The life of football fans. Good stuff from the CU message boards

"My coping skills are in full activated mode.
bourbon, fine food, and a dawning realization that, no matter how ****ed CU is, it won’t be the end of the world. I will do my penance in the am via exercise and some degree of self doubt, but CU’s continued proclivity to step on its own swingin Richard with gross negligence and malfeasance is on them, not us.
the big 12 is a dog **** conference full of 3 day old fish left in the sun. The pac is as dead as a road kilt doe on the interstate. The sec is not something i want anything to to do with. The acc is a conference full of circle jerking east coasters who think there is no life outside the eastern time zone. And, the biig is a collection of sanctimonious pricks that think they are something they are not. It is culturally the best fit for CU because they share the arrogance and pinheaded provincialism that got us as ****ed as we are. Fate just dealt them a luckier hand.
die, fusker, die. I throw that in as a summation because they epitomize the concept of backing into a tropical paradise and then thinking they somehow earned it.
also, the very idea of ****ing Ohio state looking down on any pac school for academic reasons is comical.
**** this whole thing."
It said copyright and licensing on the contract. I said copyright and home title, clearly sarcastic. You tried to play it off like it wasn't copyright BC you didn't catch the sarcasm... fine with me Elon-Bezos-botnet 12 pack it is!!! The...