I know there are a bunch of people here who have an affinity for Randy because he got the program to a few bowl games a decade+ ago, and he put a number of kids in The NFL, however the truth is he barely had it then and he sure as hell doesn’t have it now.
He can’t effectively recruit, motivate, or make in game coaching adjustments. Other than that he’s aces. FSU looked like they were playing a different sport today. I scratch my head at those who feel he still needs time. Time to do what? Lose 45-7?
Go hire an upcoming FCS Coach or G5 Coordinator who runs an offensive system that allows scheme to overcompensate for talent deficiencies. Pile driving the RB into the middle of the line 200 times a game isn’t going to work with this program. Give him some resources to hire some assistants and see what he can do. What do you have to lose? Oh and BD was terrible but at least you could laugh at him and not feel bad about it. Randy...