Diaco's Recruiting Focus | The Boneyard

Diaco's Recruiting Focus

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Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Nice work by Des getting some solid info regarding HCBD recruiting.


"We were looking at guys that had high grades, high character and had big bodies," Diaco said Monday. "I'm really pleased with how it went, how the first month went. It was very challenging to sort out who was in and what becomes very challenging is who to add based on what the team looks like. You want to build based on what the team looks like in correlation with what your systems are, so I went off what our systems are and the brief interaction with strength and conditioning as it relates to tangible size."

"We're going to go Boston to Buffalo through Syracuse, Rochester," he said. "We're going to go down from Boston through Connecticut and out through the tip of Long Island. We're going to hit all the boroughs of New York because New York's football is really improving. It's really a great spot to go and kind of underrecruited frankly, down to Baltimore over to D.C., touch Northern Virginia and then go up to eastern Pennsylvania, slightly west of Philadelphia, then snap a line from there right up through New York State. That is going to be our main recruiting area. "

After all of that, Diaco did more research.

"Direct flights from major metro cities that have multiple flights per day to Bradley International from major metro cities that also have American Athletic Conference cache," Diaco said. "We're going to drop into the metro cities."

Those cities include Dallas, Cincinnati and Charlotte, N.C.
Sep 21, 2011
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I'd like to thank Warde again for hiring Diaco.

As Lemming said, very impressive what he has done in a month's time. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he and his recruiting men can pull off for his first full class.
And while we joke around about it, nice to see HS coaches in the state liking their first taste of Diaco Fever.
Aug 30, 2011
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"We were looking at guys that had high grades, high character and had big bodies," Diaco said Monday.

High grades stands out here. Maybe Jimmy's beef isn't with admissions. The new boss from Notre Dame seems to be putting added emphasis on this. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is somewhat new. I think we may have seen the end of Milford academy grey shirts.
Sep 5, 2011
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WOW! Just WOW !!

It may take a little while to see the other side of the equation (results on the field), but I love his "equation" (recruiting goals).


Bill Sussman

My Name isn't really Bill
Nov 21, 2011
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metsfan2323 said:
High grades stands out here. Maybe Jimmy's beef isn't with admissions. The new boss from Notre Dame seems to be putting added emphasis on this. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is somewhat new. I think we may have seen the end of Milford academy grey shirts.

Sometimes you take your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. You can sell academic standards to parents and to kids. It limits your pool of talent but it can become a strength.
Sep 22, 2011
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He got this from Brian Kelly. That is what Kelly said he is looking for in recruits at ND.
Aug 26, 2011
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Clear philosophy, clear goals, organized and strategic. And zero doubts. I like that he's tuning this plan with a recognition of our league and our location to maximize recruiting efficiency and make us stand out from the competition. I'm sure everybody gives lip service to this stuff but he just does it a little more convincingly.

Limbo Land

Pounding Down the Doors!
Jan 8, 2013
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High grades stands out here. Maybe Jimmy's beef isn't with admissions. The new boss from Notre Dame seems to be putting added emphasis on this. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is somewhat new. I think we may have seen the end of Milford academy grey shirts.

I keep going back to what Warde Manuel and Herbst have said in the past about what they want to have this university look like nationally. I think we are going the way of trying to look like a Stanford then (insert bland university here). I know that we can get the smart and athletic student to come here now that we have the right coach.
Oct 6, 2013
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High grades stands out here. Maybe Jimmy's beef isn't with admissions. The new boss from Notre Dame seems to be putting added emphasis on this. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it is somewhat new. I think we may have seen the end of Milford academy grey shirts.

On a very positive note, by qualifying his pool, somewhat, looking for 16 to 24 player/student/athletes in a population base of approximately 90,000,000 people,:
1) he smartly limits his difficulties with ACADEMICALLY challenged student applicants attempting to get through admissions.
2)looks for a higher caliber of CHARACTER lim,iting the potetial for off the field problems...
so that efforts can be expended on winning!!!
...and he addresses the non-football off field stuff thru Coach Jones until he needs to step in-very, very smart....

But he doesn't limit his downside that if the highly touted 4-5 star comes along, he will identify the potential shortcomings early eneough in the process so as to eliminate any potential failures....
VERY SMART MAN who has confidence in his own abilities.
Aug 29, 2011
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I have to believe that despite all this Diaco has at least a couple of "free passes" with Admissions. Pretty much every school from Alabama to Wesleyan does that to some extent or other. It is also a bit worrisome that we're in a league with a few places that will accept you if you fill out the form correctly and at least one that doesn't require it be correct. Still, I think his approach is sound and his energy is going to land us the right guys.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have to believe that despite all this Diaco has at least a couple of "free passes" with Admissions. Pretty much every school from Alabama to Wesleyan does that to some extent or other. It is also a bit worrisome that we're in a league with a few places that will accept you if you fill out the form correctly and at least one that doesn't require it be correct. Still, I think his approach is sound and his energy is going to land us the right guys.

What does it matter what Diaco does, the school allows him to do and what the feeble AAC teams do since its only a matter of time 'till UConn is back to 1AA where UConn football and basketball are destined. Not sure how, but must be at least partially on Ollie.
Dec 28, 2011
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I love how he doesn't speak objectively. He's not saying we hope to do, we would like to do that. Instead we WILL do this, or we WILL do that. Nice change of path. Brings energy to everything he does. Doesn't leave a stone un-turned and seems to have the right answer to every question. Without a doubt I think we as fans can expect more than 3 wins in 2014. The defense was very young last year. Sure there are questions marks on the OL, but there are questions at some positions every year. Looking forward to the upcoming season and season's with Diaco and staff in charge.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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...its only a matter of time 'till UConn is back to 1AA where UConn football and basketball are destined. Not sure how, but must be at least partially on Ollie.
Did someone pee in your cereal this morning? In a positive post about the man/men leading our football into the furutre you feel the need to channel your inner psychic and predict our demise and return to the lower echelon of college sports. I keep reading that there's always one guy and it looks like you're it.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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What does it matter what Diaco does, the school allows him to do and what the feeble AAC teams do since its only a matter of time 'till UConn is back to 1AA where UConn football and basketball are destined. Not sure how, but must be at least partially on Ollie.
I thought you were serious until I saw to whom you replied to. Might want to put a rolls eyes emoticon to avoid future confusion...


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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If I'm wrong I apologize. I don't know the players on the BY well enough to make the connection between your post and the one you quoted. I saw no sarcasm and read it as a Debbie Downer post.
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