Do recruits care about conf. realignment as much as fans? | The Boneyard

Do recruits care about conf. realignment as much as fans?

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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I think not. Let me explain.

I think a lot of the speculation behind conference realignment may be overblown by us as fans in relation to it's impact on our program and it's future success.

As a prospective recruit, I think that on their check list, conference realignment and future opponents is very low on their list on why they make a choice on a school.

When picking a school, we need to realize as recruits, the vast majority of these kids didn't grow up as UConn fans and the fact that we'll lose traditional games with Syracuse, Pitt, WVU doesn't bother them as much as it does us as fans.

It comes down to the personnel and coaching staff and the relationships they build with the players. And yes, how the playoff and the new TV deal pays out will go a long way in retaining those coaches, but again, I don't think recruits are analyzing tv contracts 15 years into the future when deciding on a college.

We have a proven successful head coach, nationally respected training facilities, a relatively new stadium, we have a beautiful campus and a top notch academic institution to offer and we are putting more players in the NFL ever year.

As a fan, it sucks we lose a lot of rivalries, but to a recruit at the end of the day, does it make a huge difference to them swapping Syracuse, Pitt, WVU with Boise State, Navy and Houston?

Ultimately, given a competitive pay out (obv. lower than the ACC's but same ballpark) from the tv deal/playoffs I think UConn can continue to recruit competitively going forward in the Northeast vs. Rutgers, Syracuse, BC, Maryland, Pitt, etc.

The goal going forward, as always, should be to win the Big East. I think going forward, we are poised to do just that.

( Sorry for the Carl-esque long post! )


Mar 30, 2012
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I think it matters now, while ESPN is claiming the NBE will be shut out from major bowls, championship playoffs, money, prestige opponents, and TV appearances -- all things top players want to be part of.

I agree with you that a good TV contract, national TV appearances on NBC, and a major bowl tie-in will take care of most of the recruiting concerns.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think it matters now, while ESPN is claiming the NBE will be shut out from major bowls, championship playoffs, money, prestige opponents, and TV appearances -- all things top players want to be part of.

I agree with you that a good TV contract, national TV appearances on NBC, and a major bowl tie-in will take care of most of the recruiting concerns.

This^^^^ Big recruits also want to play in big games and in front of a lot of fans. Conference is a factor.

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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I think both you guys make good overall points in terms of recruiting on a national scale.

We're simply never going to out recruit the Big10 or SEC, but keep in mind that our direct competition are the other programs in the Northeast.

The ACC right now, can offer a rotating spot (3/4 years? due to playoffs) for it's champion in the Orange Bowl vs. ND or a 3rd place Big10/SEC team as I understand it.

Also, if you're Syracuse/BC/Pitt you can offer playing likely playing 2/4 of VT, FSU, Miami or Clemson every year.

Is that better than what the Big East can offer right now? Yes, of course. However, our fate is yet to be determined.

I still think that as fans, while we may be consumed by the realignment drama, a recruit is choosing a program based on relationships, facilities, school and the prospect of getting into the NFL more than who is going to pop up on your schedule every couple of years.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I think both you guys make good overall points in terms of recruiting on a national scale.

We're simply never going to out recruit the Big10 or SEC, but keep in mind that our direct competition are the other programs in the Northeast.

The ACC right now, can offer a rotating spot (3/4 years? due to playoffs) for it's champion in the Orange Bowl vs. ND or a 3rd place Big10/SEC team as I understand it.

Also, if you're Syracuse/BC/Pitt you can offer playing likely playing 2/4 of VT, FSU, Miami or Clemson every year.

Is that better than what the Big East can offer right now? Yes, of course. However, our fate is yet to be determined.

I still think that as fans, while we may be consumed by the realignment drama, a recruit is choosing a program based on relationships, facilities, school and the prospect of getting into the NFL more than who is going to pop up on your schedule every couple of years.

I agree, but we can offer great facilities, a path to the NFL, playing time and (hopefully)national television exposure. We won't get the five stars, but we don't need to at this stage of our development. What we need, and are getting, is incremental improvement. The rest will come in time.
Aug 24, 2011
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Does conference affiliation matter in recruiting? Well, imo, certainly.

That said, I don't think it matters as much as folks might think. Our regional pairs namely Syracuse and BC probably think the recruiting game is over given current conference affiliations. I am absolutely confident it is not. Ultimately, you have to be successful on the field on a relatively consistant basis to recruit well. You have to win......otherwise you are something like Wash. St. or Indiana. Great conferences, but who gives a ?
Aug 24, 2011
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Yes. 18 year-old kids are fickle and easily persuaded by the arguments to be made in favor of the other conferences.
Sep 2, 2011
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I wonder what a typical recruit holding just MAC offers would do if a Big 10 offer came in?

