Diaco and his future | The Boneyard

Diaco and his future

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Sep 19, 2011
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I know there is already a thread about Diaco so I apologize. I don't believe Diaco will take the Syracuse job regardless of whether Syracuse could pay him and extra 500k-1m a year but rather because he would have to start from scratch rebuilding another program and jeopardize his chances of becoming a coach at a big time program. UConn like any job in the AAC is a stepping stone job, so if Diaco get his 8-9 wins next year he is definitely gone. If you believe Diaco is the man to turn this program around like I do, The only way we possibly keep Diaco for a few more years is to renegotiate his contract, maybe increase his pay from 1.5-2m a year and let him know that we would be open to renegotiating again next year if he is successful. I realize he didn't have the success Herman had but Houston was smart and renegotiated Hermans contract making him the highest paid G5 coach and I believe that is the only reason Herman didn't leave-he is showing his loyalty to the school that gave him his chance and rewarded him before the end of the season.

A lot of people here will say let's wait till next year (it's only been one mildly successful season), but if we wait till next year and we win 8-9 games he will definitely leave for the first decent P5 offer. If we show him that we value him, maybe he will show us some loyalty and stay a few more years. He has done an excellent job recruiting, maybe not by the rankings but getting kids that fit the program and can be good football players (Dantonio won with mostly 2-3 star guys and is not getting 4-5 stars, not to compare the two programs but just saying) - and he has beat out some P5 schools like Northwestern and Wisconsin to name a few which is impressive to say the least. While I can accept the fact that UConn will probably never be a contender in today's college football landscape, I do believe we can be a solid program that makes it to bowl games consistently.
Aug 24, 2011
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Cuse AD to Cuse President and BOT - "I got Diaco for 2.5 mil a year. He went 6-6 this season in the AAC!"

Cuse President and BOT to Cuse AD - "WTF!"

Cuse BOT to Cuse President - "Call your attorney, you hired an idiot for an AD. Maybe you can teach a class at one of the SUNYs someday"
Aug 28, 2011
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If we win 10 games next year and he gets offers galore to coach elsewhere..that's understandable... but, I'm hoping he's not that one and done type dude... using us a stepping stone for anything but his dream job. He should be here to build something for himself. He has the opportunity here to make that happen. Hopefully he can put and keep UCONN on the FBS map and make us a program that the entire country recognizes and respects, to the point where we'll end up in a P5 conference and not be bottome feeders like some programs we all know ( Vandy, Indiana, and currently RU, MD)


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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SportsArt. Tolerant as usual.
Sep 19, 2011
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If we win 10 games next year and he gets offers galore to coach elsewhere..that's understandable... but, I'm hoping he's not that one and done type dude... using us a stepping stone for anything but his dream job. He should be here to build something for himself. He has the opportunity here to make that happen. Hopefully he can put and keep UCONN on the FBS map and make us a program that the entire country recognizes and respects, to the point where we'll end up in a P5 conference and not be bottome feeders like some programs we all know ( Vandy, Indiana, and currently RU, MD)
I'd love to see Diaco stay, but this is just a springboard for him to advance his career. Unfortunately we are caught in a vicious cycle-we can't fill the stadium on a consistent basis (even though it's a small stadium). The fans will say it's cause we aren't winning, but in order for us to even have a glimmer of hope of getting into a P5 we have to consistently fill the stadium and hope the administration will expand the stadium to 55-60k because teams from P5 conference aren't gonna want to play us cause the size of our stadium (we split the gate with the opponents I believe). On top of that, the BIG 10 won't consider inviting us until we become a member of the AAU (and prove that we can win, fill our stadium and show we have a large fan presence in the NY/New England regions) and we won't get an invite from the ACC cause BC and Florida State appear to be blocking us, and the Big 12 and Pac 12 make no sense geographically. I think we could be a great fit for the ACC however if we could turn the football program into a winning program and consistently sell out games-cause it wouldn't hurt the ACC football wise much and possibly increase their northeast exposure and while football drives the college landscape it would form one hell of a basketball conference (probably the best basketball conference ever).
Unfortunately, until we can consistently win football games and sell out consistently we will have little hope of joining a P5. I believe Diaco is the man that can turn this program into a winning program and believe the administration should rebogotiate his contract now and bump his salary to $2m and let him know we are open to renogotaite again after next season. If we do that, we stand a chance that Diaco will reward us with some loyalty and stay for a few years until he is offered a HC job at a major college football school at which point he won't be able to turn it down. So come next season, please remember this when it comes time to buy season tickets and buy them if you can and show up to all the games cause we don't look like a very attractive school when our stadium is only 50-60% full.
Aug 27, 2011
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Cuse AD to Cuse President and BOT - "I got Diaco for 2.5 mil a year. He went 6-6 this season in the AAC!"

Cuse President and BOT to Cuse AD - "WTF!"

Cuse BOT to Cuse President - "Call your attorney, you hired an idiot for an AD. Maybe you can teach a class at one of the SUNYs someday"

Is that 2.5 offer before or after the Central NY cost of living bump?
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