Dan Hurley has officially signed a six-year, $50 million dollar contract extension. | The Boneyard

Dan Hurley has officially signed a six-year, $50 million dollar contract extension.

Aug 28, 2011
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Just heard the news on WEEI while flipping through stations, Zolak just called Hurley a fraud, haha what a toolbag. Said now they’re gonna have to cut the swimming team, didn’t know he cared so much about UConn.
Jan 6, 2015
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The 3 assistants getting all new contracts too, interested to see how much increase they all received.
The best coaching staff in college basketball. No question.

Per USA Today, Hurley's 8.33M average salary is now tied for the second highest in college basketball, behind Bill Self (9.6M) and tied w/ Calipari (8.33M w/ new contract at Arkansas).
Aug 17, 2011
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“The only thing that’s really changed is he’s got increases in guaranteed money, and some of the bonuses have gone down a little bit,” Benedict said. “The challenge is, what is the marketplace? … How do you recognize success monetarily based on the market as well as the fact that UConn isn’t earning the amount of money as [power conference members]? That makes it a little more challenging. We had a bunch of people step up and make commitments to help basically support and fund the additional increases for both Coach and the other programmatic investments.”

Benedict said UConn has developed a new fundraising arm known as the Dynasty Fund, which was the driver in being able to award Hurley with such a substantial raise. Increased financial commitments tied to the new contract, Benedict said, will be “100 percent funded by contributions. Over half the money has been raised through the Dynasty Fund. We’ve got other support coming from different areas. The rest of it will come from revenue directly tied to men’s basketball. If you look at the overall investment, programmatically, over a six-year period, it’s about an additional $20 million over six years. All of that money will be funded externally.”

Kudos to all donors who made this happen.
May 27, 2015
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Does that really matter? If an NBA team wants him they'll pay any reasonably-sized buyout as the cost of doing business.
It's presumably a way to get more money in UConn's pocket if/when he leaves for the NBA. But I think anyone expecting a huge buyout number for the NBA when we all know Hurley wants that option open wasn't living in reality

Hunt for 7

Built Hurley Strong
Dec 27, 2022
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And there you have it. For those people of a certain ilk money is not everything. Once you are making $5M plus per year it should always come down to the choice of doing something you love or doing something that is a grind. I was happy the day we hired him and I never wavered even through the rough start.

I knew he was the right guy for the job.

But even though I was happy, I will admit, I did not expect him to accomplish what he has. My hope was national relevancy again for the program.

He has taken it to a level we are not only are we relevant nationally and perhaps somewhat internationally, we are the perfect representation of what a CBB program should be in the current climate.

Much easier said than done. Being a we coach rather than and I coach is easy to say BUT VERY DIFFICULT TOO DO. Even Hurley caught himself going down that path but between him and Andrea it was avoided. Could we be in a better position culturally than we are? Rhetorical question in nature. WE ARE NOW THE STANDARD!
Apr 14, 2020
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DB did an excellent job of navigating a complex transaction with creativity and significant commits from the donor community. Dan was a man of his word and didn't add to the challenges by playing the system. Everyone wins.

Ride this wave to the beach and get some more hardware.
Jan 19, 2017
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“The only thing that’s really changed is he’s got increases in guaranteed money, and some of the bonuses have gone down a little bit,” Benedict said. “The challenge is, what is the marketplace? … How do you recognize success monetarily based on the market as well as the fact that UConn isn’t earning the amount of money as [power conference members]? That makes it a little more challenging. We had a bunch of people step up and make commitments to help basically support and fund the additional increases for both Coach and the other programmatic investments.”

Benedict said UConn has developed a new fundraising arm known as the Dynasty Fund, which was the driver in being able to award Hurley with such a substantial raise. Increased financial commitments tied to the new contract, Benedict said, will be “100 percent funded by contributions. Over half the money has been raised through the Dynasty Fund. We’ve got other support coming from different areas. The rest of it will come from revenue directly tied to men’s basketball. If you look at the overall investment, programmatically, over a six-year period, it’s about an additional $20 million over six years. All of that money will be funded externally.”

Kudos to all donors who made this happen.

These facts still won't stop the whiny grumpy CT chuckleheads from endlessly complaining about how the states' taxpayers "pay too much for our basketball coaches"
Aug 28, 2011
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Can't wait to see the Boneyard after a loss (hopefully never). You just know some knucklehead will have "advice" that Hurley needs to hear.
Jan 19, 2019
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Just heard the news on WEEI while flipping through stations, Zolak just called Hurley a fraud, haha what a toolbag. Said now they’re gonna have to cut the swimming team, didn’t know he cared so much about UConn.
These facts still won't stop the whiny grumpy CT chuckleheads from endlessly complaining about how the states' taxpayers "pay too much for our basketball coaches"

I don’t know who Zolak is and I doubt he new all of the specifics of the contract but whenever I hear people question why someone in athletics makes more than a state employee, elected official or whomever, I think of the famous quote by Babe Ruth when he was asked why he deserved to be paid more than the POTUS.

WHEN PEOPLE THINK OF President Herbert Hoover and baseball, many recall the famous story from 1930, when Babe Ruth signed a contract that paid him $80,000 a year. When Ruth was asked if he thought he deserved to be making more money than President Hoover, he said, "'Why not? I had a better year than he did."

Hurley earned and deserves this new contract.
Feb 24, 2022
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Just heard the news on WEEI while flipping through stations, Zolak just called Hurley a fraud, haha what a toolbag. Said now they’re gonna have to cut the swimming team, didn’t know he cared so much about UConn.
Who is Zolak and why should we care what he thinks..i.e. Rob Parker saying UCONN is not a BlueBlood......Haters gonna hate.

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