Or what a typical recruit just holding WAC offers would do if a Pac 12 offer came in?

Or what a typical recruit holding just Sunbelt offers would do if an SEC offer came in?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Does conference affiliation matter in recruiting? Well, imo, certainly.

That said, I don't think it matters as much as folks might think. Our regional pairs namely Syracuse and BC probably think the recruiting game is over given current conference affiliations. I am absolutely confident it is not. Ultimately, you have to be successful on the field on a relatively consistant basis to recruit well. You have to win......otherwise you are something like Wash. St. or Indiana. Great conferences, but who gives a ?

I think going forward it will be the difference on a couple kids each year which depending on how good they turn out to be could make a big difference.

If a future Dave Teggart for example ends up at BC, does his replacement make those kicks against USF. Or does a future Donald Brown end up at Syracuse?

How the northeastern programs fare with local kids makes a huge difference.

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Sep 15, 2011
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No offense ConnHusk but of course they care. Switch your thinking for a minute to BB and ask yourself if being in the premiere BB helped BE teams recruit over the years. Location, location, location both geographic and conferemce wise are very important.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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According to the NCAA football games, conference prestige is important when you recruit players. The Big East gets a D for that in game haha.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I wonder what a typical recruit holding just MAC offers would do if a Big 10 offer came in?

Or what a typical recruit just holding WAC offers would do if a Pac 12 offer came in?

Or what a typical recruit holding just Sunbelt offers would do if an SEC offer came in?

No question about it in those three scenarios it matters. As it pertains specifically to us though, does it matter that much when deciding between the ACC and the BE (specifically our recruiting competition in the Northeast).

No offense ConnHusk but of course they care. Switch your thinking for a minute to BB and ask yourself if being in the premiere BB helped BE teams recruit over the years. Location, location, location both geographic and conferemce wise are very important.

Not arguing that it's a factor - but I think as fans we overplay the significance of it in how a recruit decides where they want to play. Above all else it's going to be the personal connections a recruit develops with the staff and how much of a personal fit it is with them. I think low on the list is who I may play every year or every other year.

I would argue that it wasn't so much conference affiliation as great coaching that made UConn, Syracuse, Georgetown, etc. elite, the conference affiliation was just a platform to showcase the programs.


Aug 24, 2011
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know what recruits care about?


Aug 24, 2011
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SMU so wishes that this was true!

thats why we will slowly rise in recruiting now with PP
-RE never cared about uniforms nike or nothing. he went down to MD and they told him straigh up to stfu and listen. he now learned clothes and matters and look. PP is not stupid, names on the unis etc, were getting there.
-uconn does just fine in the pus dept. only getting better.
-we need to work on friends as new england kids staying home. elite kids play together for elite summer teams and other .


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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thats why we will slowly rise in recruiting now with PP
-RE never cared about uniforms nike or nothing. he went down to MD and they told him straigh up to stfu and listen. he now learned clothes and **** matters and look. PP is not stupid, names on the unis etc, were getting there.
-uconn does just fine in the pus dept. only getting better.
-we need to work on friends as new england kids staying home. elite kids play together for elite summer teams and other ****.

The SEC and some ACC schools for all intents and purposes pimps their coeds out for recruiting. It's a good thing it doesn't happen here, but that is an area where UConn will never compete on a level playing field.
Aug 26, 2011
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The SEC and some ACC schools for all intents and purposes pimps their coeds out for recruiting. It's a good thing it doesn't happen here, but that is an area where UConn will never compete on a level playing field.

...But the northern girls with the way they kiss They keep their boyfriends warm at night
Sep 15, 2011
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No question about it in those three scenarios it matters. As it pertains specifically to us though, does it matter that much when deciding between the ACC and the BE (specifically our recruiting competition in the Northeast).

Not arguing that it's a factor - but I think as fans we overplay the significance of it in how a recruit decides where they want to play. Above all else it's going to be the personal connections a recruit develops with the staff and how much of a personal fit it is with them. I think low on the list is who I may play every year or every other year.

I would argue that it wasn't so much conference affiliation as great coaching that made UConn, Syracuse, Georgetown, etc. elite, the conference affiliation was just a platform to showcase the programs.
An elite program in a sport can recruit with anyone. For your average or below average in really matters. Heck , in BB, Kentucky has been able go head to head with anyone in the country inspite of the fact that they were in a conference that pays no attention to the sport until FB signing day is over. Unfortunately we are not an elite program in FB. Don't take this as a knock on PP or former HC but we need all the help we can get. Someday it may be different bu,t for a while, for UConn, I think it really will matter.
Sep 15, 2011
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...But the northern girls with the way they kiss They keep their boyfriends warm at night
Not only that but didn't someone here claim they are also more open to what one would call "alternative sexual practices"?
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