schools in their geographical footprint that moved the needle on the TV contract.

With the bigger TV payout created by adding Pitt and Syr, the Orange Bowl deal, full participation in the new BCS playoff the ACC has no need to expand particularly to add any team that is worth less than any of their current members.

The only way the ACC expands any time soon is to add ND and if that happens the ACC would be looking for a 16th team. Based on the NYC TV market that team likely would be Rutgers.

This is not true and you know it. Syracuse and Pitt did not move the needle more than UConn, WVU or Louisville per preliminary studies. We also know that UConn was a preferred choice but BC blocked it while WVU and Louisville had no shot due to academics.

The ACC should have added WVU and UConn. WVU for football strength and UConn for basketball and academics. They blew it, and while safe for now, passing on WVU will haunt the ACC. Adding two private schools in a state school run world was dumb and shortsighted. We will probably end up in the ACC at some point, but it will never be what it would have been with WVU in the conference.

The reality is Pitt and Syracuse were settled upon because the academic snobs wouldn't take WVU/UL and BC wouldn't allow UConn (straight from the horse's mouth).
Aug 24, 2011
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The ACC is done with expansion for the foreseeable future. In adding Pitt and Syr the ACC added the only two schools in their geographical footprint that moved the needle on the TV contract.

With the bigger TV payout created by adding Pitt and Syr, the Orange Bowl deal, full participation in the new BCS playoff the ACC has no need to expand particularly to add any team that is worth less than any of their current members.

The only way the ACC expands any time soon is to add ND and if that happens the ACC would be looking for a 16th team. Based on the NYC TV market that team likely would be Rutgers.

You must realize how petty and small you come across spending as much time as you do as a visitor on this board beating the same drum over and over. You seem to relish in the disappointment of others which shows a genuine lack of character.

Go cheer for a team. You might actually find out that being a college football fan is more fun than being a dick.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Go cheer for a team. You might actually find out that being a college football fan is more fun than being a dick.

Unfortunately, he may also find out that he's just better at being a dick. :eek:


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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You must realize how petty and small you come across spending as much time as you do as a visitor on this board beating the same drum over and over. You seem to relish in the disappointment of others which shows a genuine lack of character.

Go cheer for a team. You might actually find out that being a college football fan is more fun than being a dick.

Perhaps the best Troll response ever (or at least a close second to "Thank you for your interest in Connecticut basketball.")

At some point we should just ignore this guy, either by using the ignore button or just by exercising some restraint. I know were in the boring lull of summer for college sports fans, but we really ought to think more about Observer. He's all pasty white and mom's screaming at him to come out of his room. It would be nice for him to get outside now and again, which he wont do as long as we keep giving him attention.
Feb 10, 2012
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The ACC is done with expansion for the foreseeable future. In adding Pitt and Syr the ACC added the only two schools in their geographical footprint that moved the needle on the TV contract.

With the bigger TV payout created by adding Pitt and Syr, the Orange Bowl deal, full participation in the new BCS playoff the ACC has no need to expand particularly to add any team that is worth less than any of their current members.

The only way the ACC expands any time soon is to add ND and if that happens the ACC would be looking for a 16th team. Based on the NYC TV market that team likely would be Rutgers.
Explain again why you come to this board?
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